1. Data: 2020-11-17 19:33:28
Temat: Re: Jak molestuja amerykanscy 'skauci'
Od: "J.F." <j...@p...onet.pl>
Użytkownik "ąćęłńóśźż" napisał w wiadomości grup
>Boy Scouts of America
>Almost 100,000 make sexual abuse compensation claims:
Piorunujace ... ale ciekawe ile w tym prawdy - bo widmo odszkodowania
moze mocno wplywac ...
>Boy Scouts
>A wholesome US institution poisoned by predators:
Taaa ... a ostrzezenia sie zaczely w 1935 ..
Tylko ... to co, cala organizacja tak przesiaknieta pedofilami, ze sie
wzajemnie kryli ?
Chyba nie
"But critics say the organisation has been negligent in addressing a
culture of abuse, many pointing to more than 20,000 documents released
by a state court in 2012 - initially concealed by BSA - which name
more than 1,000 banned volunteers, and show that the Scouts had
identified and monitored known abusers, without consistently reporting
them to parents or the authorities. "
"Dbanie o dobro organizacji ?