1. Data: 2004-03-01 20:56:27
Temat: [spam OT] KIA akcja mailingowa
Od: "kii" <h...@g...pl>
Sluchajcie moze niech kazdy wysle email to
KIA ze jak wybiora slowacje to nie kupimy nigdy KIA
i tak bym nie kupil ;)
adres email:j...@k...co.kr
Tresc np :
Invest in Poland.
We are the biggest market in Cental Europe and we prefer to buy local cars
see Daewoo, and Fiat story in Poland.
If you choose Slovakia I will never ever buy your car.
Poland population 40million Slovakia 5million
our market is 8 times bigger - it is your choice....
If you invest in Poland I will take into consideration your car.
Best Regards