
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoKonsekwencje strzelaniny w Oxford High School (US) dla rodziców zabójcy.Re: Konsekwencje strzelaniny w Oxford High School (US) dla rodziców zabójcy.
  • Data: 2024-03-18 06:58:57
    Temat: Re: Konsekwencje strzelaniny w Oxford High School (US) dla rodziców zabójcy.
    Od: Marcin Debowski <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 2024-03-18, Shrek <> wrote:
    > W dniu 18.03.2024 o 01:56, Marcin Debowski pisze:
    >>> No chyba że na strzelnicy taktycznej - wtedy to godne, patriotyczne i
    >>> chwalebne;)
    >> Sam jak byłem zdaje się w wieku 9-13 to okazjonalnie strzelałem na
    >> strzelnicy z kbksu, więc podejrzewam, nie w tym problem :)
    > Ja też strzelałem, młody też pewnie będzie strzelał. Tylko się odnoszę
    > do niedawanie dziecku broni. Przecież z rysunkami czy bez może kogoś
    > zastrzelić na strzelnicy.
    > A ten ojciec to jak mu "udostępnił broń"?

    A 9mm SIG Sauer SP 2022 semi-automatic handgun and at least two 15-round
    magazines were recovered from Crumbley at the time of his arrest, while
    a third magazine was found at the school. Bouchard said James Crumbley
    had purchased the gun under his own name from a local gun shop on Black
    Friday, four days prior to the shooting. Prosecutor Karen McDonald later
    said that Ethan Crumbley was with his father at the time of the purchase
    and that he posted about it on social media later that day. McDonald
    also said that Jennifer Crumbley referred to the gun as Ethan's "new
    Christmas present" in a social media post.

    Wygląda, że akcja z rysunkiem miała miejsce juz po zakupie broni.

    Upon their arrival, Crumbley's parents were shown the drawing - which
    Crumbley had scribbled over by that point in an attempt to conceal its
    contents - and instructed to seek counseling for their son within 48
    hours; otherwise, the school would call child protective services. They
    "resisted the idea" of Crumbley leaving to go home at the time and did
    not inform school officials that they had recently purchased a gun for
    him. He was returned to class that same morning, as he had no prior
    disciplinary issues.[19][70] According to McDonald, at the time of that
    meeting, Crumbley had already placed the weapon he was to use in the
    shooting somewhere on the school grounds.


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