
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoKupilem dzialke rekraacyjna... z dachem azbestowym ! Co robic ? › Re: Kupilem dzialke rekraacyjna... z dachem azbestowym ! Co robic ?
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    Subject: Re: Kupilem dzialke rekraacyjna... z dachem azbestowym ! Co robic ?
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    albert wrote:

    > a ja widz? ?e problem jest gdzie indziej
    > mówimy o dzia?ce z ALTAN? ile altana mo?e mieae powierzchni? /5 10 15 m2/

    Teraz pomnoz to przez grubosc (zakladam ze nie falista). Z tego zaloz ze

    1/10 uleci w powietrze przez najblizsze 20 lat w promieniu, powiedzmy
    100 metrow od krawedzi dachu.

    Nie wiem jakie sa polskie przepisy, ale w USA dopuszczalny standard wynosi:

    Permissible exposure limits (PELS).


    Time-weighted average limit (TWA). The employer shall ensure that
    no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of asbestos in
    excess of 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air as an eight (8) hour
    time-weighted average (TWA), as determined by the method prescribed in
    Appendix A to this section, or by an equivalent method.

    Czyli po polsku: 0,1 (ZERO-PRZECINEK-JEDEN) czastki abestu na jeden
    centymetr szescienny powietrza na 8 godzin.


    > wi?c nawet gdyby ten dach usuwaae to koszt niewielki


    Twierdzisz ze mozesz tanio usunac zapewniajac ze nie wyemitujesz do
    otoczenia wiecej niz zero przecinek jedna czastka na centrymetr
    szescienny przez 8 godzin? Dotyczy to powietrza najblizszych sasiadow

    A ja twierdze ze poprzedni wlasciciel musi usunac na wlasny, koszt, w
    sposob nie powodujacy zagrozenia dla otoczenia. A do tego zawiadomic
    sasiadow o niebezpieczenstwie przy usuwaniu.

    No i oczywiscie pozostaje kwestia

    > pajacowanie ?e si? zaraz umrze od tego to problem poradni zdrowia
    > psychicznego

    A ty przyglupie odszukac reportaz w Ekspresie Reporterow jak to ladnie
    wioska sobie radzila z azbestem z pobliskiej fabryki.

    > do niedawna by? to PRAWNIE dopuszczony materia? budowlany i to nawet w
    > budownicwie mieszkalnym.
    > i zapewne w tym czasie owa altana by?a postawiona wi?c w czym problem?

    W tym problem, ze to bylo wtedy. Teraz jest inaczej i nie zwalnia to od
    odpowiedzialnosci poprzedniego wlasciciela. Wiedzial i powinien byl
    przewidziec niebezpieczenstwo dla nowego wlasciciela. O sasiadach nie

    Pewnie czekal az zwierzeta sasiadow zmienia sie w kolor zielony:

    > problem zapewne jest tu ?e kupuj?cy ju? otrze 1/4 wia? z emocji zakupu
    > nieruchomo?ci
    > przy okazji od innych osób si? dowiedzia? jaki to "interes ?ycia" zrobi? i
    > teraz
    > szuka dziury w ca?ym aby si? z tego wywin?ae.

    Byc moze. I tak nie ma to nic do rzeczy o odpowiedzialnosci.

    > stawiam dolary przeciw orzechom ?e tak by?o.
    > X

    Nie stawiaj.

    Przy okazji, z dzisiejszej prasy:

    Japan Says 374 Deaths Linked to Asbestos Ailments (Update2)

    July 15 (Bloomberg) -- Asbestos contributed to the deaths of 374 people
    in Japan, the country's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said in
    a report providing the first official tally of industrial fatalities
    linked to the material.

    The findings are based on a survey of 89 companies using asbestos in
    building materials, the ministry said in the report today. In addition
    to the deaths, the ministry says 88 people are being treated for health
    problems linked to the substance, which the U.S. Environmental
    Protection Agency has linked to cancer.

    Company reports on deaths from illnesses linked to asbestos have become
    daily fare in Japan's media after Kubota Corp., the country's largest
    maker of farm machinery, said on June 30 that 79 people died of diseases
    that may have been caused by asbestos used at two of its plants. Public
    concern involves not only employees at factories that used the material
    but also the risks construction workers may face when they demolish
    buildings containing asbestos.

    ``We didn't realize the damage was this big,'' Kensuke Tomita, an
    official in the ministry's construction materials section, told
    reporters at a news conference in Tokyo today. ``Since 1989, we've been
    encouraging use of substitutes for asbestos.''

    Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral fiber, is used to strengthen
    building products and provide heat insulation and fire resistance.
    Embedded in lung tissue over time, asbestos fibers may cause diseases
    such as lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma.

    International Claims

    Claims by sufferers of asbestos-linked diseases have forced at least 77
    U.S. companies into bankruptcy, according to U.S. figures up to June 21.
    Dow Chemical Co., the largest U.S. chemical maker, said in February, it
    paid about $300 million to resolve 48,715 asbestos claims related to
    Union Carbide Corp., a company it acquired in 2001.

    ABB Ltd., which faced more than 135,000 U.S. asbestos claims, said in
    March it reached a new agreement to settle lawsuits that threatened the
    Swiss engineering company with bankruptcy. ABB will pay an extra $232
    million into a $1.3 billion fundü@to resolve claims against its ABB
    Lummus Global and Combustionü@Engineering Inc. unit.

    Asbestos was commonly used in Japanese houses built between 1970 and
    1990. The country's imports of the material peaked in 1974 at 350,000
    tons, Japan's health ministry said last week. Compensation Claims

    Use of asbestos will be completely banned in Japan by 2008, the
    government repeated earlier this month.

    Death Toll

    Japan's death toll announced by the economy and trade ministry today
    includes one family member and two neighbors of workers. The tally is as
    of July 13, the ministry said.

    Health risks from asbestos are highest when the fibers become airborne
    during renovation or demolition. About 98 percent of all asbestos
    brought into Japan was used in construction materials, the ministry said
    in a separate survey in 2002.

    Inhalation of asbestos dust is linked to lung cancer and mesothelioma, a
    form of cancer that attacks the chest cavity or lungs 20 to 40 years
    after exposure, Japan's health ministry says in a pamphlet it began
    distributing to building owners and managers last week.


    ``For 13 years, doctors were unable to tell what was wrong with my
    lungs,'' Kosuke Hanida, a 71-year-old former electrical engineer told
    Bloomberg News on the sidelines of the ministry press conference. ``Even
    now, I don't know when and where exactly I inhaled the toxic material.''

    After working as an engineer for more than 40 years at construction
    sites, Hanida was diagnosed with asbestos-related disease two years ago.

    Japanese companies reporting deaths among staff and former employees
    include Taiheiyo Cement Corp., Mitsubishi Materials Kenzai Corp. and
    Nichias Corp., which reported the largest number of death cases of 141.

    Mazda Motor Co., Hitachi Zosen Corp. and Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.
    said earlier this week that a total of 19 former employees have died
    from diseases caused by the inhalation of dust from asbestos used in
    their factories.

    Kyodo News reported earlier this week that the death toll from
    asbestos-linked diseases may be as high as 392 people.

    Government Probe

    An organization under Japan's health ministry said last week it is
    investigating the scope of asbestos-related illnesses, including
    contacting workers, former employees in related industries, and their

    Japan's refiners said this week they will conduct tests over four years
    on the use of graphite as an alternative to asbestos to improve safety
    in the industry. Asbestos is used as a sealing material between pipes.

    A substitute has not been found yet because of asbestos' heat- and
    acid-resistant properties, the economy and trade ministry's Tomita said.

    ``It's still impossible to estimate how much it will cost the
    industry,'' Ikuo Hamabayashi, a spokesman at the Petroleum Association
    of Japan in Tokyo told Bloomberg News earlier this week. ``We don't yet
    know the suitability of graphite.''

    To contact the reporter for this story:
    Hiroshi Suzuki in Tokyo at at

    Last Updated: July 15, 2005 05:32 EDT

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