
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoEksperymenty na polskich dzieciach › Re: Eksperymenty na polskich dzieciach
  • Data: 2021-06-30 10:42:57
    Temat: Re: Eksperymenty na polskich dzieciach
    Od: Olin <k...@a...w.stopce> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dnia Wed, 30 Jun 2021 10:14:07 +0200, J.F napisał(a):

    >> A tu masz wzmiankowany artykuł:
    > Nie trzeba :-)
    > W jakim kraju testowali ... nie napisali.

    Rutynowo nawet nie kliknąłeś albo przeczytałeś nagłówek i dalej jedziesz po

    "Between July 27, 2020, and November 14, 2020, a total of 44,820 persons
    were screened, and 43,548 persons 16 years of age or older underwent
    randomization at 152 sites worldwide (United States, 130 sites; Argentina,
    1; Brazil, 2; South Africa, 4; Germany, 6; and Turkey, 9) in the phase 2/3
    portion of the trial. A total of 43,448 participants received injections:
    21,720 received BNT162b2 and 21,728 received placebo (Figure 1). At the
    data cut-off date of October 9, a total of 37,706 participants had a median
    of at least 2 months of safety data available after the second dose and
    contributed to the main safety data set. Among these 37,706 participants,
    49% were female, 83% were White, 9% were Black or African American, 28%
    were Hispanic or Latinx, 35% were obese (body mass index [the weight in
    kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters] of at least 30.0),
    and 21% had at least one coexisting condition. The median age was 52 years,
    and 42% of participants were older than 55 years of age "


    adres: grzegorz.tracz[NA]

    "Bóg stworzył człowieka, ponieważ rozczarował się małpą.
    Z dalszych eksperymentów zrezygnował."
    Mark Twain

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