1. Data: 2021-08-26 02:38:09
Temat: Polityczne prześladowania/"prześladowania" prawników w USA [wybory 2020]
Od: "A. Filip" <a...@p...pl>
> Judge sanctions pro-Trump lawyers who brought 'frivolous' election fraud lawsuits
> ; Updated 0003 GMT (0803 HKT) August 26, 2021
> (CNN)A federal judge ordered sanctions Wednesday for Sidney Powell,
> Lin Wood and several other lawyers who worked on Trump-aligned
> lawsuits seeking to challenge the results of the 2020 election.
> US District Judge Linda Parker, of the Eastern District of Michigan,
> said the lawyers had "engaged in litigation practices" that were
> "abusive and, in turn, sanctionable." [...]
> Parker is ordering the lawyers to reimburse the attorneys' fees that
> the city of Detroit and Michigan state officials paid in seeking the
> sanctions. The lawyers must also take legal education classes, the
> judge said, and she is referring her decision to the Michigan Attorney
> Grievance Commission, and "the appropriate disciplinary authority for
> the jurisdiction(s) where each attorney is admitted," for potential
> disciplinary action. [...]
A. Filip
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