
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoSkanowanie portówRe: Skanowanie portów
  • Data: 2002-02-05 17:04:12
    Temat: Re: Skanowanie portów
    Od: Dariusz <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Cudny wrote:
    > W Polsce żaden sąd w chwili obecnej nie skaże Ciebie z powodu dokonania
    > skanowania, a w Stanach podobnie - przynajmniej żeby Ekspert się nie czepiał
    > w sprawach cywilnych.
    > Powód musiałby udowodnić że skanowałeś w celu popełnienie czynu
    > przestępnego.

    1999 Oregon Revised Statutes (see Computer Crime, Section

    (4) Any person who knowingly and without authorization uses, accesses,
    or attempts to access any computer, computer
    system, computer network, or any computer software, program,
    documentation or data contained in such computer, computer
    system or computer network, commits computer crime.

    DNSOnline, an ISP in Plymouth, IN,
    addresses scanning in their Acceptable Use Policy as follows:

    a. Port Scanning

    Port Scanning of any DNS computer will be considered a
    preliminary to a hacking attempt
    and is therefore expressly forbidden. DNS will immediately
    terminate the account of any
    Customer found to be port scanning the DNS system. A first-time
    offender will be allowed to
    reopen an account with DNS only after paying a reconnect fee of
    $50.00. Repeat offenders
    will not be allowed to reopen an account with DNS; moreover,
    their names and account status
    will be posted on a DNS web page for area residents and other
    ISPs to check.[1]
    Port scans

    Attempting to find vulnerable computers, malicious users methodically
    port scan IP addresses.
    It is likely that even dial up modem users get scanned several times a
    day if on for long periods
    of time.

    "A port scan is a series of messages sent by someone attempting to
    break into a computer to
    learn which computer network services, each associated with a
    "well-known" port number, the
    computer provides. Port scanning, a favorite approach of computer
    crackers, gives the
    assailant an idea where to probe for weaknesses. Essentially, a port
    scan consists of sending a
    message to each port, one at a time. The kind of response received
    indicates whether the port
    is used and can therefore be probed for weakness."
    ( )

    1) Any more, 9 out of 10 port scans represents a script kiddie that has
    taken over a machine and is using it to find another. As a network
    administrator, I most certainly want to know if people are seeing a
    under my control performing these scans. If you guys EVER see a port
    coming out of a network I own, please, please let me know.

    2) The activity in question has but one purpose, to find a computer to
    exploited. Semantic/legal arguments abound on this subject, but many of
    feel that intent to commit a crime constitutes a crime. In many
    unauthorized intrusions into a computer network represent a crime. If I
    someone repeatedly driving down my street looking for houses to rob,
    police tell me I should report it as suspcious activity. If I see
    hanging around a school yard in a trenchcoat in the middle of summer
    at the little girls (or boys) on the playground, I think I should
    report that too. Define, please, the difference. If the job of policing
    your network is too hard for you, perhaps you are understaffed or in
    wrong occupation.

    3) It's only part of being on the net if we allow it to become so. See
    for a comparison -- "Just hit delete" means that everyone with a herbal
    suppliment to sell gets to flood my mailbox with relative impunity.
    write it off as being part of the net" means that I can never be sure
    of my
    network's security. I will never accept that.

    4) My network is my (or my company's) property. Intrusions and
    attempts are tresspassing. I reserve the right to allow my dobermans to
    bark at people trespassing on my property.

    za chwile dodam uzupelnienie bo mi sie skasowalo.

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