
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustawRządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o udziale Republiki Bułgarii i Rumunii w Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym, podpisanej w Brukseli dnia 25 lipca 2007.

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o udziale Republiki Bułgarii i Rumunii w Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym, podpisanej w Brukseli dnia 25 lipca 2007.

projekt przewiduje włączenie Rumunii i Bułgarii, po wstąpieniu tych państw do Unii Europejskiej, do Porozumienia o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 149
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-01-09
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Umowy o udziale Republiki Bułgarii i Rumunii w Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym, podpisanej w Brukseli dnia 25 lipca 2007 r.
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-02-07
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 52, poz. 302



Priority Sectors

The Norwegian Cooperation Programme for Romania shall be available for bilateral cooperation
projects between eligible applicants from the Parties to promote social and economic development
in Romania within the following priority sectors:

reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including Joint Implementation projects under the
Kyoto Protocol, and other emissions in air and water;

energy efficiency and renewable energy;

facilitating sustainable production, including certification and verification;

– health.

Possible activities are, inter alia, innovation, human resource–development, networking,
capacity-building, technology transfer and research and development



Co-financing ceilings

The Norwegian contribution in the form of grants shall not exceed 60 % of the project cost except
for projects otherwise financed by central, regional or local government budget allocations, where
the contribution may not exceed 85 % of project cost. Community ceilings for co-financing shall
not be exceeded in any case. Contributions to non-governmental organisations and social partners
may be up to 90 % of project costs.



The Norwegian Cooperation Programme for Romania shall be managed by the Norwegian
Government or an entity appointed by it. The Management Entity shall consult with the Focal Point
to be appointed by the Government of Romania. The European Commission may screen the
projects 1.

Further provisions for the implementation of this Agreement will be issued by the Norwegian
Government as necessary.

The provisions laid down in the last sentence of Article 6, first paragraph, shall also apply as an
adjustment to Article 4(3) of the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European
Community on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2004-2009 (OJ L 130, 29.4.2004,
p. 81).


The management costs of the Norwegian Cooperation Programme shall be covered by the amount
referred to in Article 2.


Entry into force

This Agreement shall be ratified by the Kingdom of Norway and Romania according to their
national procedures. It shall enter into force thirty days after the date on which the last Party has
deposited its instrument of ratification with the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, but not
earlier than the entry into force of the Agreement on the Participation of the Republic of Bulgaria
and Romania in the European Economic Area, or as from the date of entry into force of an
agreement to apply the latter agreement provisionally.

Done in Brussels on………2007,



Letter from the Kingdom of Norway


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, which reads as follows:

"I have the honour to refer to the negotiations which have taken place between the European
Community and the Kingdom of Norway ("Norway") in the context of Romania becoming a
contracting party to the EEA Agreement and the establishment of a Cooperation Programme
for promoting economic growth and sustainable development in Romania.

The results of the negotiations are as follows:

A Cooperation Programme for promoting economic growth and sustainable
development in Romania through bilateral projects is to be established between Norway
and Romania, in accordance with a bilateral agreement between the two States. The text
of the bilateral agreement is annexed as an integral part of this Exchange of Letters.

For the purpose of the Programme, Norway shall make available a total amount of
EUR 48 million, for commitment in a single tranche in 2007. This amount shall be
made available from the date of entry into force of the Agreement on the Participation
of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in the European Economic Area or an
agreement to apply that Agreement provisionally, to 30 April 2009.

AF/EEE/BG/RO/en 10

This Exchange of Letters:

is to be ratified or approved by the European Community and Norway in
accordance with their respective procedures. The instruments of ratification or
approval are to be deposited with the General Secretariat of the Council of the
European Union.

It shall enter into force on the day following the deposit of the last instrument of
ratification or approval provided that the instruments of ratification or approval of
the following related agreements have been deposited as well:

Agreement on the Participation of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in
the European Economic Area;

Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European
Community and Norway concerning a Cooperation Programme for
Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Bulgaria;

(iii) Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic
Community and Iceland consequent on the accession of the Republic of
Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union; and
AF/EEE/BG/RO/en 11
strony : 1 ... 10 ... 20 ... 28 . [ 29 ] . 30 ... 33

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