
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoDG a oprogramowanie "domowe"Re: DG a oprogramowanie "domowe"
  • Data: 2007-11-21 18:39:22
    Temat: Re: DG a oprogramowanie "domowe"
    Od: (Piotr Dembiński) szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Marcin <m...@n...nospam> writes:


    > > większa ilość "błędów wieku dziecięcego".
    > >
    > Jakiego wieku dziecięcego?... OpenOffice jest rozwijany od wielu
    > lat. To dojrzały produkt.

    Cytat za Wikipedią (

    StarOffice was originally developed by the German company
    StarDivision in Lüneburg, founded by Marco Börries in 1984. They
    developed the first version of StarWriter for the Zilog Z80 home
    computer system, the Amstrad CPC (marketed by Schneider in Germany)
    under CP/M, and later for the Commodore 64 under Microsoft BASIC,
    which was later ported to the 8086-based Amstrad PC-1512, running
    under MS-DOS 3.2.


    Sun then went through an exercise similar to Netscape's relicensing
    of Mozilla, by releasing most of the StarOffice source code under a
    free/open source license. The resultant free/open source software
    codebase is developed as,



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