
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustawRządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Porozumienia między Unią Europejską a Republiką Islandii oraz Królestwem Norwegii w sprawie stosowania niektórych postanowień Konwencji z dnia 29 maja 2000 roku o pomocy prawnej w sprawach karnych pomiędzy Państwami Członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej oraz Protokołu z 2001 roku do Konwencji, podpisanego w Brukseli dnia 19 grudnia 2003 roku

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Porozumienia między Unią Europejską a Republiką Islandii oraz Królestwem Norwegii w sprawie stosowania niektórych postanowień Konwencji z dnia 29 maja 2000 roku o pomocy prawnej w sprawach karnych pomiędzy Państwami Członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej oraz Protokołu z 2001 roku do Konwencji, podpisanego w Brukseli dnia 19 grudnia 2003 roku

- projekt dotyczy uproszczenia dotychczasowych mechanizmów wzajemnej pomocy prawnej, funkcjonujących w stosunkach z Republiką Islandii i Królestwem Norwegii, w stopniu wynikającym z postanowień Konwencji o pomocy prawnej w sprawach karnych pomiędzy Państwami UE oraz Protokołu do niej

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 575
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-05-27
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Porozumienia między Unią Europejską a Republiką Islandii oraz Królestwem Norwegii w sprawie stosowania niektórych postanowień Konwencji z dnia 29 maja 2000 roku o pomocy prawnej w sprawach karnych pomiędzy Państwami Członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej oraz Protokołu z 2001 roku do Konwencji, podpisanego w Brukseli dnia 19 grudnia 2003 roku
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-07-10
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 163, poz. 1010


1. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the completion of the procedures required to
express their consent to be bound to this Agreement.
2. When giving their notification under paragraph 1 or, if so provided, at any time thereafter,
Iceland and Norway may make any of the declarations provided for in Articles 9(6), 10(9), 14(4),
18(7) and 20(7) of the EU Mutual Assistance Convention and Article 9(2) of the EU Mutual
Assistance Protocol.
3. As far as the relevant provisions of the EU Mutual Assistance Convention are concerned, this
Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the day on which the
Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union establishes that all formal requirements
concerning the expression of the consent by or on behalf of the Parties to this Agreement have
been fulfilled, or on the date on which the EU Mutual Assistance Convention enters into force in
accordance with Article 27(3) thereof, if such date is later. As far as the relevant provisions of the
EU Mutual Assistance Convention are concerned, the entry into force of this Agreement creates
rights and obligations between Iceland and Norway and between Iceland, Norway and those EU
Member States in respect of which the EU Mutual Assistance Convention has entered into force.
4. As far as the relevant provisions of the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol are concerned, this
Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the day on which the
Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union establishes that all formal requirements
concerning the expression of the consent by or on behalf of the Parties to this Agreement have
been fulfilled, or on the date on which the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol enters into force in
accordance with Article 13(3) thereof, if such date is later. As far as the relevant provisions of the
EU Mutual Assistance Protocol are concerned, the entry into force of this Agreement creates rights
and obligations between Iceland and Norway and between Iceland, Norway and those EU Member
States in respect of which the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol has entered into force.
5. Subsequently, such rights and obligations shall come into being between Norway, Iceland and
other EU Member States as from the dates on which the EU Mutual Assistance Convention and/or
the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol enter into force for such other EU Member States.
6. This Agreement shall apply only to mutual assistance procedures initiated after the date on
which it creates rights and obligations by virtue of paragraphs 3 and 4.
Article 7
Accession by new Member States of the European Union to the EU Mutual Assistance Convention
and/or to the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol shall create rights and obligations under this
Agreement between those new Member States and Iceland and Norway.
Article 8
1. This Agreement may be terminated by the Contracting Parties. In the event of termination by
either Iceland or Norway, this Agreement shall remain in force between the European Union and
the State for which it has not been terminated.
2. Termination of this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 1 shall take effect six months after the
deposit of the notification of termination. Procedures for complying with requests for mutual legal
assistance still pending at that date shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of this
3. This Agreement shall be terminated in the event of termination of the Agreement of 18 May
1999 concluded by the Council of the European Union, the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom
of Norway on the latters' association with the application, implementation and development of the
Schengen acquis.
4. Termination of this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 3 shall take effect for the same Party or
Parties and on the same date as the termination of the Agreement of 18 May 1999 referred to in
paragraph 3.
Article 9
1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall act as the depository of this
2. The depository shall make public information on any notification made concerning this
Article 10
This Agreement shall be drawn up in one single copy in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish
languages, each text being equally authentic.
Hecho en Bruselas, el diecinueve de diciembre de dos mil tres./Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den
nittende december to tusind og tre./Geschehen zu Brüssel am neunzehnten Dezember

Β υ

υ ύ χ

α./Done at
Brussels, this nineteenth day of December, in the year two thousand and three./Fait à Bruxelles,
le dix-neuf décembre deux mille trois./Arna dhéanamh sa Bhruiséil ar an naoú lá déag de Nollaig
sa bhliain dhá mhíle is a trí./Fatto a Bruxelles, addì diciannove dicembre duemilatre./Gedaan te
Brussel, de negentiende december tweeduizenddrie./Feito em Bruxelas, em dezanove de
Dezembro de dois mil e três./Tehty Brysselissä yhdeksäntenätoista päivänä joulukuuta vuonna
kaksituhattakolme./Som skedde i Bryssel den nittonde december tjugohundratre./Gjört í Brussel
nítjánda dag desembermánaðar árið tvö Þúsund og Þrjú./Utferdiget i Brussel den 19. desember
Por la Unión Europea/For Den Europæiske Union/Für die Europäische Union/Γ α η υ

η/For the European Union/Pour l'Union européenne/Thar ceann an Aontais Eorpaigh/Per
l'Unione europea/Voor de Europese Unie/Pela União Europeia/Euroopan unionin puolesta/För
Europeiska unionen
>PIC FILE= "L_2004026EN.000701.TIF">
Fyrir hönd Lýðveldisins Íslands
>PIC FILE= "L_2004026EN.000702.TIF">
For Kongeriket Norge
>PIC FILE= "L_2004026EN.000703.TIF">
Application to Gibraltar
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as Member State responsible for
Gibraltar, including its external relations, confirms that this Agreement will take effect in the
territory upon extension of the 2000 EU Mutual Assistance Convention and the 2001 Protocol to
Gibraltar, which is contingent upon the 1959 Council of Europe Mutual Assistance Convention
having been extended to Gibraltar. At that time, the United Kingdom will designate a relevant
Gibraltarian authority as competent for the purposes of the Agreement. Any formal
communication with this authority will be conducted in accordance with the Agreed Arrangements
between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain relating to Gibraltar authorities in the
context of EU and EC instruments and related treaties, which were notified to the Member States
and institutions of the European Union on 19 April 2000. A copy of these Arrangements shall be
notified to the Republic of Iceland and Kingdom of Norway by the Secretary-General of the
Council of the European Union.
Declaration by the Contracting Parties to the Agreement between the European Union and the
Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the application of certain provisions of the
Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States
of the European Union and the 2001 Protocol thereto
The Contracting Parties agree to consult, as appropriate, when the Republic of Iceland or the
Kingdom of Norway or one of the Member States of the European Union considers that there is
occasion to do so, to enable the most effective use to be made of this Agreement, including with
a view to preventing any dispute regarding the practical implementation and interpretation of this
Agreement. This consultation shall be organised in the most convenient way, taking into account
the existing structures of cooperation.
Declaration by the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom or Norway
The Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway declare, in view of the provisions of the
Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters enabling direct contact
between judicial authorities, that their competent judicial authorities wish, where appropriate, to
make requisite enquiries through the contact points of the European Judicial Network, in order to
establish which judicial authority of a Member State of the European Union has the territorial
competence for initiating and executing requests for mutual assistance.

strony : 1 ... 7 . [ 8 ]

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Akty prawne

Rok NR Pozycja

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