
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoKonfiskata zlotych koronek z zebow
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2006-04-08 14:15:23
    Temat: Konfiskata zlotych koronek z zebow
    Od: joj <>

    W Usiech to probuja juz nasladowac magistra Ziobro. W Aushwitz to
    przynajmniej czekali az cialo ofiary bedzie zimne...

    Dla tych ktorzy nie znaja dobrze angielskiego wyjasniam, ze chodzi o
    takie ozdobne koronki popularne wrod murzynskich rapperow:


    Feds Try to Seize Gold From Suspects' Teeth

    Fri Apr 7, 2006

    TACOMA, Wash. - Talk about taking a bite out of crime.

    Government lawyers tried to confiscate the gold tooth caps known as
    "grills" from the mouths of two men facing drug charges, saying the
    dental work qualified as seizable assets. They had them in a vehicle
    headed to a dental clinic by the time defense attorneys persuaded a
    judge to halt the procedure.

    "I've been doing this for over 30 years and I have never heard of
    anything like this," said Richard J. Troberman, a past president of the
    Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. "It sounds like Nazi
    Germany when they were removing the gold teeth from the bodies, but at
    least then they waited until they were dead."

    Prosecutors had a warrant to seize the gold dental work, according to
    documents and lawyers involved in the case. But they eventually
    abandoned the effort, saying they mistakenly thought the grills were

    The customized tooth caps, popularized by rappers such as Nelly, are
    made of precious metals and jewels and can cost thousands of dollars for
    a full set. Some can be snapped onto the teeth, while others are
    permanently bonded to the teeth.

    Flenard T. Neal Jr. and Donald Jamar Lewis both have permanently bonded
    grills, their lawyers said.

    Neal and Lewis, both charged with several drug and weapon violations,
    were taken Tuesday from the Federal Detention Center to the U.S.
    marshal's office, where they were told the government had a warrant to
    seize the grills. They called their lawyers as they were about to be
    taken to a dentist, said Miriam Schwartz, Neal's public defender.

    A permanent stay of the seizure order was issued that day by U.S.
    Magistrate J. Kelley Arnold, court documents show.

    "Asset forfeiture is a fairly routine procedure, and our attorneys were
    under the impression that these snapped out like a retainer," said Emily
    Langlie, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office in Seattle.

    The defense lawyers criticized what they said was a clandestine attempt
    to have the grills removed.

    "It's shocking that this kind of action by the federal government could
    be sought and accomplished in secret, without anyone being notified,"
    said Zenon Peter Olbertz, who represents Lewis. "It reminds me of the
    secret detentions" in terrorist cases.

    Langlie and court clerks said seizure warrants are typically sealed to
    prevent defendants from trying to move or hide valuables and evidence.
    They become public with the filing of a return that shows what was seized.

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