
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustawRządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.

- wyrażenie przez Sejm zgody na dokonanie przez Prezydenta RP ratyfikacji ww. dokumentu;

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 180
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-01-22
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-03-12
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 62, poz. 386


hereinafter referred to as "the Community",

of the one part, and


of the other part,

CONSIDERING the links between the Community, its Member States and the Republic of Tajikistan
and the common values that they share,

RECOGNISING that the Community and the Republic of Tajikistan wish to strengthen these links
and to establish partnership and cooperation which would strengthen and widen the relations
established in the past in particular by the Agreement between the European Economic Community
and the European Atomic Energy Community and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Trade
and Commercial and Economic Cooperation, signed on 18 December 1989,

CONSIDERING the commitment of the Community and its Member States and of the Republic of
Tajikistan to strengthen the political and economic freedoms which constitute the very basis of the

RECOGNISING in that context that support of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the Republic of Tajikistan will contribute to the safeguarding of peace and stability in Central Asia,
CE/TJ/L/en 4

CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to promote international peace and security and the
peaceful settlement of disputes, and to cooperate to this end in the framework of the United Nations
and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),

CONSIDERING the firm commitment of the Community and its Member States and the Republic of
Tajikistan to the full implementation of all principles and provisions contained in the Final Act of the
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Concluding Documents of the
Madrid and Vienna Follow-Up Meetings, the Document of the CSCE Bonn Conference on Economic
Cooperation, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and the CSCE Helsinki Document 1992 "The
Challenges of Change", and other fundamental documents of the OSCE,

CONVINCED of the paramount importance of the rule of law and respect for human rights,
particularly those of persons belonging to minorities, the establishment of a multiparty system with
free and democratic elections and economic liberalisation aimed at setting up a market economy,

BELIEVING that full implementation of this Partnership and Cooperation Agreement will both
depend on and contribute to the continuation and accomplishment of political, economic and legal
reforms in the Republic of Tajikistan and the introduction of the factors necessary for cooperation,
notably in the light of the conclusions of the CSCE Bonn Conference,

DESIROUS of encouraging the process of internal reconciliation launched in the Republic of
Tajikistan following the Moscow peace agreements,
CE/TJ/L/en 5

DESIROUS of encouraging the process of regional cooperation in the areas covered by this
agreement with neighbouring countries in order to promote the prosperity and stability of the region,

DESIROUS of establishing and developing regular political dialogue on bilateral and international
issues of mutual interest,

RECOGNISING AND SUPPORTING the wish of the Republic of Tajikistan to establish close
cooperation with European institutions,

CONSIDERING the necessity of promoting investment in the Republic of Tajikistan, including in the
energy and water management sectors, confirming the importance attached by the Community, its
Member States and the Republic of Tajikistan to the European Energy Charter, and to the full
implementation of the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on energy efficiency
and related environmental aspects,

TAKING ACCOUNT of the Community's willingness to provide socioeconomic cooperation and
technical assistance as appropriate, including in the fight against poverty,

BEARING IN MIND the utility of the Agreement in favouring a gradual rapprochement between the
Republic of Tajikistan and a wider area of cooperation in Europe and neighbouring regions and its
progressive integration into the open international trading system,
CE/TJ/L/en 6

CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to liberalise trade, in conformity with World Trade
Organisation (WTO) rules, and that the Community welcomes the intention of the Republic of
Tajikistan to accede to WTO,

CONSCIOUS of the need to improve conditions affecting business and investment, and conditions in
areas such as establishment of companies, labour, provision of services and capital movements,

CONVINCED that this Agreement will create a new climate for economic relations between the
Parties and in particular for the development of trade and investment, which are essential to economic
restructuring and technological modernisation,

DESIROUS of establishing close cooperation in the area of environment protection taking into
account the interdependence existing between the Parties in this field,

RECOGNISING that cooperation for the prevention and control of illegal immigration, international
organised crime and drug trafficking and the fight against terrorism constitute primary objectives of
this Agreement,

DESIROUS of establishing cultural cooperation, cooperation in the field of education and improving
the flow of information,

CE/TJ/L/en 7


A Partnership is hereby established between the Community and its Member States of the one part,
and the Republic of Tajikistan, of the other part. The objectives of this partnership are:

to support the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan,

to support the Republic of Tajikistan's efforts to consolidate its democracy, to develop its
economy and social infrastructure and to achieve transition to a market economy,

to provide an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the Parties allowing
the development of close political relations,

to promote trade and investment, in particular in the energy and water sectors, and
harmonious economic relations between the Parties and so to foster their sustainable
economic development,

to provide a basis for legislative, economic, social, financial, civil scientific, industrial,
technological and cultural cooperation.
CE/TJ/L/en 8
strony : 1 ... 20 ... 28 . [ 29 ] . 30 ... 40 ... 53

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