
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawo(rev 3.4) How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses, of science, and of religion? - {HRI 20111117-V3.4-t}(rev 3.4) How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses, of science, and of religion? - {HRI 20111117-V3.4-t}
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    Subject: (rev 3.4) How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses, of science, and
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    How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses, of science, and of
    religion? - Fundamentals explained

    17 November 2011
    {HRI 20111117-V3.4-t}

    (Version 3.4
    on 13 Dec 2011)

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    more-indented text)

    (suits foreign language




    It is a question, that everyone asks,
    and that nobody answers - so it falls
    onto my broad shoulders, to find out,
    and to publish.



    I will GIVE you the answer now (from Version 3.0 onwards),

    so as to not merely - by simply suggesting the answer to
    you with various examples - make it available only to the
    very, very caring mind,

    who, in order to be somewhat effectively so, is

    BOTH deeply caring AND relatively un-dominated:

    A very, very rare combination indeed. [POLA]


    To the question (given in the subject title, above),
    I gave you a partial answer, with the HRI titled

    'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is
    The Question.' [NWBW]




    So here is the answer now:

    - still not for the feeble of mind,

    whose main occupation consists of DEFENDING the
    destructive Stupidity that is being inflicted
    not only onto their own, but onto the feeble mind
    of others, too -



    1. You are made to REFUSE TO KNOW how perception-feeling-
    sensing works, including how perception-of-memories works,

    (in short, Perception - how that works).

    Criminal Minds in religion and in science have "taken
    care" of imposing that REFUSAL to know, on you:


    1.a. They give you the FEELING, that "it is very
    unpleasant, to feel, what is actually going on,"

    and that "you therefore much rather HAVE YOUR

    also when you are made to believe (you maybe
    are remaining aware), that "you only want the
    thoughts of OTHERS dominated,"

    to such an extent at least, that those
    others will not attack you.

    The effect is also as follows:


    1.b. You WANT Criminal Minds to give you "rational" ideas

    (they inflict on you

    - which is already hypnotism, and I say
    so even though I am aware, that you
    still REFUSE to know what hypnotism

    nevertheless they do inflict on you -

    that, what you eagerly long for, which are)


    seemingly "rational" ideas, with the indeed rational
    part, that "you should feel pleasant and happy and

    (and of course you want that, for yourself and
    for everyone,

    to be safe and happy,

    and so you are indeed HYPNOTIZED into
    supporting a Criminal Mind or their
    intentions, [SLOHR]

    "to FEEL pleasant, safe and

    BUT to which FEELING they then attach the
    very opposite of safety, the very opposite of
    happiness, and the very opposite of pleasure
    - the opposite being brought about)


    BY NOT PERCEIVING-sensing-feeling Criminal Minds,

    which makes you FEEL "secure, pleasant,
    and happy" much like being Drugged,

    (to NOT perceive-feel-sense anymore, and to
    not remember anymore, the ACTUAL intentions
    of Criminal Minds,

    as they ENJOY betraying (you) people and
    making life (you) Dominated, and in the end
    Crippled or Destroyed

    - so they make you feel NOT that, what
    they do intend, and do fight to bring
    about -

    WHILE they give you, what you do RATIONALLY
    want: 'to feel pleasant and happy and safe,'

    and that, BY MEANS OF you)


    being made to feel, to think, and to remember,
    INSTEAD, that "these (Criminal Minds) are fine and
    normal," "are actually friendly people,"

    as in:

    "All people are Brothers," "We are one big
    family on Earth,"

    "once people are educated in that, and
    know that,"

    meaning: 'Once all people ARE HYPNOTIZED
    INTO wanting that, to be "all brothers"'

    being made to feel, to think and to "remember"
    that "these (Criminal Minds) are fine and
    normal," that "they are actually friendly

    as also in:

    "(You must) Live in the Now," etc., etc.,

    which all are in fact the "battle cries" of the
    Criminal Minds, and which are taken over by the
    victims, who proclaim

    - with a meaningful expression on their faces,
    they relay, they repeat to you -

    those and other slogans of Criminal Minds, "as if
    these slogans are the victim's very own ideas;"


    and you are made to feel, in some cases, that a
    Criminal Mind is "a very responsible and very caring
    person," yes, even "beautiful,"

    or is "the most caring and most knowledgeable or
    most perceptive and most able person in the country,
    or on Earth,"

    not to mention "the greatest military genius
    that ever lived:" the Sociopath of "superior
    race," Germany's Adolf Hitler, "a GREATER
    military genius even, than France's Sociopath,
    Napoleon Bonaparte" - so he wanted it seen,

    and France's Napoleon Bonaparte in his turn,
    being "a greater military genius than the
    Sociopaths Frederic 'The Great' (of Germany's
    Prussia) and greater also than the ancient
    Greek Sociopath Alexander 'The Great'," *(c)

    to make others feel those "truths" as
    "Total Certainties,"

    that the greatest Sociopaths, are "the
    best to fight for and champion your

    such as the failed medical doctor turned
    newspaper owner and editor during the
    French Revolution (1790, Paris) to
    champion "Liberty and Equality, and
    Fraternity" or "we are all one big
    family" in the end demanding in his
    vitriolic newspaper called - you guessed
    it - "The Friend of the People," which
    demanded, that two hundred thousand
    compatriots be "painlessly" beheaded

    to achieve more Equality,

    and if Equality was still then not
    ensured, then to simply repeat the
    process as before, till Equality would
    reign supreme...

    This Sociopath "journalist" in Paris,
    Jean-Paul Marat, was obviously the
    instigator of the public death sentence
    of mostly very good and decent, caring

    in the typical REVERSAL that the
    Sociopath brings about:

    Hypnotizing people into mistaking
    HIM - the Sociopath - as "champion
    of destroying existing feudalism
    and slavery,"

    while his ONLY intention was
    to have his intention and
    JOY in getting as many good
    people murdered as possible,

    But this Sociopath, the failed doctor
    turned "journalist-publisher," preceded
    by some twenty years, the acceptance by
    the French of ANOTHER, even much bigger

    who ALSO claimed to "champion the
    cause of the French," the Corsican
    Corporal, the Sociopath Napoleon
    Bonaparte accepted as 'the savior
    of France,' two times even.

    Though the "journalist-publisher" (named
    Jean-Paul Marat) was assassinated in his
    bath tub, to stop his murderous hate-
    mongering, this did not stop his close
    friend and painter Jacques-Louis David,

    to present the Sociopath - in his famous
    painting 'Marat Assassinated' - AS HERO
    OF FRANCE and its people,

    and they put the woman to death,
    who had tried in that primitive
    way, to stop the Hate and the
    killing of good people,

    and so the people of France started even
    to worship and revere - as "a martyr of
    their cause" - the actually murderous
    Sociopath "journalist-publisher:" *(d)

    which - you might be willing to admit - is a LACK OF
    PERCEPTION-feeling-sensing-memory on your part or on
    the part of those, who do support such personality

    if we don't want to use more emotional
    terms to describe the conditions caused
    by that:

    The nauseating lack of Perception on the
    part of those people who are avidly

    - those who 'breathe their very
    own life' - into

    the Personality Cult of a Criminal Mind

    (you do find these Personality Cults in
    politics, in religion, and in science,
    and in the arts, too).



    2. You are given INTENTIONALLY FALSE "knowledge" by Criminal
    Minds, destroying science, destroying religion, and also
    inverting art:

    You are taught a PRETENSE of "knowing what Perception is,"
    and you are forced then,

    to only talk about "what you ARE supposed (as what is
    'acceptable') to perceive-sense-feel-emote,"

    WHILE you are very definitely taught WRONGLY to
    interpret or WRONGLY "to understand and explain,"

    (the remainder, of) what you DO perceive-sense-feel-

    what - so you are made to believe - "others do not
    sense or remember or perceive"

    (that, what others are hypnotized into NOT
    Perceiving or into discarding it as 'being
    "subconscious",' {definition} )

    but what others ALSO Perceive IF THEY get out of
    the inflicted CERTAINTY of "what they can not sense,
    can not feel, can not perceive or can not remember."

    That does already give you a definition of
    hypnosis - and indeed:

    A counter-hypnosis can suddenly make you feel,
    sense, perceive and remember things,

    that have been blocked by Criminal Minds
    by means of their overall and constant
    force of lies and inflicted feelings,

    feelings to remain un-inspected,
    and lies with unquestionable
    "rationality" - inflicted all with
    the maximum of Certainty on you,
    or on another.


    I am sorry to override for a moment your REFUSAL to
    know what hypnotism is.


    The FALSE "knowledge," inflicted by Criminal Minds, of
    "what perception is," does very strongly support and does
    solidify your refusal to know

    - you are made to REFUSE TO KNOW how perception-
    feeling-sensing and memory works -

    (your refusal to know, is solidified in you)

    BY MEANS OF making you "certain" (in fact very destructi-
    vely "certain"), that

    "you DO know how it works" "...BECAUSE you are educated in
    it." [MDSF][VSK]



    3. You are given the idea, that "you DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW, how
    perception-sensing-feeling-and-memory works,"

    inflicted on you with other 'battle cries,' of
    Criminal Minds, such as

    "All you need is Love," and "Give peace a chance:"

    "Be trusting and friendly to Criminal Minds, and
    they will want peace..." [DOP]

    which is of course the opposite of actual perception-
    sensing-feeling, and violates actual memory on the issue.



    4. The feeling which "rationally" follows from all the above
    (and that is then also inflicted by Criminal Minds, on
    everyone), is, that

    any OPPOSITION - meaning any real restoration and actual
    validation of and any correct understanding of the working
    of Perception and Memory - "DOES 'rationally' constitute a
    REAL THREAT to the happiness and safety of everyone"

    - meaning, that 'everyone's feeling pleasant and
    happy and safe,' "is THREATENED by actual or 'too
    much' Perception"

    (and you are complying so "wonderfully," so
    destructively of Life,

    you are complying so strongly with Criminal
    Minds also in that respect,

    so, that you are made to feel threatened
    somehow) -


    by any person who DOES (try to) Perceive all he can, about
    someone, or who DOES (try to) remember the true intentions
    of someone,

    in particular about and of any, now "well-adjusted"
    Criminal Minds (who are "well-adjusted" and in some
    position of being - very falsely - trusted).

    As a well-established practice still nowadays,
    Criminal Minds very successfully have forced
    onto the society, 'that you must MAKE children
    not perceive,'

    INSTEAD OF explaining to children what they
    do very well perceive, sense or feel anyhow,
    that IS or was going on.

    But that is another subject:

    the inconceivable and merciless CRUELTY
    and barbarism to children,

    that your schools even are
    nauseatingly enforcing,

    as Criminal Minds dictate it, who
    succeeded in hypnotizing you or others
    to believe and "be certain,"

    that children are born NOT as the very
    unique and very uniquely different soul,
    that any child is ...but

    "are born as new and empty brains," or
    "are genetically determined, as breeding
    animals are." [FPL][MDSF]




    It is WITHOUT Perception (without adequate perception-sensing-feeling
    and memory) - it is, that


    - or a matter of hit and miss, and of chance -

    you might be willing to admit.


    So Criminal Minds will do anything - literally anything - to destroy
    your and anyone's correct and full perception-sensing-feeling (in
    short, Perception - which does include Perception of memories, too).

    They HAVE destroyed and KEEP ON destroying most of your
    Perception, [VSK]

    AND they have destroyed and keep on destroying your knowledge,
    of how Perception works (which includes how memory works),

    while they keep you whining (not winning, but WHINING)
    about all kind of other "very important things," like

    (fill things in, yourself).





    (the comfort of Certainty)

    How do Criminal Minds get in charge of the masses? How do they 'take
    over' science, or religion?


    In the First Law of Human Rights [FLOHR], and (see References,
    below, in [FPL]) recently again, I mentioned, that

    studying hypnotism must give many vital clues, as to how to
    defend people from Criminal Minds inflicting themselves upon
    the masses.



    So I found it actually spelled out in the published observations of a
    professional hypnotist

    - that however, he made for quite the opposite purpose -

    whom I quote, here:


    "Suggestions given [to others who are] in the [normal, not
    hypnotized but] WAKING state, [suggestions given to THEM]


    "These [suggestions to them] must leave no room for doubt. If
    doubt creeps in, the suggestion usually becomes ineffective.

    "Therefore, give the suggestions in a manner that implies, that
    what you have said, is as certain of happening, as [daylight


    - Gerald Kein:
    'Basic-Intermediate-Advanced Hypnosis Training Manual'
    (pages 27 ff.)



    So now you know, how Satan* does it (or, how tyrants like China's Mao
    Zedong, Cambodia's Pol Pot, Russia's Joseph Stalin, Cuba's Fidel
    Castro, and the like, how they actually do gain control of the

    which is of course vital understanding, for defending yourself
    and others against them,

    and for preventing any further World War as well.


    They feel the necessity to inflict on anyone a "Total Certainty" of
    their heavy lies:

    "Else things will go wrong" - for the Criminal Mind indeed -
    and that is how it feels to them;

    they may even claim that to be a "'self- evident truth' of
    Life:" (*)

    "it (lying, with total, hypnotic Certainty) naturally HAS to be
    done" - for the Criminal Mind - "to survive."



    Another, to them "self-evident truth about life," that they use, goes
    as follows:

    "Each suggestion acted upon,"

    [each suggestion that the tyrant succeeds in compelling
    the victim, to accept and to use]


    to impose their Criminal Mind more and more upon their science, upon
    their religion, or upon their tribe.


    That "self-evident truth about life"

    that Criminal Minds use in order to build more easily upon
    lies that they and other Criminal Minds managed ALREADY
    successfully to inflict and get accepted as "Certainties"

    - even such a 'modern physics' "Certainty"

    inflicted by its most famous Criminal
    Mind, on the society at large, too, *(b)

    the most idiotic lie, that "objects do get
    heavier and heavier, the faster they go,"

    (No kidding! They really believe that, and
    ONLY because a Criminal Mind has told them
    so) - *(b)

    and the method of how Criminal Minds get
    such atrocious lies accepted,

    is spelled out as 'Rules of the Mind, Nr. 5' in the mentioned
    course that teaches professional hypnosis:

    "Each suggestion acted upon,"


    Some real-life, major examples, are given in the 'Textnotes,' below.



    Once again, it is vital, also in daily life, to know that

    the step-by-step INCREASE by which Criminal Minds do
    succeed in inflicting their domination.

    They do it and THEY SUCCEED in it, by doing it 'bit by bit'

    - getting you to agree, to follow, or to let pass, and to not
    oppose ...more and more and more Evil, [ODE] "in small bytes."


    That is then one of the reasons why the First International Law
    states, that

    as soon as a conclusion has been duly arrived at, which
    results in

    the proclamation,

    that a particular head of state IS a Criminal Mind, and
    thus has no rights whatsoever to govern or lead anyone,

    such an international proclamation,

    must be acted upon INSTANTLY and fully, and that any and all
    efforts must be made,

    by any state and any group and any individual,

    to execute such a First International Law Proclamation or
    Command immediately. [FIL]

    The Rights of Criminal Minds apply: [RCM]

    A Criminal Mind who refuses to step down, automatically
    makes himself liable to be subjected to any step or action
    that is necessary, to remove him INSTANTLY.





    Again: These are VITAL things to understand, about how Criminal Minds
    do manage to inflict their Evil onto the masses.

    It means you MUST - also in your personal life - 'nip their
    domination efforts in the bud,'

    INSTEAD of comfortably

    having "a strong man who knows what he wants"

    - like Russia's Putin -

    who does "take care" of any dirty or unpleasant business.

    INSTEAD of your agreeing to let him inflict his Evil, "for
    the best interest of Russia,"

    you do IMMEDIATELY oppose and block ANY intentions of such
    individuals, [ZTA]

    BEFORE worse inevitably will come to worst. [FIL][FLOHR][SLOHR]


    And so - no matter how small your efforts are, to break
    their hypnotism of yourself and of others -

    you are helping to PREVENT the intentions of Criminal
    Minds, [FPWPH]


    that what is FOR THEM - you might understand -

    THEIR Joy of inflicting Evil on anyone. [ODE]



    Expecting you to care for life's well-being, I remain,

    Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
    human rights philosopher and poet

    'Men of all nations came
    to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
    sent by all the kings of the world,
    who had heard of his wisdom.'

    1 Kings 4:34



    (a) When a Criminal Mind succeeds in inflicting onto people, one lie
    as if it is "people's own truth"

    - for instance, Mao Zedong was managing to inflict onto
    the Chinese people (and onto the American government,
    too), the horrible lie, that he, Mao Zedong, "is the
    biggest friend to the Chinese people," *(1)

    lying in order to inflict Evil nationally and inter-

    and Mao wanted to dominate the whole of Earth,
    thinking to "unite all people on Earth under
    his communist dictatorship" -

    thus, after he gets one major lie accepted "as true,"

    and truth is absolute, which means, that a lie accepted,
    is a breach in the Perceptional ability of Life, of

    and so, by means of THAT breach in Life's (in people's)
    ability to Perceive a Sociopath or Criminal Mind, such

    a Criminal Mind creates a basis upon which people accept and
    follow more easily any other, also wholly irrational commands
    or lies, hypnotic as if "they think and want it themselves" -
    "knowing, that he," the Criminal Mind, "embodies 'their own'
    ideas," and that he, the Criminal Mind, "tells them to do what
    they also really want (but did not dare to express or do)"

    - and so he, the abject bandit, the Criminal Mind Mao
    Zedong of China in this example, did give the Chinese
    people the most atrocious commands,

    to destroy million of Chinese, to destroy their
    livelihood, their decency, their conscience and their
    culture, *(1)

    his commands executed by the Chinese, to inflict untold
    misery and treachery upon their own families and friends

    and internationally to inflict mass murder upon the
    Vietnamese and Korean people, as well. *(1)


    (b) The Criminal Mind Albert Einstein succeeded in inflicting, on
    the peer-reviewed scientific community of physics professors and
    students, that "objects become more and more 'heavy' as they
    get faster in speed"

    (measured relative to his brain as standing still and thus
    having zero speed)

    "and when objects get nearer the speed of light (of photons in a
    vacuum, he means) then their mass (their 'heaviness') becomes
    infinitely large." (No kidding: The scientific community has
    accepted that hypnotism by the Criminal Mind!) "and therefore"

    - the mentioned, famous and "most intelligent" Criminal
    Mind proceeds to proclaim his "knowledge of physics" -

    "and therefore, nothing can go faster than the speed of light."

    The scientific community EMBRACED the lies, and wrote thousands
    of books "explaining and confirming it...." [SHEFP]

    And that is not even mentioning his OTHER lies, that he then
    ALSO successfully inflicted: "As you go faster and faster"
    - again relative to the zero speed of the brain of Albert
    Einstein - "time slows down..."

    You guessed it, what is meant is the progression of time
    for the traveler as measured relative to deterioration
    over time, of the brain of the "brilliant" physicist and
    Nobel laureate "who is the most intelligent of all people
    on Earth." [EHSLB] [EHSLB-A]

    These constitute rather telling examples, of how Criminal Minds
    use their hypnotism on a mass scale, to inflict their Evil onto
    Mankind and into its universities.


    (c) Maybe the most obvious person who wanted to dominate all and
    everyone, and who SUCCESSFULLY hypnotized people into reversing
    the very concepts of "friend" and of "enemy"

    - including the concept regarding himself: he being an
    avid and thorough enemy of Mankind, but

    who did indeed VERY INTELLIGENTLY misuse the genuine
    wishes of people -

    this infamous fiend, this man-hater 'par excellence,' his
    bones still interred 'en honeur,' in the "Hotel des
    Invalides" in the middle of Paris,

    this mankind-hating hypnotist who brought millions of
    people, not only French, to a miserable and dishonorable
    death, and god knows how many family members to grief,

    that "intelligent general,"

    was Napoleon Bonaparte of Corsica,

    much like his successor in Germany a century later did
    misuse the genuine wishes of people, in order to make also
    them agree to let him hypnotize them - hypnotizing them

    into WANTING to let go of all self-preserving reason, of
    WANTING to be hypnotized into selectively DENYING their
    own perception, and their memories of what they know.

    Also in that, the 'GroFaZ' - the more recent "Greatest
    Military Genius of All Times," the Corporal of Bohemia,
    Adolf Hitler, was not different from his predecessor
    Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corporal from Corsica:

    endowed with a COMPLETE disregard for human life,
    while radiating around him the hypnotic Certainty
    of "he being the only one capable of preserving
    Life's well-being."

    Just a simple but significant example, of how the population had
    to be hypnotized, was the demand by Napoleon's occupation army,
    on the editor of the newspaper of the German city of Cologne, on
    Marcus Dumont, who wrote about it (after the occupation had

    'We had to present the Emperor's (Napoleon Bonaparte's) deeds in
    a glorious light.
    His (Bonaparte's) "love of peace" and, opposed to it, "the
    appetite for war, in his enemies," HAD TO BE PRESENTED to the

    Already when the French led by Napoleon Bonaparte occupied
    Northern Italy, he, as French general Napoleon Bonaparte, did
    print his own newspapers and created HIS OWN NEWS for the people
    and the government in France "to hear about his glorious deeds."

    Much later, when Napoleon Bonaparte applied his "INTELLIGENCE"
    towards designing the logistics of marching with half a million
    men onto the Russian capital of Moscow, he famously led almost
    all his men to die, and lost resoundingly against - what he had
    HYPNOTIZED his men into regarding as - "the enemy,"

    his men were THAT hypnotized by this Bonaparte, that they
    did not even blame HIM for the demise of half a million of
    his own soldiers.

    With the term Charisma, people are indeed refusing
    to distinguish the HYPNOTIZING Criminal Mind,

    as being the very opposite, of normal and
    caring persons.

    You find stories, of people literally being
    hypnotized by the presence of (the Energy that
    is emanated by) Napoleon Bonaparte,

    and the same you can hear, from some who met Adolf

    Famously, Russia's Sociopath Vladimir Putin did
    manage to hypnotize the American President George W.
    Bush, who 'looked into Putin's eyes,'

    which made him, George W. Bush, 'be CERTAIN, that
    "Putin is a good and trusted friend".'

    And subsequently, he presented Putin not only
    to his own, the American Bush family, but to
    the whole world also - as "(Putin being) a
    good and reliable friend if treated well."

    We go back again a few generations, to the Sociopath
    (who by now has become a fake "Emperor"), Napoleon

    This Sociopath quickly deserted also those few thousand of his
    troops, that remained still alive - abandoning them -

    IN ORDER TO HIMSELF BE BACK in Paris BEFORE the news of his
    total defeat, would reach the government in Paris and the rest
    of the people of France,

    BEFORE the hypnotism, the spell he had created, would break.


    And in this way he DID indeed manage to continue his hypnotism
    of them, for them to still continue to be Certain,

    that he, Napoleon Bonaparte, is (not the greatest 'fiend' but)
    "the greatest friend of France, ever to have lived," and,

    that "they need him now and must give him yet another great
    army, in order to fight France's 'enemies' again."


    And nowadays many people, not only in France, but also people of
    "The International Napoleonic Society" etc., are continuing to
    ENJOY being hypnotized by and dwell in the Energy of Napoleon

    into feeling "the certainty he radiated," and

    to enjoy being made BLIND to sensing Criminal Minds. [YGSQ]

    (some documentaries are listed, below)


    (d) BEFORE they celebrated the Sociopath Napoleon Bonaparte, the
    French had ALREADY taken to celebrating a more easily recognized
    Sociopath as "the champion of their cause," shown here below.

    And you might contend - as very plausible - that an initially
    good and caring initiator of the French Revolution, by the name
    of Robespierre, (that he) towards his end, was indeed driven
    quite Insane and losing connection with himself,

    when the French people celebrated NOT HIM as a hero and as a
    champion of the French cause (the 'French Revolution') to change
    the feudal society, and to declare a Constitution of Human
    Rights, BUT

    when the people in France DID start to revere the most vocal
    Sociopath at the time, "who had been the most active for their

    when many of the French made the loudest Sociopath into a public
    figure of reverence, after he was assassinated

    assassinated in order to end his incitement to terror
    against very many decent, French people, incitement that
    resulted in their public execution (their death), in a
    manner not very different from lynching them.

    So a young woman, who wanted to put an END to that
    Sociopath's very effective incitement to terror,
    set out to and did kill him, out of some ill-
    considered, communal 'self-defense,' you might say.

    But when the Sociopath was assassinated, most people of
    Paris and in France made a celebrated, and even WORSHIPED
    martyr out of the hate-mongering "journalist-publisher,"
    the vitriolic man-hater called Paul Marat,

    a failed medical doctor who had created a newspaper
    a maximum of "efficiency" and effect:

    the intended and indeed achieved effect by
    him, was the massive arrest and public murder
    of a vast amount of decent and capable people.


    At the height of his activity, before he was assassinated, this
    Sociopath and "champion of Human Rights," clamored for the
    murder (the lynching, the execution) of some hundred-and-twenty-
    thousand compatriots (in addition to the eight hundred or so per
    month, that he already, with success, did incite the arrest and
    the execution of).

    This leads up to the general acceptance and worship
    OF SOCIOPATHS who successfully PRETEND "to fight for
    Human Rights," in France.

    Sociopaths and Human Rights are two opposites,
    they are in contradiction BY NATURE:

    The two do not mix.

    (All this happened well BEFORE the famous Sociopath
    Napoleon Bonaparte came to be celebrated and was
    given the opportunity and support, not only to
    destroy France, but also Europe, and Moscow.)


    If we look a bit deeper at the beginning of the acceptance
    and celebration of Criminal Minds, of Sociopaths, as "the
    heroes of the people", if take into account the whole of
    the earlier course of events,

    that with 'The French Revolution,' eventually did
    manage to end feudalism in France and beyond

    - while in 'The New World,' in North America,
    feudalism had not really existed other than
    than in its very extreme form when feudalism
    consists of full slavery -

    if we take into account the whole course of events
    (the struggle of a, largely hypnotized population
    (the French), to try and regain some dignity and
    freedom for themselves in France - the freedom to
    have enough food, at least, which gave the occasion
    to start it on a massive level), then

    we may - we being NOT dominated by Sociopaths who want
    this whole subject to be 'taboo,' to be 'never rationally
    considered' - (we however may) with some reason assume,

    the assassinated Sociopath, the vitriolic "journalist,"
    Paul Marat, after his body has been assassinated, (that
    he, or his soul, if you like),

    because Sociopaths do tend to remain active
    Energetically on the scene and against the people
    they know,

    exerting themselves also after their body dies,

    so we may at least consider, that the Sociopath
    Paul Marat, being a soul, (that he) after being

    CONTINUES to inflict his vitriolic Energies onto and into
    the people in his environment, and now possibly with even
    more violence and with even less restraint, while he is
    not anymore encumbered by but free of his body:

    Inflicting his vitriolic and debilitating Energies and
    ideas of Hate ALSO

    onto the very person who then (and already for quite some
    years) WAS the actual hero and a real champion of the
    cause of France, who was establishing a constitution based
    on Human Rights, for the people in France, and who WAS
    leading them towards those rights.

    That person was the actual, 'de facto' head of
    France, who was named Robespierre (Maximilien de
    Robespierre) who was nicknamed 'The Incorruptible,'
    significantly enough.

    And the vitriolic inflictions (Harmful Energies) by
    the revered, worshiped Sociopath, the martyred
    "journalist" Paul Marat,

    the constant and successful DEMANDS by that
    Sociopath, to get more and more people

    those Harmful Energies were of course ALSO
    inflicted on Robespierre, France's actual
    head of government,

    and it appeared, that he was not immune to
    such an onslaught of Hate Energies, but
    eventually succumbed to these - in any
    case, these Hate Energies

    may have contributed to or may even have caused the
    alienation of the 'Incorruptible' Robespierre from
    himself such an ominous and dire extent,

    (the severance of his feeling-connection and
    his rational-connection to himself - to his
    moral soul or to his morality, if you like,

    that connection was disrupted to such an
    ominous and dire extent)

    that he, Robespierre started gradually to buy into
    the "necessity of Terror and of inflicting death"

    - thinking and acting now wholly contrary to
    his own nature, that he had shown and proven
    before - being pushed onto the 'Dark Path,'

    till apparently only death could and did free him,
    Robespierre, from escalating or continuing

    the Evil acts "that now had become necessary
    to secure the Human Rights of the people."


    Both the Materialists who deny the nature of Man altogether,
    AND the 'New-Age' people "who Live in the Now," and "Who Do Not
    Judge," [WHEB-01]

    BOTH such, might want to feel all this as 'being "just a story"
    which you find in books,' like any other interesting story or
    like a fairy tale,

    and some of these Materialists or on the other hand, some
    of these New-Agers, might have been so numbed down, that

    "the past does not exist for them personally, at all," or
    on the other hand they are "so 'enlightened',"

    that in the 'detachment of Life,' that they
    religiously strive for, in their Nirvana,"

    they can not feel (their or other's) Life of the
    past at all,

    but the forces, the Energies of the events then, the blazing
    Energies of the Violation of Life, and from the various failures
    in the struggle to get more free,

    these Energies (forces, ideas, feelings, emotions, memories,
    confusions, and the unconsciousness inflicted and the pains
    caused) ARE very real and very much present, and do of course
    make themselves felt still now:

    It is not a fairy tale - it really did happen. [LIP][WHEB-01]


    And in France, they say 'L'histoire se repete,' because the
    Energies that force you to NOT LOOK AT SOCIOPATHS, is still
    there, is still effective, remains active,

    to the extent AT LEAST, that it is not faced and is not
    understood and is not stated and is not openly examined.

    (Reference: see under 'Documentaries,' below)



    (*) 'Satan's hypnotic "Certainty, is knowledge ...not data" - an
    l. ron hubbard or 'Scientology' "Axiom" (really!) ...explained
    {FPP note 20111117-V1.1-t} [SHCIK]
    (17 November 2011 - Version 1.1 on 18 Nov 2011)

    (1) Jung Chang: "Mao" (the famous, truthful biography), 2006 - in
    English ("Mao: The Unknown Story"). (also as 'audio-book')

    Edition in Traditional Chinese language "Mao: The Unknown Story"
    ("Mao Ze Dong : Xian Wei Ren Zhi De Gu Shi"), 2006
    Edition in Japanese "MAO : dare mo shiranakatta Mo Takuto," 2006
    Edition in French "Mao, L'Histoire Inconnue," 2006
    Edition in Spanish "Mao: La Historia Desconocida," 2006
    Edition in Portuguese "Mao: A Historia Desconhecida," 2006



    [FIL] 'The First International Law' (FIL)
    {HRI 20021124-V2.0.3}
    (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.3 on 21 Mar 2011)

    [EFIL]'Explaining the First International Law (FIL)'
    {HRI 20070531-V1.3} [EFIL]
    (31 May 2007 - Version 1.3 on 1 June 2007)

    [FILSF]'The natural First International Law (FIL), in very short form'
    {HRI 20091004-V1.2}
    (4 October 2009 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2011)

    [FLOHR]'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
    {HRI 20060601-V3.5}
    (1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

    [SLOHR]'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
    {HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
    (24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

    [FPL] 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality obtained from
    Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
    {HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
    (9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

    [SOBE] 'Source of Black Energy (of inflicted Unawareness), is
    l. ron hubbard (Satan) himself'
    {FPP Note 20111031-V3.2-t} [SOBE]
    (31 October 2011 - Version 3.2 on 2 Nov 2011)

    [ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
    to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
    {HRI 20060305-V2.7} (ZTA)
    (5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

    [FPWPH]'We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not
    For The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - 'Balance of Power' and
    'People are all Equal' ' [FPWPH]
    {HRI 20070207-V3.7.1}
    (7 February 2007 - Version 3.7.1 on 24 Sept 2008)
    {HRI 20070207-V3.7-t} (Version 3.7-t on 21 Feb 2008)

    [RCM] 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
    {HRI 20040108-V2.1}
    (8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

    [EHSLB] 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul - the Shortened Lunch
    Break' [EHSLB]
    {HRI note 20080705-II}
    (5 July 2008)

    [EHSLB-A] 'Addition to 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul -
    the Shortened Lunch Break' [EHSLB-A]
    {HRI note 20080705-II-A}
    (5 July 2008 - Addition on 11 July 2008)

    [SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath
    Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
    {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
    (4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
    which includes
    'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
    {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

    [ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
    (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

    [DDC-17]'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
    Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' ' (DDC-17)
    {HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1}
    (11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)

    [SHCIK]'Satan's hypnotic "Certainty, is knowledge ...not data" - an
    l. ron hubbard or 'Scientology' "Axiom" (really!) ...explained
    {FPP note 20111117-V1.1-t} [SHCIK]
    (17 November 2011 - Version 1.1 on 18 Nov 2011)

    [DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
    {HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
    (3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
    (Version 4.2)

    [WHEB-01] 'Who Hides Evil Best ...the Materialists, or the New Age
    followers? - Unhappiness CREATED by Hiding Evil'
    {HRI 20110814-V1.0-P1-V1.0-t} [WHEB-01]
    (14 August 2011 - Part 1 Version 1.0 on 3 Nov 2011)

    [SOBE]'Source of Black Energy (of inflicted Unawareness), is
    l. ron hubbard (Satan) himself'
    {FPP Note 20111031-V3.2-t} [SOBE]
    (31 October 2011 - Version 3.2 on 2 Nov 2011)

    [FPL] 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from
    Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
    {HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
    (9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

    [POLA] 'A Poem of Our Love, and Our Adventures' (POLA)
    {HRI 20020717-V5.6}
    (17 July 2002 - Version 5.6 on 9 Nov 2008)

    [VSK] 'Very Superior Knowledge - the Human Rights Issues and you -
    Observations and Conclusions' (VSK)
    {HRI 20100728-V1.2} (or later version)
    (28 July 2010 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2010)

    [FPL] 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from
    Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
    {HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
    (9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

    [PSKN]'Russia's Putin, a serial killer by nature - How to handle
    severely Criminal Heads of State - (Serving lobster 'Polonium'
    to Putin?)' [PSKN]
    {HRI 20070629-II-V3.1}
    (29 June 2007 - Version 3.1 on 31 Mar 2010)

    [YGSQ]'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
    Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
    on your Life Force' [YGSQ]
    {HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
    (7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

    [LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition'
    {HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} [LIP]
    (2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)


    (a very small selection)

    'Apocalypse Series: Hitler' (2011) (France - English version)
    Directors: Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle
    Writer: Daniel Costelle

    'Empires: Napoleon' (TV Series 2000) (American Series, produced
    by PBS and Devillier Donegan Enterprises (DDE) with independent
    documentary filmmakers)

    'Life Under Napoleon' - Episode 2 (English Version)
    Directors: Georg Schiemann, Elmar Bartlmae (2006)(German public
    television MDR, WDR, and Looks Film&TV, ARTE and SBS TV Aus)

    'The French Revolution' (2004) History Channel
    Director and Producer: Doug Shulz



    Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
    and poet
    This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
    anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
    who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
    to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
    specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
    of life and about themselves).
    None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
    or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
    and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
    about any organizations or individuals.
    Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
    PlatoWorld at

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