
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawo(rev 1.3) How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal Minds - 'How To,' for the Common Man - {HRI 20120109-V1.3-t}(rev 1.3) How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal Minds - 'How To,' for the Common Man - {HRI 20120109-V1.3-t}
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    Subject: (rev 1.3) How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal Minds
    - 'How To,' for the Common Man - {HRI 20120109-V1.3-t}
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    How, with a Meter, to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal Minds
    - a 'How To' for the Common Man

    9 January 2012
    {HRI 20120109-V1.3-t}
    {FPP 20120109-V1.3-t}

    (published 14 Jan 2012)

    (Version 1.3 on 18 Jan 2012)

    (to view summary,
    skip indented lines)

    (suits foreign-
    language students)

    (does NOT suit readers with
    'Sum Corpus' Syndrome [SCS])



    - compliant with the Definition of Peace [DOP]

    - compliant with the First International Law [FILSF]

    - compliant with Natural Human Rights Declaration

    - the example further enforces compliance with
    Human Rights Order {HRO 20081017-V3.0} [enclosed]



    So we choose the example, of looking at the 'Soul of Satan' -
    last incarnate as l. ron hubbard.

    There are many excellent reasons to use this example, to take on
    this individual and to look at his soul directly: [HRO]

    It is not without reason, that he is called 'The Soul of
    Satan,' 'The Dementor,' 'The Dark Soul,' 'The Deceiver,'
    and 'The Impostor.'

    It describes, what he ENJOYS doing most - as has been
    researched and published very extensively, in the course
    of many years.





    1. First you familiarize yourself with the individual in our example,
    l. ron hubbard,

    the easiest way of doing so might be, by means of some photos
    - found on the Internet for instance - photos of his face (photos
    of course, that have not been tampered with, not made less ugly by
    his devotees).

    Sensitive people (when they are not too hypnotized by him
    or by other Criminal Minds) may SENSE immediately some of the
    intense Ugliness that l. ron hubbard exudes already via his

    his open doctrine being indeed, that Ugliness and Beauty "are
    not existing as such" *(n)

    - in fact he altogether really denies Life Energy to
    even exist -

    and his open doctrine being, that "only by lying about
    something, will it persist" - he claims that to be his
    Fundamental Thought - *(n) that

    already paints his 'self-portrait' quite adequately:

    his utter JOY of making people unaware of himself (and of other
    Ugliness), and of his hidden Evil; [ODE] and you might familiarize
    yourself further, with

    his utter JOY of deceiving people then into believing the infinity
    of lies that he forcefully emanates and voices, and writes also,
    which are an insidious mixture of PRETENSES and lies,

    about himself, and about others and about life, about
    Mankind, and about the past and about the future. *(n)


    If you like, you can get an additional feeling about the soul of
    this individual (that we will be probing by metered investigation):
    The Internet also divulges parts of his lectures, so you can study
    his voice, too.


    Well, that's the easiest part for most people. Some people will
    already thereby manage, to sense his intentions and his COMPLETE

    Others want to have further 'hard evidence,' before they draw any
    final conclusions and make any decisions,

    and so, like me too, they want to really look, sense, examine and
    investigate a lot more precisely, and to look at all aspects,

    in order to decide upon our viewpoint, which - indeed for the
    present and future victims of this Criminal Mind - is of very
    serious consequence. [DOP][HRO]



    The Definition of Peace [DOP] applies also here, of course:

    'Sufficient detection of Criminal Minds and sufficient
    curbing of Criminal Impulses, brings about and maintains

    With this level of detection of Criminal Minds and detecting and
    thus curbing Criminal Impulses

    - Criminal Impulses not only from Criminal Minds
    themselves but from their victims too -

    and being able now to detect and curb these at any
    distance and under any circumstances,

    we have reached a level of unheard of and unprecedented future


    This method of Perception, which can also be done - and
    will eagerly be done - by the common man, [DPFI]

    knows no distance, and no time-delay either:

    Life Energy (also that of) of Perception, instantaneously
    is at any location, no matter how far. (And you may take
    this 'no matter how far away,' very literally, because
    that is what it means.)

    For the first time, the common man, the woman and man in
    the street, children even, will be able AND eager to
    detect threats to their security,

    also those threats, that originate or are planned or
    are building up not in their plain sight, but that
    are intended, planned or organized

    from any distance, and by anyone.



    As you may know, it happens to be so, that

    at least one percent of the population of Earth
    feels no greater JOY than to completely annihilate
    Life on Earth.

    I would then venture to suggest - to those of well-above-
    average care, courage and emotional intelligence:

    This Human Rights Issue may bring about security of life, as
    stated herein.





    2. In order to greatly help you in looking, and in not just that,

    but also, to obtain for yourself 'hard, physical evidence,'

    if you have a meter, you are taking it out of its box, or you
    borrow, buy or build your own meter:

    you do use a Life Energy Fluctuation meter. *(a)


    Unfamiliar terms for many if not for most of you:

    'Life Energy,' [DPFI]

    'Life Energy Fluctuation,' [IPA]

    'Life Energy Fluctuation meter.' [IPA]

    I will change my style of writing here, for the moment at least,
    I will try to accommodate your likely lack of familiarity with
    these terms and this subject:

    So, in 'blurt'-style writing, here we go, to familiarize
    you with these very natural and very simple matters:




    Very, very SUDDEN, and VAST changes in the electrical resistance of
    your body, is what you are going to see measured by a meter, as
    explained here,

    and if you like, it is explained in detail in [IPA].

    (For such an abbreviation, like [IPA] etc., see under
    References, below.)


    Thoughts are PARTICLES, they are Life Energy PARTICLES, Particles of
    Life Energy. [iFPP]

    These PARTICLES can be and are INFLICTED, thrown at you, forced onto
    you, etc..

    (These DO act like the proverbial 'Sticks and Stones.'

    But instead of examining those inflicted Particles, you are
    brought up to 'take an aspirin or medicine,' or to do worse,

    RATHER THAN locating and thus removing the infliction of
    Painful Life Energy Particles into your body [DPFI]

    - with the easiest example being: a headaches.)



    Your body reacts strongly to any Life Energy Particles hitting it
    (Life Energy consists of PARTICLES) - because the body itself 'runs'
    on (and is solely alive, because of) Life Energy Particles.

    So much so, that the electrical resistance of your body does
    FLUCTUATE (change) considerably, AND very suddenly, upon being
    hit by Life Energy Particles.


    Again: Thoughts are PARTICLES - Life Energy PARTICLES. These can thus
    be INFLICTED, and they ARE inflicted, thrown at you, forced onto you,

    like you know that about hypnosis, and you know it occurring in
    dreams, in nightmares, in panic attacks, headaches, compulsions,
    as 'crazy thoughts,' etc., etc.. These are all Particles that
    are INFLICTED.


    Don't tell this to Medical Doctors though, because it
    considerably diminishes their income, and will land many
    of them in jail for 'malfeasance,' (for betrayal of their
    professional trust with very grave consequences for their
    trusting patients).

    It will considerably increase the health of people, but

    it will considerably DECREASE the Health Care Industry's
    present contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (to
    the national income statistics).

    Who wants healthy people anyway: Hospitals go broke,
    Drug Industries fold.

    Not to mention the dialogues and actions in medical
    TV soap operas, these will become too ridiculous,
    and too painful to watch. *(h),*((1)

    (What a relief, then, to find a TV series
    like 'Pan Am' - about the former Air Line.)



    People who are Criminal Minds, and those under their influence, too,
    do hit you (they hit your soul, and they hit your body) with Harmful
    Life Energy PARTICLES. [DPFI]

    These show up as FLUCTUATIONS, on a meter in your hand palm (as
    explained below).


    When you look at a Criminal Mind, he hits you with Harmful (Altered)
    Life Energy PARTICLES: *(i)

    Thoughts and emotions and intentions ARE PARTICLES, Life Energy

    He (or she, or it) creates those PARTICLES and emanates and projects
    these at you and at anyone.


    He hits you, in order TO BLOCK YOU FROM PERCEIVING or sensing,
    what he has done to you and to others, what he really intends,
    and what he really does think.

    And he hits you with his Life Energy PARTICLES, in order to
    divert and change and deceive your own thoughts and emotions
    about him, and to corrupt your own perception of him.

    ALL Criminal Minds do that - to give you some famous

    Vladimir Putin does it, Hu Jintao does it, Hugo
    Chavez does it, Fidel Castro does it

    - and they do that to ALL people, both to their
    "friends" and to their "enemies."

    They ENJOY doing so.


    Your body registers being hit with such disturbing PARTICLES, and so
    you can follow - with a sensitive resistance meter - the very, very
    sudden FLUCTUATIONS resulting.

    Criminal Minds HATE that, because now you can - with the
    enormous physical support of a meter - look at them much
    better and much more in depth.

    Can you grasp that now?

    If Criminal Minds get worried about this, then you can
    direct them to 'The Rights of Criminal Minds.' [RCM]




    The fluctuations in electrical resistance, are by far the most
    pronounced when measured with a connection to a wide surface of
    your hand palm.

    That is due to the Energy structures of your body - those
    Life Energy structures which keep your body alive and in
    repair [MDSF]

    - you might not be familiar with that,

    because THE licensed medical doctors, those with
    Hippocrates and with Drug Companies, especially,

    these HATE YOU to know how your body works.

    They don't even want to know it themselves...


    For measuring the fluctuations in electrical resistance (at the
    skin of your hand palms), a current is provided by means of a
    battery of nine Volt, or much less.

    The meter keeps the measuring current at some fifty, or
    much less, micro-Amperes.

    (Typically seven micro-Ampere and in the area around
    one hundred milli-Volt, with the current device I
    use and when my hand palm is not dry.)

    You hold, in the palm of each hand an empty soup can

    (with its tin metal bare, of course)

    or you hold two separate soup cans in only one hand
    palm, if you like that better - it keeps one hand
    free, to write with etc. -

    each empty soup-can, you connect with a wire to the meter,
    which also provides the current (of a few micro-Ampere)
    to these.

    So you measure the very fast changes in electrical resistance,
    that are indeed occurring constantly. *(b)


    I must remark here:

    'If you can't even look at people, much less look at
    yourself, it is pretty ridiculous to spend vast amounts
    of money and time, on looking at stars and galaxies.'


    'Wants to detect galaxies, but cannot even detect souls.'




    The very quick changes in electrical resistance, that occur, MUST BE
    AMPLIFIED by the meter, in order to become visible (and/or audible)
    to you. *(c) [IPA]

    So you have a meter - which by the way, is handy for all kind of

    It makes life visible to you - infinitely more useful, and
    infinitely MORE IMPORTANT,

    and infinitely MORE INTELLIGENT, than any astronomical telescope
    or any CERN experiment below Switzerland, or than any probe to
    the planet Mars...

    Such activities might have - the images (photos) obtained
    by telescopes do in fact have - great ENTERTAINMENT value,

    where you are not confronted with, what science actually
    is; and

    where you don't have to face Criminal Minds, the real-life
    OPPONENTS of Science, but [TOS]

    where you rather admire these as "great scientists,"
    and give them Nobel Prizes. [SHEFP]



    Again: Your body reacts strongly to any Life Energy - which consists
    of PARTICLES - hitting you (your soul) and hitting your body.

    When you put your attention on an individual or spirit (a deceased
    individual you call a spirit), who is a Criminal Mind,

    then that individual hits you with Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES that
    he creates, and radiates, and projects (also) at you,

    in order to block or to divert or to manipulate your Perception
    (your sensing) of him.


    Your body registers being HIT WITH those Life ENERGY Particles.

    And your body also registers your REACTION to being hit

    - it registers also your reacting, the resulting Life Energy
    that you create when being hit,

    the resulting Life Energy of yours, by which you do react to
    and intend to counter the Energy from the Criminal Mind who is
    hitting you or your body.



    Using an electrical resistance meter, with amplification of the
    resulting, tiny signal, you then can follow the very, very sudden
    FLUCTUATIONS in electrical resistance, that occur.


    The Fluctuations, visual (and/or audible) on the meter, do show the
    interaction - the push and pull, if you like, the fight, really - of,

    on the one hand,

    you putting your attention (your Energy PARTICLES of Perception) onto
    the Criminal Mind

    - compare it with you using radar -

    and, on the other hand,

    the Criminal Mind (the Criminal Soul) hitting with his Harmful Energy
    PARTICLES back at your Perception Particles - by which he is

    trying to block, to divert, and to pervert, and in any possible
    way, to undermine your Perception of him:

    (as the individual of our example, does it too):

    Criminal Mind undermine your Perception - including your
    Perception of your memory -

    to allow you to Perceive and to make you Perceive, think and
    sense, ONLY that,

    what he wants you to see/sense/think/feel/know/remember, and

    to 'captivate your Perception and Thinking Energy,'

    by means of overwhelming you with his Energy PARTICLES
    (by dumping massively on you his Energy PARTICLES).

    Medical doctors DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS - can you imagine! Yet
    they DO want to be paid for and entrusted with ruining your

    This - 'someone captivating your Perception and
    Thinking Energy' - also defines Hypnosis.

    "These aren't the droids you're looking for"
    (as in the movie 'Star Wars').



    By means of the FLUCTUATIONS (that this 'push and pull' etc. of Life
    Energy Particles subjects your body to),

    and as these Fluctuations are made visible by the meter (and
    made audible as well, by a good meter), [IPA]

    thus guided by your seeing (and/or hearing) in particular the
    fastest fluctuations, [IPA]

    THEREBY you DIRECT your attention: to examine the Life Energies
    inflicted on you, those Energies that 'you get back,' when you probe
    or examine a Criminal Mind.

    When you direct your PENETRATING attention (so penetratingly,
    that you do not let yourself be diverted, deceived, distracted
    or blocked but direct your determined, forceful Perception
    Energy Particles)

    towards a Criminal Mind (or a Criminal Soul - however you like
    to call such an individual), then

    you instantly get a lot of (Energies from him to prevent that
    from being sensed, what really is or was the matter - you get)
    interfering 'Stuff' thrown at you.

    Thereby he - being a Criminal Mind - intends to nullify or to
    pervert your looking-sensing, your thinking-remembering

    about him (and about yourself too) - he interferes with
    your straight observation of him, and with your thinking
    straight about him and about yourself.


    And these interfering Particles from him, do hit not only you,
    but (the Life Energies of) your body too;

    so these incoming Life Energy Particles, shot at you by
    the Criminal Mind whom you try to look at,

    ALSO these produce FLUCTUATIONS in the electrical resistance
    of your body,

    and they show as such, on the meter.

    For example: A Criminal Mind throws some Pain Energy into your
    right knee, or into your left eye. It registers directly on your
    body, of course.


    Much more so, however, there are your personal reactions:

    the Energies that you create yourself IN RESPONSE TO HIS
    firing HIS interfering Energies at you

    - his lying, his threatening, his numbing, his
    repulsive and perverting Energy Particles, or

    his Admiring and Drugging Life Energy PARTICLES -

    shot at you - at your soul, that means.

    As you know, your body is shocked, when YOU are shocked or
    threatened by someone - your Energy REACTION shocks your
    body's Energies, it shocks your own body - as you know
    well to happen.

    (Unless you are in very good shape and you control
    your own Energies when you in this case may prefer,
    that your body does not react to your emotions.)


    Your reaction to your getting a real glimpse of - or a first
    real suspicion about - the true nature and intentions of the
    Criminal Mind you look at, your reaction can be (and is most
    likely) very strong,

    which IS Life Energy and DOES register strongly in your
    body, and is thus showing - often spectacularly - on the




    Again: Your attention on someone, your Perception, your 'putting
    your attention on something or on someone,'

    IS you creating and projecting Life Energy PARTICLES to
    connect to whatever or whoever you put your attention on.


    OK? Got that now? You Perceive...


    Let's say, you direct your attention, those PARTICLES of Perception,
    at Russia's 'Vladimir Putin, or at China's Hu Jintao:

    As these are very Severely Criminal Minds, heavy Sociopaths,

    you get a blast back from them, to the effect that

    "you must not look at them as they are, but you must ONLY
    feel, ONLY sense or ONLY Perceive,

    what THEY want you to see, to feel and to sense about
    them." *(d)

    ALL dictators, ALL Criminal Minds, ALL Sociopaths, do that to
    others, also to their "friends,"

    (who are often most happy and thrilled to BE OVERWHELMED
    by the dictator - THEN "they feel safe..." and THEN they
    feel "not attacked by others"). *(2)

    I wrote in detail about such matters - for instance in the
    Introduction to Journalism Course {IJC}.



    Now you know how it works: It is really very easy to understand and
    talk about, by defining Life Energy Particles, as we do, here, above,

    as we define these in Fine Particle Physics, the fine physics of
    these Fine Particles. [iFPP]




    So they hit you hard in response to your probing attention,

    in the hope, that you will NOT then see their Energetic
    behavior: their highly anti-social, Energetic behavior.

    You should, so THEY think, 'understand' their hitting you, as
    discouraging you from looking at them,

    even as "Something that you do to yourself," (!)

    rather than you calmly and very rationally seeing, what it
    simply IS:

    Their hitting you (or others) IS an invitation to you, it makes it
    an obvious necessity for you and others,

    for you to really start looking and investigating.

    But they want you, of course, to 'shut down,' and "to have peace
    or make peace with them, and maintain stability," [DOP]

    or to have your throat become sick *(1) - to MAKE you
    shut up.



    Their Energy is - intending to Blind or to divert you - HITTING your
    soul and your body;

    and your body reacts INSTANTLY, reacts correspondingly

    resulting in large, very fast FLUCTUATIONS in electrical
    resistance, which of course show on a meter. *(e)


    In the other direction, going out from you:

    When you put your attention on something or on someone, and you are
    thus creating, and projecting some of your Perception-Life-Energy at
    the individual or a condition that you want to Perceive,

    then that Energy-creation by you,

    - your impulse to Perceive, which is Life Energy, it
    consists of Life Energy Particles that you create -

    that in itself already gives a measurable reaction in your body

    and a corresponding FLUCTUATION in your body's electrical
    resistance, and thus it shows on a meter.


    And - like with radar - you ALSO may get (and probably will get)
    an instantaneous reaction back, from who or what you started to
    look at:

    You receive Life Energy PARTICLES back, instantly, from whatever
    or whomever you put your attention on.

    And these again, also instantly, show up as fluctuations in your
    body's electrical resistance,

    and these provoke some reaction in you (in your soul that means)

    - your reaction consists of Life Energy again, which also shows
    up instantaneously in your body as fluctuations in its
    electrical resistance.



    The above may sound complicated at first, or unfamiliar, maybe, but it
    is easily summed up:

    Thoughts etc. ARE Particles - these Particles hit and influence
    your body and its electrical resistance, instantly.

    Your Perception IS you sending out and you receiving Particles,

    Life Energy Particles that Connect Specifically to

    - which IS Perception - of

    whatever it is you intend to Perceive (to sense, to feel,
    to remember, etc.).

    It includes of course, to connect specifically, as you
    know, to the sense organs of your body or to their nerve
    channels. *(f)(g)

    Get it now?


    I do very well understand, that this may all be new to you, to read
    about and to examine - but it is extremely simple -

    and it is called Fine Particle Physics:

    the Physics of Fine Particles, of Life Energy PARTICLES.

    OK? '





    Now you know more than others. Namely:

    How a Life Energy Fluctuation Meter actually works - you know
    more ALSO,

    much much more, than those who do posses a meter from the
    current (20120109) market, which supplies far too primitive and
    restrictive versions of meters.

    Meters are in essence extremely simple and very, very low cost

    that could very easily be integrated into your smart-
    phone, too. And in fact should be, to have it always at
    hand and working instantly. [IPA]


    Anyway, you play around with this meter, and you see (at very high
    sensitivity or amplification, of course - you see)

    how thoughts are Particles that produce strong and very fast
    fluctuations in your body's electrical resistance,

    measured best with a broad surface-connection to your hand palm,
    as with soup cans,

    and the fluctuations amplified - to the maximum possible without
    getting too much interference from general 'background noise,'

    and definitely with the possibility to lower the
    amplification considerably,

    or rather, to have a parallel readout for the bigger
    and one for the really big fluctuations,

    because once you 'lock on' to Perception, then Fluctuation
    can become huge very quickly. [IPA]


    And further, you can examine with the meter, that you need an amount
    of Life Energy for Perception, and many kinds of Life Energy for many
    kinds of Perception, and that you need many Life Energies for
    connecting to many memories:

    you will find out that an increase (or on the other hand a loss
    of) Perception, and of connection to memory, takes place

    according to the amount and the kind of Life Energy for
    Perception-Connection, that you have under your command,

    but that you may lose (that is most certainly taken away,
    smashed or pulled or tricked away from you, at times
    during the day or in the night, by Criminal Minds or
    by Criminal Souls as maybe a better word, here).





    3.a Thoughts are Particles, remember? Life Energy Particles.

    So we are going to create Life Energy Particles of Perception, that
    contain and that execute your intention to examine someone on some
    particular issue or subject:

    Life Energy knows no distance, so it does not matter where
    the person is now, that we want to examine.

    And you very definitely do not "wait for or ask permission
    to look" (unless, of course, you are an extreme coward and
    wholly overwhelmed by Criminal Minds, like most 'New Age'
    type people unfortunately are):


    except "permission" to see their masking Energies ONLY - that
    what they WANT you to Perceive, what they WANT you to think
    and what they WANT you to remember. [YGSQ]

    So you create the Energy (the thought, the intention, the desire)
    to examine the nature of the individual who is the target of our
    investigation (that means, examining the soul of course - the soul
    IS the person).


    We put our attention on that individual

    - which means: 'We project that thought, that Life Energy
    Particle of ours, that carries and executes our intention
    to examine that individual -

    in our example, we investigate 'Satan's Soul' (whom we recently
    found by the name of l. ron hubbard, and thus can be identified
    by photo, and maybe also by a recording of his voice - both
    available from the Internet).


    It applies in the same way of course to any other dictator,
    etc., that you want to examine.

    We take this particular individual here, now, because - as
    truth is absolute [HRO] - it is very, very beneficial,

    for yourself and for your friends, for your family,
    for your and their health,

    and for the very future of them and of Mankind,

    that you examine this individual soul, 'Satan's Soul,' now
    known as l. ron hubbard.

    He will of course contradict that and so will the fanatics
    who are "in his safe space."




    3.b We create and project this examining thought - a Perception-and-
    Questioning-type Life Energy - at him,

    for which we do not have to know his location because what you
    have created to Perceive-and-Question with, that Life Energy
    itself contains and intends

    that very specific and unique Connection to him, plus the intended
    examination of him, of his soul -

    which is unique. (Everyone's soul is entirely unique, as
    you will find out, if you didn't know it already.)



    3.c We are going to examine something VERY SPECIFIC about him, and
    that is (you create the Energy, the content and intention of
    specific, Perception-type Life Energy, that is connecting to him
    for Perception, and that is) probing



    You forcefully put THAT question-attention of yours on him.

    And his reacting Energy, his reaction to that probing assertion
    of yours about him - the response-Energy from him - will hit you
    and your body

    - Life Energy 'knows no distance,' remember? So it will
    hit you INSTANTLY -

    fluctuations in the electrical resistance of your body (at your
    hand palm as the best spot for measuring).



    3.d Now, when those rapid Fluctuations take the pattern of a SHUDDER

    - an extremely fast but very ragged, irregular pattern
    like a SHUDDERING motion - [IPA]

    then you can take that as a very strong indicator, that you are
    actually Perceiving him right then,

    when, of course, the reaction that you see on the meter,
    is clearly in connection with your intention that does
    identify him and that examines him, meaning:

    clearly in connection with your PERCEPTION-PROBING
    -type Life Energy

    by which you intended to Perceive him AND to get his

    by means of this particular question to probe:




    [end of numbered sections]





    The implications of knowing such very basic things about life, may
    dawn on you more and more, as you will be using this knowledge


    Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
    human rights philosopher and poet

    'Solomon's wisdom was greater
    than the wisdom of
    all the men of the East,
    and greater
    than all the wisdom of Egypt.'





    (a) You can, by yourself, build a very good meter by present
    standards, for almost no costs. Or you can ask an
    electronics hobbyist friend, to put one together for you.

    Meters currently on the market, are built NOT to be
    sensitive, and they likely come with instructions that
    PREVENT you from looking at what we most importantly do
    want to examine (as in 1. above).

    And those meters on the market currently, under the
    mis-nomer "GSR-meter," "Clarity Meter" or "E-Meter," etc.,

    are not only designed WITHOUT any knowledge of Life Energy
    and its FLUCTUATIONS (in other words, they don't know at
    all how it works or even WHY it works), but you can pay
    something from five hundred to five thousand US dollars
    for one.

    Those meters might look very slick, polished and sturdy,
    but when their designers only understand the technology
    of horse-drawn carriages, then their design will not go
    faster and will not be more precise, than just that.

    After all, you would not judge a violin by its case.


    (b) If you purchase or have a meter of the sort currently
    (20120109) on the market, you must ignore its operating
    manuals ENTIRELY - ALL their manuals in their ENTIRETY:

    A meter must be set always to its highest amplification or
    sensitivity, to operate with, certainly in the beginning,
    till Fluctuations on the subject are showing up wild and
    very large (at which time you have to lower the amplifi-
    cation, but) you always return to highest sensitivity or
    amplification, no matter what its manuals may say:


    And it hardly matters, what condition you yourself or your
    body are in - again, no matter what any manuals or any
    instruction booklets may tell you.

    Of course, the more alert and alive you are (your soul is)
    the better.

    But the condition of your body does not matter really at
    all, in order for the meter to show up what (whom) we want
    to look at and examine the intentions of. [IPA]

    Quite besides that, a Criminal Mind IS NOT GOING TO WAIT,

    "till you feel like you are ready to face" the Energies of
    him hitting your soul and your body.

    Those have NO CONSCIENCE, remember? And 'begging those for
    mercy,' only increases their JOY of inflicting Harm on you
    and onto and into your body. [DPFI]


    (c) If you or your electronics wizard friend, want to make a meter:

    Circuits to make a Life Energy Fluctuation Meter are available
    on the Internet, or you design a better electronic circuit
    yourself with [IPA] (and don't forget to send me a few devices,
    as a present).

    But manufacturers who DENY Life Energy even to exist, are
    not likely to design sensitive enough meters

    - they (meaning, most, if not all of them) have NO CLUE
    what it is all about,

    and "therefore" they have to charge very high prices, as
    a means to impress their customers anyway:

    A painting of a thousand dollars "is by
    definition not bad - else people would not
    pay that amount of money for it..."


    (d) And you may remember, that George W. Bush complied exactly
    with THEIR wishes, with their HYPNOSIS of him:

    He, George W. Bush, ONLY perceived about those two individuals -
    about Putin and about Hu Jintao - what THESE two individuals
    wanted him, George "Washington" Bush (the American President
    then) to Perceive and think about these two.

    I elaborated this in various HRI's that bear corresponding
    subject titles.


    (e) After all, Life Energy consists of PARTICLES, and your body
    operates entirely on Life Energy.

    It is Life Energy, that does the splitting and the combining of
    molecules in your body.

    Without its Life Energy, your body is just a corpse - wholly
    dead and inactive - no matter how "well-arranged or well-
    balanced its molecules" are. [MDSF]

    You should be ashamed, that I have to tell you this, at
    all - but

    that is, how far DOWN Criminal Minds have brought us and

    So that THEY can remain unseen and undetected, and their
    intentions and nature not understood.

    So that they then can become dictators, on a small scale
    or on a big scale.

    I have Zero Tolerance for these, as you may know. It was
    World War Two that for me provided the proverbial 'drop
    of water, that made the bucket flow over:' [DCM]

    It was most obvious, that there WAS no knowledge - neither
    on Earth nor beyond - of how to prevent these atrocities,
    nor was there ANY understanding to amount to anything
    useful, about those involved.

    So I started to dig up and free some of my abilities, to
    then arrive at the Human Rights Issues and Fine Particle


    (f) Your Perception is you sending out and you receiving Particles,

    including the Life Energy Particles by which you connect
    to your body's optic nerves, and to your aural (hearing)
    nerves, and to your skin, etc., etc..

    You are very familiar with experiencing that, of course,

    but our Criminal Minds refuse to and prevent to have it
    explained to us: [MDSF]

    Then these can - and they do, with tremendous ease
    indeed - interfere with our Perception [DPFI]

    (also blocking Perception of memories, and
    they easily inflict dreams, etc.).


    (g) Perception is the creation of SELECTIVE-CONNECTION Particles -
    you create these to specifically select the connection intended
    by you:

    As a very simple and crude example, you connect to - and
    thus Perceive - photons, and so you see light. *(f)[DPFI]

    Maybe you are familiar with the electronic circuits and
    programming of an Internet computer connection:

    Then you may have an idea of how extremely selective (or
    if you like, selecting) an electronic signal is, there.

    This is even more easily seen by the example of a
    telephone connection: the telephone creates a very
    selective signal.


    (h) Medical TV soap operas will be looked upon - in less than a
    century from now - with the revulsion and indignation, with
    which (non-medical)

    people nowadays look upon the past medical practice of 'blood-

    which only stopped to be a "medical cure" for almost anything,
    some hundred years ago - stopped "thanks to medical doctors"
    so they write about each other always full of professional
    praise or lenience as the case may be. No kidding! *(1)


    (i) And also when you DON'T look, he (or she, or it) hits you and
    hits anyone too - but then you don't notice it: It is "normal."
    (there are HRI's on this particular subject.)




    (1) 'In 1799, [an American medical doctor called] Dr. Rush treated
    [former American president] George Washington for acute
    laryngitis by use of heavy bleeding [bloodletting]; Washington
    died some 24 hours later.'

    My comment:

    Some or several Criminal Minds likely hit him hard and
    persistently with Harmful Energy 'to shut him up.'

    This causes damage in the corresponding organ of the body,
    to which the Harmful Energy must have been directed:

    The normal repair system of in this case the throat,
    FAILS - and inflammation etc. can occur.

    The medical doctor treating him, then as now as a
    medical doctor NOT knowing and still NOT WANTING TO KNOW
    even the most basic things about life and bodies, this
    doctor and the licensed quack's "treatment" 'finished
    George Washington off,' one couls assume as a probable

    Deliberate and malicious, peer-reviewed ignorance, as
    homicide really, was commuted into "doctors by definition
    are doing their best to save patients"

    ...except for the minor detail of their CURRENTLY STILL

    which even THEN already - in 1799 - was publicly available


    We return to the 'Wonderful World of Peer-reviewed Medical

    'Bloodletting is said to be 'general,' when blood is taken from
    a vein or artery so, that the amount in the vascular system is
    materially diminished, as shown by diminution on the tension of
    the blood vessels ...'

    '... rapid bleeding to a state of faintness was thought to be
    the proper technique.'

    Quoted from:

    Red Gold . Blood Basics . Early Practices . A Brief History of
    Bloodletting - page 2 -

    reprinted there, from

    "Bloodletting Over the Centuries" by Gilbert R. Seigworth, M.D.,
    From the New York State Journal Of Medicine (December, 1980)
    pp. 2022-2028.'


    (2) Triumph of the Will (1935) - Memorable quotes -

    Famous Nazi Propaganda Movie 'Triumph des Willens' - of their
    massive 1934 Party Congress in Nuremberg:

    Which shows one of the part greats making his speech:

    'As chief of the German justice system, I can only say, that
    since the National Socialist legal system is the foundation of
    the National Socialist State, for us, our supreme Fuhrer is
    also supreme judge.
    And since we know how sacred the principles of justice are to
    our Fuhrer, we can assure you, fellow citizens, that your life
    and existence is secure in this National Socialist State of
    order, freedom, and law!'

    (The same you hear now from Iran's leading Sociopaths.)

    Triumph of the Will (1935) - Memorable quotes.html'

    (n) (to be added as indicated by the text)



    [DOP] 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
    (First workable Definition of Peace)
    {HRI 20070520-V3.9-t}
    (20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)

    [FILSF]'The natural First International Law (FIL), in very short form'
    {HRI 20091004-V1.2} [FILSF]
    (4 October 2009 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2011)

    [HOB]'Can a person heal his own body? How Flat Is The Earth...'
    {HRI note 20120105} [HOB]
    (5 January 2012)

    [HRD-01] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and Preamble'
    {HRD-01 20091223-V1.1} [HRD-01]
    (23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

    [HRD-02] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and Preamble'
    {HRD-02 20100102-V1.5} [HRD-02]
    (2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)


    [SCS] ' 'Sum Corpus' Syndrome - The Highly Destructive and Fiercely
    Contagious Mental Illness, of Forcing Others to Believe, that
    "They Are a Body Only" ' (SCS)
    {HRI note 20100905-V1.1}
    (5 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 8 Sept 2010)

    [DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
    {HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
    (3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
    (Version 4.2)

    [IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
    {FPP 20110422-V4.0} (IPA)
    (22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011)
    {FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)

    [RCM] 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
    {HRI 20040108-V2.1}
    (8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)


    [TOS] 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (TOS)
    {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
    (7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

    [iFPP] 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics'
    as found on the Internet, for instance at platoworld, or
    at under Fine-Particle-Physics

    [ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
    (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

    [SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath
    Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
    {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
    (4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
    which includes
    'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
    {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

    [YGSQ] 'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
    Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
    on your Life Force' [YGSQ]
    {HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
    (7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

    [HRO] 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
    (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
    {HRO 20081017-V3.0} [HRO]
    (17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

    which is given, following here below:






    Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (the 'Scientology' Satanic Cult)
    (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')

    17 October 2008
    {HRO 20081017-V3.0}

    (Version 3.0
    on 12 Apr 2011)
    8 May 2011)

    (adds intro of
    (major editing
    of a Textnote)

    (suitable for foreign
    language students)

    (view Summary
    by skipping

    (does NOT suit


    (Introduction) - (on date 20110410, rev. on 20110412)

    This falls under Article THREE of the First Correct Human
    Rights Declaration:

    - as the faithful and intelligent reader might have
    guessed, (while Article THREE is still to be issued,
    it is) as follows -

    You have the RIGHT, to look at ANY Criminal Mind, and you have
    also the duty, to look at any Criminal Mind.


    Though such looking does demand of you to create a rather
    special, intense Perception Energy, in the case of being able
    to see such very severely Evil individuals (Criminal Minds or
    Criminal Souls) as mentioned in this Human Rights Order,

    your Perception Energy, to penetrate their deadly and
    deadening mask

    (the Energy of their mask debilitating you, drugging
    you, petrifying you or knocking you out - as their
    masking Energy does try to do to anyone)

    I should nevertheless not be the only one facing the very
    destructive, sickening malice,

    that is being (Energetically) constantly inflicted on you, by
    l. ron hubbard and by his Energy-vampiring "crew" (other Crimi-
    nal Minds, sharing the vampired Life Energy of yours):

    They are inflicting Blindness and suffering and mishaps on you.

    (And, while a soul can be incarnate or not - however, also
    when NOT incarnate, also then Criminal Minds - Criminal
    Souls - emanate and project their crippling Pains, their
    Blinding Ugliness, their sickening Lies, debilitating
    Euphoria and Admiration, and their deadly Unconsciousness

    indeed they do so more easily, when NOT incarnate:
    then, when projecting their very harmful Energies,
    is less hindered by the body, and by the social
    restraint that might be enforced while having a
    body - I remind you, that Criminal Minds have NO
    CONSCIENCE whatsoever, no restraint at all - by
    themselves - to their deeds and to their lies, and
    their methods of hiding these.)



    You have the right to look at ANY Criminal Mind, at any time and
    under any circumstances,

    ESPECIALLY at what a Criminal Mind tries to prevent you
    from looking at, from perceiving, sensing or remembering,

    and you have not only the right to look, but also the duty, to
    look at any Criminal Mind (Criminal Soul).

    So, over to you...

    (Introduction - end)





    The Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation being l. ron hubbard
    - including Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment'
    (in Version 3.0)


    (Definition of Truth):

    "Truth is defined in your soul, as

    'That what happened, plus, who caused it, plus,
    the intentions of who caused it;'

    - truth then (though it can be hidden in various ways)
    is absolute, it obviously can not ever be erased,
    no matter how distant in time it has come to pass;

    - truth further, having become part of The Creation
    the moment something happened or was intended, can
    forever be remembered or viewed, also by others."


    Koos Nolst Trenite
    human rights philosopher and poet



    If you had sufficient knowledge about, care for and understanding of
    Mankind, and of Life itself, then

    you would have given this order yourself, and I would then not have
    had to do so.


    The order is called a Human Rights Order, because it is based on
    sufficient understanding, as found in the Human Rights Issues
    and in Fine Particle Physics.



    The Human Rights Order is as follows:

    Anyone who supports or aids or promotes the individual who is
    last known as l. ron hubbard (L. Ron Hubbard),

    is an enemy of Mankind, to the degree of the support or aid or
    promotion of the individual last known as l. ron hubbard, that
    is given or intended.

    This particular order can not be revoked, and remains in force
    for all eternity, as explained below.


    Not only sufficient data, but also sufficient understanding, has been
    made available to you and accessible by you, to be able for you to
    comply with this order,

    and also, to understand its additional order of being permanent, of
    being irrevocable, for all time.


    It applies, retroactively, also to those - including me - who
    have IN THE PAST

    (including in past lives, which are as valid as any other
    life or existence - regardless of Criminal Minds having
    taken your Energy for remembering them, and yourself in
    the past - in which someone may have)

    in some way supported this individual, but it applies then
    obviously only

    to the extent that someone does not revoke, or refuses to
    revoke and to denounce past support, *(1)

    indeed support given also in past lives, which are, by
    definition, not less lived, and not with less future
    conditions created, of course, as one's present life time,

    with my stereotype example of the Eiffel

    If you did (help to) build that structure in
    your previous life time, then

    it is still standing there now, isn't it - it
    did not disappear, when your body died, right?

    So if you wrote a book with a "glowing account of
    support for this individual and his work," then
    that book, and its possible influence, continue
    of course to exist also in your present life time
    - you might be willing to admit - as your creation

    of possible support for the individual, last known as
    l. ron hubbard, who is the object of this Human Rights



    Satan is not 'a concept,' nor 'an Energy' - but it is an actual
    individual soul, who has decided at some time

    (out of the usual motives underlying Insanity, such as Envy
    and Hate, and)

    much much longer ago, than Earth myths claim,

    to "seek his joy in destroying The Creation," and to destroy as
    many souls as he could capture by whatever means, in people's
    distant spiritual past,

    which he himself, l.ron hubbard or Satan, not entirely
    without intended accuracy, does place at about 75 million
    years ago, and since then,

    to destroy any captive people or souls, permanently to become
    and to remain what you now call sociopaths, or Criminal Minds,

    those WHO ENJOY TO BE EVIL, *(3)

    and that of course RESULTS in them producing and projecting or
    inflicting, on everybody, their Evil, Harmfully Altered Life
    Energies. *(2)

    And whether those individuals are alive (born, in a body,
    incarnate) or dead (currently not born, not incarnate)

    MAKES NO DIFFERENCE in their JOY nor in their PRACTICING their
    JOY TO BE EVIL, to inflict their lies and other Evil ENERGIES
    onto you, onto others, onto your body and the body of others.



    Due to the proven, persistent since the very distant past, as
    well as present nature,

    of the individual, mentioned as being the soul called Satan,
    or Shaitan or 'Dark Soul'

    TIME TO COME, to anyone -

    accounts of which have been made available by me to you,
    and that have been made understandable to you, by me,

    accounts counting from the very beginning,

    which is when this individual decided to create his
    own - unheard of and at that time unimaginable for
    anyone even to think of, let alone desiring the -
    condition of 'the Joy of being Evil,'

    and to inflict and horribly force the same condition
    upon as many as he could do - including on the soul
    of unborn babies - with gruesome irreversibility,

    as well as his activities of robbing the soul
    of others of their essential Life Energies,

    such as your native Beauty,

    the individual's most gruesome, widely enforced and
    copied acts of Enjoying to be Evil to others

    - which all can be remembered and viewed by anyone,
    no matter how distantly in the past these have
    been inflicted on you or others -

    most simply described as 'his irreversible
    contempt for Life and for people,' like

    his "solving over-population" by mass
    extermination, to hide the Joy of Being

    where "Life is a game," to obtain the
    Life Energies of those exterminated,
    for himself and for his "crew,"

    the "Joy" of mass extermination of Life

    - as we have seen it, on a very
    much smaller scale, repeated
    here in the last World War,
    by such as Heinrich Himmler,
    spiritually a very close
    companion of Satan, indeed, of
    l. ron hubbard - understandable
    when recognized

    as hate of The Creation: destroying whole,
    populated planets, blowing them up, *(b)
    for the only "reason," that the population is
    alive and is very beautiful and very happy,

    destroying it in his pretense of "being
    separate from The Creation" which anyone
    nevertheless is part of:

    also he, the individual who now
    takes great JOY and PRIDE in very
    clever deception and betrayal,

    in having set up the pretense of
    "helping people (their soul) to
    become whole again,"

    but only to further and much
    deeper to make people Blind
    forever: to never even suspect
    the ACTUAL past (which can
    however not be erased),

    to never even SUSPECT the actual
    intention of that individual, to
    dominate and rule all minds he
    can thus once again overwhelm,

    as the only thing he has ever
    wanted to do and will ever want
    to do,

    not himself responding to any
    approach or therapy whatsoever,
    since ever and now,

    thus - explained in simplest of words and facts -

    this particular Human Rights Order CAN NOT BE REVOKED.


    Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
    human rights philosopher and poet

    'Solomon's wisdom was greater
    than the wisdom of
    all the men of the East,
    and greater
    than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

    1 Kings 4:30


    (a) Definition of Karma

    'Karma' - The belief system introduced and maintained by
    Criminal Minds, to make you NOT LOOK at their Evil acts on
    you and others.

    Back to the 'Eiffel Tower' example:
    If you did (help to) build that structure in your previous
    life time, then it is still standing there now, isn't it did not disappear, when your body died, right?

    If you wrote a book with a "glowing account of support for
    the person and work of this individual" who actually does
    ENJOY Evil and deception,

    then that book, and its possible influence, continue of
    course to exist also in your present life time, you might
    be willing to admit, as your creation of that influence.

    Which has nothing to do with the entirely malicious
    and false ideas given as the concept of 'Karma.'

    As always, that idea, 'Karma,' only does serve
    Criminal Minds to make you NOT LOOK at THEIR nature,
    (their unfortunately wholly irreparable nature) of
    insidious malice, of

    THEIR enjoying (and forever to enjoy) inflicting
    Evil, to express their CONTEMPT for Life,

    and at the same time they hide the cause of the
    injury, even its nature,

    and then they do blame on the very victim of it,
    those injuries, and the blindness and unhappiness
    with it, that THEY inflicted on you - they are
    very criminally blaming YOU:

    that "you yourself caused it somehow,"

    "because of your Karma." And so we come to look at
    the Evil that made you swallow the idea of 'Karma,'
    an idea which is

    (Definition of Punishment):

    suggesting already the entirely false, and
    malicious idea (stemming from Criminal Minds,
    as these ENJOY to see others suffer), creating
    the malicious idea,

    that "you are - or anybody is - required to
    suffer" for past deeds of Evil,

    which they then sell as "a sense of Justice,"
    preferably even "Divine" or else "Cosmic"

    Inflicting Evil can however never be just, but ONLY
    the restriction of Evil Impulses is just.



    THEIR hiding the cause of THEIR Evil by calling the infliction
    THEY (or other Criminal Minds) caused on you or your children,

    naming that 'Karma,' is already more Evil an act, than you are
    willing to accept as existing:

    Their actively hiding their Joy of being Evil to you, by telling
    you, that your misfortune, caused solely by individuals who are
    Criminal Minds, by them, "is your 'Karma',"

    - and ALSO Destructive Cowards (defined as those who want
    compliance with Criminal Minds, who want these hidden)

    also Destructive Cowards want you not to face the cause
    of the injury,

    that is, they do not want you to face a person who is a
    Criminal Mind - *(n)(n) [DDC-pi17, etc.]

    because THEY WANT you to NOT face Evil, and also not THAT Evil,
    that the idea of 'Karma' and its use, does constitute.


    Criminal Minds project their Evil inflictions on you - and
    on your children, and on anyone - all the time, in daily

    with injuries that include the infliction of any and all
    illnesses, as it includes the destruction of your body's
    immune and repair systems,

    but they inflict at the same time also spiritual Blindness
    on you,

    which results then in your INABILITY TO REPAIR THAT DAMAGE
    (they tell you to take drugs medical and even recreational
    - INSTEAD of your seeing, sensing, feeling through the
    damage they inflict on you on your body, and thus your
    repairing or even preventing the damage and suffering

    - illness and injuries THEY like to claim "are not
    caused by them;"

    and "modern" Medical "Science," the very
    "scientific" quackery and charlatanry called
    Medical "Science," called so not only now, but
    already since millennia,

    does fully support the denial of Evil, with huge
    monetary gain indeed for the licensed
    professionals themselves, and at that,

    on the back of the suffering of their mis-informed
    patients so abused by the arrogant, licensed
    quackery, they - the licensed quackery - REFUSES
    to know that,

    what always has been and always will be the cause
    - and that is, that *(n)(n)(n)(n)

    Criminal Minds inflict the Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES
    that destroy your immune system and your ability to
    protect and repair your body, and they vampire on the
    Life Energy your body needs; thus *(n) [iFPP]

    resulting in "incurable" illnesses:

    OF COURSE, if they do not even WANT to know the cause, NOR
    the nature of Life forms itself, on which the harm is thus

    INCLUDING, WITH, PLUS the Despair and Stupidity
    about their cause,

    the Stupidity (which is not at all your being stupid
    but it is THEIR blocking your access TO your ability
    to think and to observe),

    and you are made and kept THAT Stupid, that
    you do not even KNOW THAT: With your

    you do not even know anymore how Awareness
    works, let alone how Perception works, *(n)

    which is BLOCKED by them BY MEANS OF THEIR
    creating and inflicting Harmful Life Energy

    - you super dumb stupid -

    they mean to MAKE you Stupid

    - but you do not even know what
    stupidity is:

    MAINTAINED in you, BY Criminal Minds -

    and spiritual Blindness is INFLICTED on
    you, in order also

    to PREVENT you from seeing the causing person
    and the method used by him or her, that is THE
    CAUSE of the trouble or suffering inflicted on
    you (and on your children);

    blocking, Poisoned Life Energy PARTICLES, TO
    MAKE AND KEEP YOU STUPID, are being *(n) [DCM]

    inflicted at the same time on you, by them. That
    means: TOGETHER WITH the illnesses and injuries,
    they ALSO inflict Stupidity about it, in you,

    a vast set of lies is projected

    (ideas are contained in Life Energy
    Particles - that is how communication
    of ideas works,

    and so you may get ideas that are not
    your own at all, but that you assume
    "are your own" ideas or "own" feelings)

    that "it is your body mysteriously 'making
    itself ill';" they are

    projecting lies with completely wrong causes,
    parroted by the licensed Medical quacks (and
    by "caring" parents, to children)

    - so as to make these illnesses and injuries
    last as long as possible, or become entirely
    irreparable, indeed -

    because the Blocking Energies inflicted, PREVENT you
    from knowing, from sensing-feeling-perceiving these
    injuries, and thus they PREVENT people also from
    researching the cause of the illness,

    even when people DID get paid for finding the
    actual cause as explained above,

    when they tell you, that Harmful, Poisoned, Altered
    Life Energy "does not exist," and/or

    "is not created and not inflicted by Criminal Minds,"
    *(n)(n)(n) [Franklin, Lavoisier] [Descartes]

    as the Associated Press' and other medical and
    "science" journalists are continuously telling
    you with THEIR malicious "journalism,"

    (malicious superstition and utterly crazy
    belief systems THEY are possessed of,

    but of course they are - like true
    quacks - accusing OTHERS of what THEY
    do wrong THEMSELVES) *(n)(n)

    denying the nature of life itself,

    with the ability to see who does what with what
    intention - meaning the perception of truth -

    by means of projected, inflicted, Harmful Energies
    (Poisoned Life Energy PARTICLES). [iFPP], *(2)'


    (b) Therefore, many of you felt an emotional shock, when you saw it
    on a wide screen, in the first 'Star Wars' movie:

    a planet blown up by someone from a distance, by means of a
    corresponding mass destruction device.

    It is also why many of you were so emotionally involved in the
    movie 'ET' or 'Extra Terrestrial' - even though it was about an
    entirely fictitious creature - who wants to get back to his home
    planet or back to his heaven

    - 'heaven' or 'release from Earth' which every respectable
    religion offers (and with considerable success, too)
    because it is based on your memory or sense of truth of
    distant past and belonging

    ...but religion's success lies only in the offering
    of it, because it appeals to what is buried in your most
    cherished memories when you and others were truly alive,

    ...their success lies NOT in its actual realization,
    for which they would have - following the Human Rights
    Issues - to establish social peace on Earth,

    'Peace on Earth and Well-being in Man,'

    which would then - by the way - obviate the need
    (make it unnecessary) to flee to some other planet
    or 'heaven,' and it would meet with less success, to
    offer that exit from Earth as 'salvation,'

    or from India or ancient Egypt, to offer the
    'exit' from Earth, as "salvation"

    by eternal spiritual death or 'non-aliveness,'

    enforcing and teaching a 'no desire to be
    alive,' a complete irresponsibility,

    that - according to the Criminal Mind - does
    "conquer" death forever. *(n)(n)(n)


    Footnotes: [not updated or expanded, in Version 3.0]

    (1) 'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
    some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
    {HRI note 20091105-V1.3-u_all} (CENSORED by GROUPS.GOOGLE)
    (5 November 2009 - Version 1.3-u_all on 9 Nov 2009)
    (Its earliest appearance was not yet censored by Groups.Google)
    {HRI 20091105-V1.0.1-t}
    (5 November 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Nov 2009)

    (2) 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
    {HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
    (3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

    (3) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
    (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

    (n) (to be added as indicated)

    References: [not updated or expanded, in Version 3.0]

    'The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame -
    the 'Hollywood "Underworld" '
    {HRI 20090204-V4.2}
    (4 February 2009 - Version 4.2 on 3 Mar 2009)

    'Main But Missing History Of 'Scientology:' The Grand Theft'
    {HRI note 20090121-V3.0}
    (21 Jan 2009 - Version 3.0)

    'The Answers to 'Questions to test the "experts" on 'Scientology'
    and on 'Scientology' front groups' '
    {HRI note 20090102-A-1.0.1}
    (2 January 2009 - Answer 17 Feb 2009)
    ... /group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/14653aa695abf369

    ' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
    "Awareness Levels, - Chart, - Scales" to PRETEND "Awareness" '
    {HRI note 20081010-V2.1}
    (10 October 2008 - Version 2.1 on 12 Oct 2008)

    ' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series: Therapy into 'Drugged'
    spiritual death - "Pleasure Moment, Key-out, End Phenomena,
    Release, Clear"
    {HRI note 20081005-II-V1.0}
    (5 October 2008, IInd issue - Version 1.0)


    Copyright 2008-2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
    and poet
    This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
    anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
    who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
    to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to Sociopaths
    specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
    of life and about themselves).
    None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
    or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
    and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
    about any organizations or individuals.
    Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
    PlatoWorld at





    (further reference):


    > _______________
    > I wrote earlier:
    > If you are INSIDE the Energy
    > (feelings, ideas, perceptions, memories and goals, are Life
    > Energies - if you are IMMERSED in the Energies)
    > of l. ron hubbard (of 'Satan,' if you like) THEN you do not feel or
    > Perceive him, can you follow that?
    > It is like floating with the river, and not having any ground
    > under your feet for holding yourself still. Instead, you feel
    > you are "not being moved," and "all is calm."
    > Indeed they even call it - that is, he does frequently get them to
    > call it - "a safe space." (!)
    > '
    > And it is - as I pointed out elsewhere, I believe - it is their goal
    > to achieve and maintain, for themselves and others:
    > It FEELS good, and gives the illusions which, well... it does
    > contain the illusions (the Harmful Life Energy projections or
    > hypnosis) that l. ron hubbard provides,
    > for them to feel, to "perceive," to "know" and to "remember,"
    > "about him," "about you," "about others," and "about life."
    > '
    > It is their GOAL - it is the goal of the fervent, unwavering and loyal
    > devotee to the personality cult of l. ron hubbard, to his cult called
    > 'Scientology' where he claims to be "the Source of Life" (no kidding!)
    > the goal of his devotees is, to NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE l. ron hubbard
    > but they don't know that, they just call it "feeling great" and
    > "being above others,"
    > or on the other hand, feeling "very noble and caring,"
    > but their goal is, to NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE l. ron hubbard,
    > which, admittedly, is extremely unpleasant to experience,
    > and instead, to be hypnotized by him into "seeing," into experiencing
    > what and how he wants them to "see" and experience him, to "see" life
    > and people, and how he wants them to "reason" and experience life,
    > and what he wants them to strive for:
    > basically 'to bring all of Earth and all of Mankind' into the
    > same "wonderful, Drugged state,"
    > and in cult worship of l. ron hubbard, in
    > the "wonderful feeling" of NOT Perceiving the Extreme Ugliness
    > of l. ron hubbard, of NOT feeling his Extreme Hate, of being
    > oblivious of his infliction of Black Unawareness Energy, etc.
    > etc. - which he nevertheless inflicts and copiously while
    > unopposed and undetected.
    > '
    > So they "MUST STAY IMMERSED" in the Energy of l. ron hubbard
    > - much like Drug Addicts "must stay" in the Drugging,
    > Harmfully Altered Life Energy, that their body, if drugged
    > chemically, produces for them (for their soul) to feel -
    > in order NOT TO FEEL the Ugliness, the Hate, the Life-Blocking
    > Energies, and to not know about and not detect the inflicted
    > Unawareness - all of which however is there -
    > and not only there, but UNOPPOSED while not felt due to
    > the Drugging Euphoria Energy inflicted with it.
    > '
    > Nobody teaches you this, and there are a lot of things that are very
    > much more fun to do, for me, than to teach you
    > - but I do teach you, and I do so for the sole reason, that I love
    > people ...obviously more than anyone else does, else they would
    > teach it too.
    > KNT hrp&p
    > Copyright 2012 by KNT hrp&p - conditions as usual
    > _______________
    > I wrote earlier:
    > '
    > What Damaging Act did Scientologist Debbie Cook NOW again inflict
    > on Mankind?
    > {note 20120103}
    > It happens to be so, that Truth is absolute.
    > Scientologist Debbie Cook can maybe - and will probably at some
    > time - EXCUSE her very damaging actions (which she LIKES TO FEEL
    > as "being good," as explained below)
    > but - truth being absolute - she at some time will go and
    > EXCUSE her acts of damage to Mankind,
    > excusing these by her claiming the fact of 'having been and now
    > still being hypnotized;'
    > and she will certainly JUSTIFY it like that, at some time in the
    > future.
    > '
    > That does not however change the damage she is inflicting on Mankind,
    > under the - indeed elaborate - PRETENSE of "helping" Mankind.
    > '
    > Such is the Euphoric Drug Energy oozing from l. ron hubbard via
    > her, and reinforced by her in and through l. ron hubbard's life
    > achievement - his 'very cleverly' enslaving Mankind by means of
    > 'Scientology.'
    > '
    > The intricate and convoluted REVERSALS of Good and Evil, and of
    > Truth and Lies, by Debbie Cook and by her so-called "friends" and
    > by her so-called "enemies" alike,
    > her acts of thus being deceived into ENSLAVING Mankind, are a
    > DELIGHT to l. ron hubbard, indeed - as you can imagine.
    > Especially juicy is the theme pushed by her, by Debbie Cook
    > (which you can see in the recent newspaper articles in US and UK)
    > the theme she pushes, that she,
    > Debbie Cook, "wants to be able to see 'eye to eye' to
    > l. ron hubbard, and that she "loves" l. ron hubbard."
    > No kidding!
    > Fully Blinded and hypnotized by him as she is, she "wants
    > to see 'eye to eye' with him..."
    > '
    > Also that is not flattering the intelligence of Debbie Cook, NOR
    > does it bear witness to any desire of hers, to observe life and
    > individual people, and to understand life itself.
    > But what else do you expect of a thoroughly enslaved and hypnotized
    > person, Debbie Cook - in 'Satan's game - excuse me, in l. ron
    > hubbard's Axiom (not a joke!):
    > "Life is a game of overwhelming others,"
    > and another 'Scientology' "self-evident truth," that
    > "Beauty and Ugliness are 'only a matter of consideration',"
    > etc., etc., straight from the mouth of whom you might want
    > - not without reason - to call 'Satan' (or to call 'Xenu,"
    > if you are well-read in these things and want to use their
    > own 'Scientology' terminology).
    > '
    > Quite apart from that, Debbie Cook has done the "highest therapy
    > levels" ("Awareness Levels" - no kidding!) that the object of
    > her Satanic fixation, l. ron hubbard, did manage to devise for his
    > very subdued devotees - and then some, more of his "Rundowns,"
    > yet she is not only spiritually fully blind, but she can not even
    > heal her own body (!)
    > thereby showing off only two of the endless REVERSALS that
    > l. ron hubbard - or 'Satan' if you like - has spun for his
    > very, very Blind devotees,
    > not surprisingly to the informed reader, devotees who, on top, are
    > very, very destructive to Mankind,
    > as explained very clearly - even to THEM, as follows here below in
    > the corresponding Human Rights Order.
    > KNT hrp&p
    > '
    > copyright 2012 by KNT hrp&p - conditions as usual
    > '
    > ________________
    > I wrote recently:
    > (reader prerequisites: IQ>130, EQ>120, CQ>120, C2Q>140)
    > (I=Intelligence, E=Emotional, C=Caring, C2=Courage - Q=Quotient)
    > '
    > '
    > 'What Regression Therapy to suggest or demand' IF you want such'
    > - as opposed to all the common practices of "feel good" etc. by
    > means of HIDING or MISIDENTIFYING Evil and Good equally, or by
    > REVERSING it altogether, and by other popular or "advanced" methods of
    > wellness ...of making people Blind to seeing actual Life and the actual
    > intentions and nature of individual people.
    > '
    > '
    > The necessary, applicable data, is 'embedded' in, and conveyed by
    > the Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard [given above].
    > KNT hrp&p
    > '
    > copyright 2012 by KNT hrp&p - conditions as usual

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