
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoA w USA kobiety za poronienia skazująA w USA kobiety za poronienia skazują
  • Data: 2021-11-12 02:20:06
    Temat: A w USA kobiety za poronienia skazują
    Od: "A. Filip" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]
    > US women are being jailed for having miscarriages
    > ; 2021-11-12T00:40:00.000Z
    > When a 21-year-old Native American woman from Oklahoma was convicted
    > of manslaughter after having a miscarriage, people were outraged. But
    > she was not alone.
    > Brittney Poolaw was just about four months pregnant when she lost her
    > baby in the hospital in January 2020. [...]
    > When she arrived at hospital seeking treatment, Poolaw admitted to
    > using illicit drugs while pregnant.
    > Later, the medical examiner's report, obtained by the BBC, found
    > traces of methamphetamine in her unborn son's liver and brain.
    > The examiner did not determine a cause of death for the foetus, noting
    > genetic anomaly, placenta abruption or maternal methamphetamine use
    > could have been contributing factors.
    > Poolaw's lawyers say they will appeal her conviction. [...]
    > From 1973-2020, NAPW has recorded 1,600 such cases, with about 1,200
    > occurring in the last 15 years alone.
    > Although some involved women who were arrested for things such as
    > falling down, or giving birth at home, the vast majority involved
    > drugs, [...]

    Dla mnie *proste* dopuszczenie jako dowodu tego co się powiedziało
    lekarzowi to gwarancja że pacjenci będą "mijać się z prawdą" jeszcze

    A. Filip
    | Prawda jest jak wielka droga, dostępna dla każdego.
    | (Przysłowie chińskie)

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