
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoPogwałcenie Praw Policjanta w USA użyciem jako powodu zwolnienia nagrania prywatnej rozmowy w radiowozie w godzinach pracy
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  • 1. Data: 2022-01-12 07:43:12
    Temat: Pogwałcenie Praw Policjanta w USA użyciem jako powodu zwolnienia nagrania prywatnej rozmowy w radiowozie w godzinach pracy
    Od: "A. Filip" <>
    > Los Angeles ; Published 22 hours ago ;
    > Court upholds firing of LAPD officers who played Pokémon Go during holdup
    > [...] The court ruled on Friday that the LAPD was justified in firing
    > Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell for misconduct in 2017, the Sacramento
    > Bee reported Monday.
    > [...] The officers claimed they hadn't heard the radio request for
    > backup but on the patrol car recordings, they were heard discussing
    > whether to respond and Lozano could be heard saying, "Ah, screw it,"
    > according to the court filings. [...]
    > The officers asked a court to overturn their firings, arguing among
    > other things that the recordings of their private conversations were
    > improperly used as evidence but the Superior Court judge denied their
    > petition. The appeals court upheld that decision. [...]

    A. Filip
    | Dobry taki gość, który zębów nie ma. (Przysłowie gruzińskie)

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