
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustawRządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.

- wyrażenie przez Sejm zgody na dokonanie przez Prezydenta RP ratyfikacji ww. dokumentu;

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 180
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-01-22
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-03-12
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 62, poz. 386


classification and safe handling of chemicals;

– water

waste reduction, recycling and safe disposal, implementation of the Basel Convention when

the environmental impact of agriculture; soil erosion; chemical pollution;

the protection of forests;

the conservation of biodiversity, protected areas and sustainable use and management of
biological resources;

land-use planning, including construction and urban planning;

the use of economic and fiscal instruments;

global climate change;

environmental education and awareness;

implementation of the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a
transboundary context when signed.
CE/TJ/L/en 54

Forms of cooperation shall include:

planning for disasters and other emergency situations;

the exchange of information and experts, including information and experts dealing with the
transfer of clean technologies and the safe and environmentally sound use of biotechnologies;

– joint

approximation of laws towards Community standards;

cooperation at regional level, including cooperation within the framework of the European
Environment Agency, and at international level;

the development of strategies, particularly with regard to global and climatic issues and with a
view to achieving sustainable development;

environmental impact studies.

The Parties shall seek to develop their cooperation on questions of human health, in particular
through technical assistance on the prevention and combating of infectious diseases and the
protection of mothers and young children.
CE/TJ/L/en 55



The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation in the field of transport.

This cooperation shall, inter alia, aim at restructuring and modernising transport systems and
networks in the Republic of Tajikistan; developing and ensuring, where appropriate, compatibility
of transportation systems in the context of achieving a more global transport system; and identifying
and elaborating priority projects and seeking to attract investment for their implementation.

Cooperation shall include:

the modernisation of management and operations of road transport, railways and airports;

the modernisation and development of railways, waterways, roads, airport and air navigation
infrastructure and navigation aids, including the modernisation of major routes of common
interest and the trans-European links for the above modes, particularly those related to the
TRACECA project;

the promotion and development of multi-modal transport;

the promotion of joint research and development programmes;
CE/TJ/L/en 56

the preparation of the legislative and institutional framework for policy development and
implementation, including privatisation of the transport sector;

the simplification of procedures for all forms of transport in the region.


Electronic communications and postal services

Within their respective powers and competences the Parties shall expand and strengthen
cooperation aimed at:

establishing policies and guidelines for the development of the electronic communications
sector and postal services;

developing tariff policy and marketing principles for electronic communications and postal

transferring technology and know-how, particularly regarding European technical standards
and certification systems;

encouraging the development of projects for electronic communications and postal services
and attracting investment;
CE/TJ/L/en 57

enhancing the efficiency and quality of electronic communications and postal services, inter
alia through liberalisation of activities in sub-sectors;

promoting advanced application of electronic communications, notably in the area of
electronic funds transfer;

enhancing the management of, and optimising, electronic communications networks;

developing an appropriate regulatory basis for the provision of electronic communications and
postal services and for the use of the radio frequency spectrum;

enhancing training in the field of electronic communications and postal services for
operations in market conditions.


Financial services and fiscal institutions

Cooperation in the field of financial services shall in particular aim at facilitating the
involvement of the Republic of Tajikistan in universally recognised clearing systems. Technical
assistance shall focus on:

the development of a stock market and a securities market;
CE/TJ/L/en 58
strony : 1 ... 30 ... 38 . [ 39 ] . 40 ... 50 ... 53

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