
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustawRządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Porozumienia o Międzynarodowym Programie Energetycznym, sporządzonego w Paryżu dnia 18 listopada 1974 r., ze zmianami z dnia 30 listopada 2007 r.

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Porozumienia o Międzynarodowym Programie Energetycznym, sporządzonego w Paryżu dnia 18 listopada 1974 r., ze zmianami z dnia 30 listopada 2007 r.

projekt dotyczy ratyfikacji Porozumienia, które tworzy podstawowe ramy prawne funkcjonowania mechanizmu wzajemnego wspierania się państw członkowskich w sytuacjach kryzysowych na rynku naftowym

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 429
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-04-17
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Porozumienia o Międzynarodowym Programie Energetycznym, sporządzonego w Paryżu dnia 18 listopada 1974 r., ze zmianami z dnia 30 listopada 2007 r.
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-05-30
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 127, poz. 815


Article 70
Any State may, at the time of signature, notification of consent to be bound in accordance
with Article 67, accession or at any later date, declare by notification addressed to the Government of
Belgium that this Agreement shall apply to all or any of the territories for whose international relations
it is responsible, or to any territories within its frontiers for whose oil supplies it is legally responsible.

Any declaration made pursuant to paragraph 1 may, in respect of any territory mentioned in
such declaration, be withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of Article 69, paragraph 2.

Article 71
This Agreement shall be open for accession by any Member of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development which is able and willing to meet the requirements of the
Program. The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall decide on any request for accession.

This Agreement shall enter into force for any State whose request for accession has been
granted on the tenth day following the deposit of its instrument of accession with the Government of
Belgium, or on the date of entry into force of the Agreement pursuant to Article 67, paragraph 2,
whichever is the later.

Accession may take place on a provisional basis under the conditions set out in Article 68,
subject to such time limits as the Governing Board, acting by majority, may fix for an acceding State
to deposit its notification of consent to be bound.

Article 72
This Agreement shall be open for accession by the European Communities.

This Agreement shall not in any way impede the further implementation of the treaties
establishing the European Communities.

Article 73
This Agreement may at any time be amended by the Governing Board, acting by
unanimity. Such amendment shall come into force in a manner determined by the Governing Board,
acting by unanimity and making provision for Participating Countries to comply with their respective
constitutional procedures.

Article 74
This Agreement shall be subject to a general review after 1st May, 1980.


Article 75
The Government of Belgium shall notify all Participating Countries of the deposit of each
notification of consent to be bound in accordance with Article 67, and of each instrument of accession,
of the entry into force of this Agreement or any amendment thereto, of any denunciation thereof, and
of any other declaration or notification received.

Article 76
The original of this Agreement, of which the English, French and German texts are equally
authentic, shall be deposited with the Government of Belgium, and a certified copy thereof shall be
furnished to each other Participating Country by the Government of Belgium.

Article 1
Total oil stocks are measured according to the OECD and EEC definitions, revised as

A. Stocks included:
crude oil, major products and unfinished oils held
in refinery tanks
in bulk terminals
in pipeline tankage
in barges
in intercoastal tankers
in oil tankers in port
in inland ship bunkers
in storage tank bottoms
in working stocks
by large consumers as required by law or otherwise controlled by Governments.

B. Stocks excluded:

(a) crude oil not yet produced

(b) crude oil, major products and unfinished oils held
in pipelines
in rail tank cars
in truck tank cars
in seagoing ships’ bunkers
in service stations and retail stores
by other consumers
in tankers at sea
as military stocks.

That portion of oil stocks which can be credited toward each Participating Country’s
emergency reserve commitment is its total oil stocks under the above definition minus those stocks
which can be technically determined as being absolutely unavailable in even the most severe
emergency. The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall examine this concept and report on
criteria for the measurement of absolutely unavailable stocks.

Until a decision has been taken on this matter, each Participating Country shall subtract
10 per cent from its total stocks in measuring its emergency reserves.

The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall examine and report to the Management
Committee on:
(a) the modalities of including naphtha for uses other than motor and aviation gasoline in
the consumption against which stocks are measured,
(b) the possibility of creating common rules for the treatment of marine bunkers in an
emergency, and of including marine bunkers in the consumption against which stocks
are measured,
(c) the possibility of creating common rules concerning demand restraint for aviation
(d) the possibility of crediting towards emergency reserve commitments some portion of
oil at sea at the time of activation of emergency measures,
(e) the possibility of increasing supplies available in an emergency through savings in the
distribution system.

Article 2
Fuel switching capacity is defined as normal oil consumption that may be replaced by other
fuels in an emergency, provided that this capacity is subject to government control in an emergency,
can be brought into operation within one month, and that secure supplies of the alternative fuel are
available for use.

The supply of alternative fuel shall be expressed in terms of oil equivalent.

Stocks of an alternative fuel reserved for fuel switching purposes may be credited towards
emergency reserve commitments insofar as they can be used during the period of self-sufficiency.

Stand-by production of an alternative fuel reserved for fuel switching purposes will be
credited towards emergency reserve commitments on the same basis as stand-by oil production,
subject to the provisions of Article 4 of this Annex.

The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall examine and report to the Management
Committee on:
(a) the appropriateness of the time limit of one month mentioned in paragraph 1,
(b) the basis of accounting for the fuel switching capacity based on stocks of an
alternative fuel, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3.


Article 3
A Participating Country may credit towards its emergency reserve commitment oil stocks
in another country provided that the Government of that other country has an agreement with the
Government of the Participating Country that it shall impose no impediment to the transfer of those
stocks in an emergency to the Participating Country.

Article 4
Stand-by oil production is defined as a Participating Country's potential oil production in
excess of normal oil production within its jurisdiction

- which is subject to government control, and

- which can be brought into use during an emergency within the period of self-

The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall examine and report to the Management
Committee on:
(a) the concept of and methods of measurement of stand-by oil production as referred to in
paragraph 1,

(b) the appropriateness of “the period of self-sufficiency” as a time limit,
(c) the question of whether a given quantity of stand-by oil production is of greater value
for purposes of emergency self-sufficiency than the same quantity of oil stocks, the
amount of a possible credit for stand-by production and the method of its calculation.

Article 5
Stand-by oil production available to a Participating Country within the jurisdiction of
another country may be credited towards its emergency reserve commitment on the same basis as
stand-by oil production within its own jurisdiction, subject to the provisions of Article 4 of this Annex
provided that the Government of that other country has an agreement with the Government of the
Participating Country that it shall impose no impediment to the supply of oil from that stand-by
capacity to the Participating Country in an emergency.

Article 6
The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall examine and report to the Management
Committee on the possibility of crediting towards a Participating Country's emergency reserve
commitment mentioned in Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Agreement, long term investments which
have the effect of reducing the Participating Countries' dependence on imported oil.


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Akty prawne

Rok NR Pozycja

Najnowsze akty prawne

Dziennik Ustaw z 2017 r. pozycja:
1900, 1899, 1898, 1897, 1896, 1895, 1894, 1893, 1892

Monitor Polski z 2017 r. pozycja:
938, 937, 936, 935, 934, 933, 932, 931, 930

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