Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Porozumienia o Międzynarodowym Programie Energetycznym, sporządzonego w Paryżu dnia 18 listopada 1974 r., ze zmianami z dnia 30 listopada 2007 r.
projekt dotyczy ratyfikacji Porozumienia, które tworzy podstawowe ramy prawne funkcjonowania mechanizmu wzajemnego wspierania się państw członkowskich w sytuacjach kryzysowych na rynku naftowym
- Kadencja sejmu: 6
- Nr druku: 429
- Data wpłynięcia: 2008-04-17
- Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
- tytuł: o ratyfikacji Porozumienia o Międzynarodowym Programie Energetycznym, sporządzonego w Paryżu dnia 18 listopada 1974 r., ze zmianami z dnia 30 listopada 2007 r.
- data uchwalenia: 2008-05-30
- adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 127, poz. 815
No Participating Country shall be entitled to obtain, through the General Section, any
information on the activities of a company operating within its jurisdiction which could not be
obtained by it from that company by application of its laws or through its institutions and customs if
that company were operating solely within its jurisdiction.
Article 28
Information provided on a “non-proprietary basis” means information which does not
constitute or relate to patents, trademarks, scientific or manufacturing processes or developments,
individual sales, tax returns, customer lists or geological and geophysical information, including maps.
Article 29
Within 60 days of the first day of the provisional application of this Agreement, and as
appropriate thereafter, the Standing Group on the Oil Market shall submit a report to the Management
Committee identifying the precise data within the list of subjects in Article 27, paragraph 1, which are
required for the efficient operation of the General Section, and specifying the procedures for obtaining
such data on a regular basis.
The Management Committee shall review the report and make proposals to the Governing
Board which, within 30 days of the submission of the report to the Management Committee, and
acting by majority, shall take the decisions necessary for the establishment and efficient operation of
the General Section.
Article 30
In preparing its reports under Article 29, the Standing Group on the Oil Market shall
- consult with oil companies to ensure that the System is compatible with industry
- identify specific problems and issues which are of concern to Participating Countries;
- identify specific data which are useful and necessary to resolve such problems and
- work out precise standards for the harmonization of the required information in order to
ensure comparability of the data;
- work out procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the information.
Article 31
The Standing Group on the Oil Market shall on a continuing basis review the operation of
the General Section.
In the event of changes in the conditions of the international oil market, the Standing
Group on the Oil Market shall report to the Management Committee. The Committee shall make
proposals on appropriate changes to the Governing Board which, acting by majority, shall decide on
such proposals.
Article 32
Under the Special Section of the Information System, the Participating Countries shall
make available to the Secretariat all information which is necessary to ensure the efficient operation of
emergency measures.
Each Participating Country shall take appropriate measures to ensure that all oil companies
operating within its jurisdiction make such information available to it as is necessary to enable it to
fulfil its obligations under paragraph 1 and under Article 33.
The Secretariat shall, on the basis of this information and other information available,
continuously survey the supply of oil to and the consumption of oil within the group and each
Participating Country.
Article 33
Under the Special Section, the Participating Countries shall, on a regular basis, make
available to the Secretariat information on the precise data identified in accordance with Article 34 on
the following subjects:
(a) Oil consumption and supply;
(b) Demand restraint measures;
(c) Levels of emergency reserves;
(d) Availability and utilisation of transportation facilities;
(e) Current and projected levels of international supply and demand;
(f) Other subjects, as decided by the Governing Board, acting in unanimity.
Article 34
Within 30 days of the first day of the provisional application of this Agreement, the
Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall submit a report to the Management Committee
identifying the precise data within the list of subjects in Article 33 which are required under the
Special Section to ensure the efficient operation of emergency measures and specifying the procedures
for obtaining such data on a regular basis, including accelerated procedures in times of emergency.
The Management Committee shall review the report and make proposals to the Governing
Board which, within 30 days of the submission of the report to the Management Committee, and
acting by majority, shall take the decisions necessary for the establishment and efficient operation of
the Special Section.
Article 35
In preparing its report under Article 34, the Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall:
- consult with oil companies to ensure that the System is compatible with industry
- work out precise standards for the harmonization of the required information in order to
ensure comparability of the data;
- work out procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the information.
Article 36
The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall on a continuing basis review the
operation of the Special Section and shall, as appropriate, report to the Management Committee. The
Committee shall make proposals on appropriate changes to the Governing Board, which, acting by
majority, shall decide on such proposals.
Article 37
1. The
Countries shall establish within the Agency a permanent framework for
consultation within which one or more Participating Countries may, in an appropriate manner, consult
with and request information from individual oil companies on all important aspects of the oil
industry, and within which the Participating Countries may share among themselves on a co-operative
basis the results of such consultations.
The framework for consultation shall be established under the auspices of the Standing
Group on the Oil Market.
Within 60 days of the first day of the provisional application of this Agreement, and as
appropriate thereafter, the Standing Group on the Oil Market, after consultation with oil companies,
shall submit a report to the Management Committee on the procedures for such consultations. The
Management Committee shall review the report and make proposals to the Governing Board, which,
within 30 days of the submission of the report to the Management Committee, and acting by majority,
shall decide on such procedures.
Article 38
The Standing Group on the Oil Market shall present a report to the Management
Committee on consultations held with any oil company within 30 days thereof.
The Management Committee shall consider the report and may make proposals on
appropriate co-operative action to the Governing Board, which shall decide on such proposals.
Article 39
The Standing Group on the Oil Market shall, on a continuing basis, evaluate the results of
the consultations with and the information collected from oil companies.
On the basis of these evaluations, the Standing Group may examine and assess the
international oil situation and the position of the oil industry and shall report to the Management
The Management Committee shall review such reports and make proposals on appropriate
co-operative action to the Governing Board, which shall decide on such proposals.
Article 40
The Standing Group on the Oil Market shall submit annually a general report to the
Management Committee on the functioning of the framework for consultation with oil companies.
Article 41
The Participating Countries are determined to reduce over the longer term their dependence
on imported oil for meeting their total energy requirements.
To this end, the Participating Countries will undertake national programs and promote the
adoption of co-operative programs, including, as appropriate, the sharing of means and efforts, while
concerning national policies, in the areas set out in Article 42.
Article 42
The Standing Group on Long Term Co-operation shall examine and report to the
Management Committee on co-operative action. The following areas shall in particular be considered:
(a) Conservation of energy, including co-operative programs on
exchange of national experiences and information on energy conservation;
ways and means for reducing the growth of energy consumption through conservation.
(b) Development of alternative sources of energy such as domestic oil, coal, natural gas,
nuclear energy and hydro-electric power, including co-operative programs on
exchange of information on such matters as resources, supply and demand, price and
ways and means for reducing the growth of consumption of imported oil through the
development of alternative sources of energy;
concrete projects, including jointly financed projects;
criteria, quality objectives and standards for environmental protection.
(c) Energy research and development, including as a matter of priority co-operative
programs on
coal technology;
solar energy;
radioactive waste management;
controlled thermonuclear fusion;
production of hydrogen from water;
nuclear safety;
waste heat utilisation;
conservation of energy;
municipal and industrial waste utilisation for energy conservation;
overall energy system analysis and general studies.
(d) Uranium enrichment, including co-operative programs
to monitor developments in natural and enriched uranium supply;
to facilitate development of natural uranium resources and enrichment services;
to encourage such consultations as may be required to deal with international issues
that may arise in relation to the expansion of enriched uranium supply;
to arrange for the requisite collection, analysis and dissemination of data related to the
planning of enrichment services.
In examining the areas of co-operative action, the Standing Group shall take due account of
ongoing activities elsewhere.