Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.
- wyrażenie przez Sejm zgody na dokonanie przez Prezydenta RP ratyfikacji ww. dokumentu;
- Kadencja sejmu: 6
- Nr druku: 180
- Data wpłynięcia: 2008-01-22
- Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
- tytuł: o ratyfikacji Umowy o partnerstwie i współpracy ustanawiającej partnerstwo między Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich Państwami Członkowskimi, z jednej strony, a Republiką Tadżykistanu, z drugiej strony, sporządzonej w Luksemburgu dnia 11 października 2004 r.
- data uchwalenia: 2008-03-12
- adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 62, poz. 386
The Community shall provide technical assistance to:
assist the Republic of Tajikistan in the process of economic reform by providing expert advice
and technical assistance;
encourage cooperation among economists in order to expedite the transfer of know-how for
the drafting of economic policies, and provide for wide dissemination of policy-relevant
improve the Republic of Tajikistan's capacity to formulate economic models.
The Parties shall cooperate on all questions relevant to the establishment or reinforcement of
democratic institutions, including those required in order to strengthen the rule of law, and the
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms according to international law and
OSCE principles.
CE/TJ/L/en 69
This cooperation shall take the form of technical assistance programmes intended to assist, inter
alia, in the drafting of relevant legislation and regulations; the implementation of such legislation;
the functioning of the judiciary; the role of the State in questions of justice; and the operation of the
electoral system. They shall include training where appropriate. The Parties shall encourage
contacts and exchanges between their national, regional and judicial authorities, parliamentarians,
and non-governmental organisations.
The Parties shall establish cooperation aimed at preventing illegal activities such as:
illegal activities in the sphere of economics, including corruption;
illegal transactions in various goods, including industrial waste, and illicit traffic of arms;
– counterfeiting.
CE/TJ/L/en 70
Cooperation in the above areas shall be based on mutual consultation and close interaction.
Technical and administrative assistance shall be provided, in such areas as:
drafting national legislation in the sphere of preventing illegal activities;
creating information centres;
increasing the efficiency of institutions engaged in preventing illegal activities;
training personnel and developing research infrastructure;
elaborating mutually acceptable measures to counter illegal activities.
Money laundering
The Parties agree on the necessity of making efforts and cooperating in order to prevent the
use of their financial systems for laundering the proceeds of criminal activities in general and drug
offences in particular.
Cooperation in this area shall include administrative and technical assistance with a view to
establishing standards against money laundering equivalent to those adopted by the Community and
international fora in this field, including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
CE/TJ/L/en 71
Fight against drugs
Within the framework of their respective powers and competences the Parties shall cooperate to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and measures to counter the illicit production,
supply and traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including the prevention of
diversion of precursor chemicals, and to promote drug demand prevention and reduction. As
regards the control of precursor chemicals and other essential substances used for the illicit
production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, this cooperation shall be based on the
standards adopted by the Community and the international authorities concerned, such as those of
the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF). Cooperation in this area shall be based on mutual
consultation and close coordination between the Parties on objectives and measures to be taken in
the various drug-related fields.
Cooperation on migration
The Parties reaffirm the importance, which they attach to a joint management of migration
flows between their territories. With a view to strengthening cooperation between them, they shall
establish a comprehensive dialogue on all migration-related issues, including illegal migration,
smuggling and trafficking in human beings, as well as the inclusion of the migration concerns in the
national strategies for economic and social development of the areas from which migrants originate.
CE/TJ/L/en 72
Cooperation shall be based on a specific needs assessment conducted in mutual consultation
between the Parties and be implemented in accordance with the relevant Community and national
legislation in force. It will, in particular, focus on:
the root causes of migration;
the development and implementation of national legislation and practices as regards
international protection, with a view to satisfying the provisions of the Geneva Convention of
1951 on the status of refugees and of the Protocol of 1967 and other relevant international
instruments, and to ensuring the respect of the principle of "non-refoulement";
the admission rules and rights and status of persons admitted, fair treatment and integration of
lawfully residing non-nationals, education and training and measures against racism and
the establishment of an effective and preventive policy against illegal immigration, smuggling
of migrants and trafficking in human beings including the issue of how to combat networks of
smugglers and traffickers and how to protect the victims of such trafficking;
the return, under humane and dignified conditions, of persons residing illegally including the
promotion of their voluntary return, and the readmission of such persons, in accordance with
paragraph 3;
the field of visas, on issues identified as being of mutual interest;
CE/TJ/L/en 73
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