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From: "Nex@pl" <"nex[wytnij_to]"@o2.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.soc.prawo
Subject: Re: Xbox360, problem banowania konsol a polskie realia...
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 02:05:34 +0100
Organization: TP - http://www.tp.pl/
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Wygląda na to, że i z tym sobie już ludzie radzą ;)
Dla nieklikatych:
*Last month, Microsoft announced that once banned Xbox 360 consoles
won't be usable again on Xbox LIVE. As per a few online reports, about
one million 'modded' Xbox 360 consoles have been banned from Xbox LIVE
service. That's a sizeable number and hence, console hackers have come
out with a potential fix to 'un-ban' those modded consoles. This means,
there's a chance to reconnect to Xbox LIVE with firmware 'hacks'.
Microsoft is banning all the modded consoles, the consoles that are
hacked for playing pirated copies of official games from Xbox LIVE
service. DailyTech posted details about the two fixes made public so far
to "un-ban" the Xbox 360 console. First is to download the "hacked"
iXtreme LT firmware that will bypass all security checks performed by
Microsoft when the console is connected online to Xbox LIVE.
So, this custom firmware will make the original firmware of banned Xbox
360 console appear as a legit firmware and continue playing pirated game
discs. This firmware is still in the developmental stage.
There's another fix which involves bit of hard work along with variety
of free tools, and other non-banned Xbox 360 console. Xbox Scene forum
user k0mpresd has posted the method to un-ban the modded Xbox 360
console at the forum. This tutorial looks simple but has several
pre-requisites to be met in order to revive the console for Xbox LIVE.
Microsoft may adopt as many restrictions to ban the modded Xbox 360
consoles, but the workarounds would be found come what may. Just like
Apple continues to play the cat and mouse game with iPhone OS hackers,
Microsoft will begin to do the same with Xbox 360 owners. Xbox 360
owners who are disgruntled with Red Ring of Death (hardware failure) and
Xbox LIVE are slowly moving towards using modded consoles.*
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