
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoVitruvian Man - parts 7-11aVitruvian Man - parts 7-11a
  • Data: 2024-05-11 18:00:50
    Temat: Vitruvian Man - parts 7-11a
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    [continued from parts 1 - 6] . . .

    * the three pyramids of gizeh are the most famous, everlasting and iconic land-
    marks in the world; hermians, altars, sundials, carefully placed as tones on
    the scale, descending and ascending in the balance; the first pyramid is car-
    dinal, the second is fixed, and the third is mutable; the third decan of tau-
    rus is cardinal earth, the synodic return of kappa/kronos, hence "capricorn";
    the pyramids' dimensions and relative positions have been measured to common
    agreement within geometric tolerance(Petrie's 1880-82 survey, "web mercator"
    WGS84 ellipsoid/EPSG:4326, etc.); for star mapping, JPL's DE431 ephemeris is
    ideal for use with astronomy software; the 2.59 gigabyte binary is available
    (covers epoch of date -13200-08-15 to 17191-03-15); this file works with the
    popular freeware Cartes du Ciel: ; the
    following chart lists the approximate center of each pyramid base in decimal
    degrees of latitude and longitude:

    1st Pyramid: ~29.979182, ~31.134206
    2nd Pyramid: ~29.975980, ~31.130789
    3rd Pyramid: ~29.972513, ~31.128241

    * for this example, the Cartes du Ciel/Sky Chart program is set to approximate
    the geocentric sky using ecliptic coordinates for julian day -2073524 (10390
    years BC) to see if the famous Edgar Cayce reading 5748-6 which says "10,490
    to 10,390 before the Prince entered into Egypt" . . ."date BC of that period"
    might show that the calculated epoch of date positions of the "Belt of Orion"
    stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka could closely align with the present-day
    positions of the pyramids:

    Alnitak: L +274*30'18"/+274.505000 B -26*44'18"/-26.738333 29tau41:48
    Alnilam: L +273*17'43"/+273.295278 B -25*55'25"/-25.923611 28tau29:13
    Mintaka: L +272*12'10"/+272.202778 B -24*57'12"/-24.953333 27tau23:40
    Aldebar: L +259*48'30"/+259.808333 B -05*56'23"/- 5.939722 15tau00:00

    comparative studies of this subject (particularly by Bauval, Hancock, et al)
    have consistently showed that the first two pyramids are clearly an "x marks
    the spot" match with the first two stars, while the third pyramid is clearly
    not centered on the third star, and yet it is tangent to it about two-thirds
    of the way down the western edge of the pyramid's slightly-concave tetragram
    base (this subtle star-shape most apparent in the first pyramid, least so in
    the second); the coincidence of the third star so exactly touching the third
    pyramid at its west edge provides further compelling evidence of correlation
    by design; the "mighty hunter in the field" theme of the unforgiving mutable
    quartette fits neatly with the classic mythology of life, death, and rebirth;

    Le proporzioni del corpo umano secondo Vitruvio

    "The length of the outspread arms is equal to the height of the man. From the hair-
    line to the bottom of the chin is one-tenth of the height of the man. From below
    the chin to the top of the head is one-eighth of the height of the man. From above
    the chest to the top of the head is one-sixth of the height of the man. From above
    the chest to the hairline is one-seventh of the height of a man. From the chest to
    the head is a quarter of the height of the man. The maximum width of the shoulders
    contains a quarter of the man. From the elbow to the tip of the hand is a quarter
    of the height of a man; the distance from the elbow to the armpit is one-eighth of
    the height of the man; the length of the hand is one-tenth of the man. The virile
    member is at the half height of the man. The foot is one-seventh of the man. From
    below the foot to below the knee is a quarter of the man. From below the knee to
    the root of the member is a quarter of the man. The distances from the chin to the
    nose and the hairline and the eyebrows are equal to the ears and one-third of the

    * man's height is 4 cubits; from hairline to base of chin is 4/10 = 0.4 cubits;
    from base of chin to top of square is 4/8 = 0.5 cubits; from top of chest to
    top of square is 4/6 = ~0.666667 cubits; from top of chest to hairline is 4/7
    = ~0.571429 cubits; from chest level with center of nipples to top of square
    is 4/4 = 1 cubit; width of shoulders is 4/4 = 1 cubit; elbow to tip of hand is
    4/4 = 1 cubit; elbow to armpit is 4/8 = 0.5 cubits; length of hand is 4/10 = 0.4
    cubits; groin is 4/2 = 2 cubits above floor; foot is 4/7 = ~0.571429 cubits (cf.
    Vitruvius' description "4 palms make a foot" = ~0.666667 cubits); from floor to
    base of knee is 4/4 = 1 cubit; from base of knee to groin is 4/4 = 1 cubit; from
    base of chin to base of nose is 4/30 = ~0.133333 cubits; from hairline to base
    of eyebrows is 4/30 = ~0.133333 cubits; from base of eyebrows to base of nose
    (top to bottom of ears) is 4/30 = ~0.133333 cubits; face is 12/30 = 0.4 cubits;
    from the eyes level with center of pupils to top of square is 4/16 = 0.25 cubits;
    left pupil is dilated in the decreasing sunlight (seasonal from summer to winter
    solstice, diurnal from postmeridian to antemeridian), right pupil is constricted
    in the increasing sunlight (from winter to summer solstice, from antemeridian to
    postmeridian); space between the pupils is about 1 palm-width = ~0.166667 cubits
    (drawing measurement closer to ~0.164164 cubits);

    * raised left hand extended middle finger tip is tangent to circle at (caelestial)
    sagittarius second decan 0 aries; raised right hand extended middle finger tip
    is tangent to circle at pisces third decan 0 scorpio; lowered left hand extended
    middle finger tip is tangent to square in scorpio third decan cancer first pentad;
    lowered right hand extended middle finger tip is tangent to square in aries first
    decan second pentad; armspan is parallel above taurus-scorpio centerline, 0 taurus
    ~23.7 degrees below right fingertip, 0 scorpio ~23.3 degrees below left fingertip;

    * raised left hand extended middle finger tip is tangent to square in (terrestrial)
    scorpio second decan pisces second pentad; raised right hand extended middle fin-
    ger tip is tangent to square in aquarius second decan gemini first pentad; lowered
    left hand extended middle finger tip is tangent to square in scorpio first decan
    first pentad; lowered right hand extended middle finger tip is tangent to square
    in aquarius third decan libra second pentad;

    * raised left foot is turned halfway to the man's left and is tangent to circle in
    (caelestial) leo third decan aries, toe in virgo first decan first pentad; raised
    right foot is facing forward and is centered tangent to circle at 0 cancer first
    decan; lowered left foot is fully turned to the left and is tangent to square in
    leo first decan, with back of the heel at 0 leo and toe first pentad sagittarius;
    lowered right foot is facing forward and is tangent to square with toes slightly
    impressing floor in cancer third decan pisces with toe tangent to heel at 0 leo;
    both lowered feet conceal the circle behind them, and the ball of the lowered left
    foot and toe are outside the circle and drawn as only barely impressing the floor;

    * raised left foot is tangent to circle in (terrestrial) leo first decan with heel
    in cancer third decan pisces second pentad; raised right foot is in taurus third
    decan capricorn; lowered left foot is in cancer first decan, with toe centered in
    cancer second decan scorpio; lowered right foot is in gemini third decan aquarius;

    * both lowered left and right hand extended fourth finger tips are centered 3/4 =
    ~0.75 cubits below top of square (notably, obliquity of the terrestrial equator
    to the caelestial equator transited 23*30'00.0000" 10:41:09 UT Mon 21 Oct 1532/
    julian day 2280914.9452[jpl-de431]= 23.5, the arithmetic mean of 23.7 and 23.3;
    rounding to ~23.4 [i.e. <23.45] did not begin until 12:52:49 UT Mon 6 Aug 1917,
    whereas rounding from ~23.6 to ~23.5 [<23.55] began 3:41:07 UT Sun 31 Mar 1146);

    * raised right hand extended index finger is flexed sharply at the proximal joint
    just below top of square, and is turned halfway forward to the man's right with
    fingertip and tip of thumb about 1/4 = ~0.25 cubits inside left edge of square;
    outer edge of right index finger at 2nd proximal phalanx is tangent terrestrial
    pisces second decan gemini, and outer edge of right pinky finger tip is tangent
    to second decan gemini second pentad, spanning 5 terrestrial degrees (1 pentad);
    raised left hand extended index finger is flexed slightly at the proximal joint
    and turned outward with only tip of thumb about 1/4 = ~0.25 cubits inside right
    edge of square; outer edge of left index finger at metacarpal (mcp) is tangent
    terrestrial scorpio third decan cancer, and outer edge of left pinky finger tip
    is tangent to scorpio second decan pisces second pentad, spanning 5 terrestrial
    degrees (1 pentad); base of thumb of both raised left and right hands is 1/4 =
    ~0.25 cubits below top of square; base of both left and right forearms is 3/4 =
    ~0.75 cubits from sides of the square and 1/2 = ~0.5 cubits from top of square;

    * the length of vertical line segment "y" may be further simplified by expressing
    it as a simple ratio 3/7 = ~ 0.428571 cubits; cf. y = 2sin(10)/(cos(10)-sin(10))
    = ~0.428148, very near to 3/7 (~99.9012%); this makes a 28 x 28 square grid fit
    neatly in the square, with 3 additional grid spaces to each side for the circle
    diameter, allowing the whole circle to fit perfectly in the 34 x 34 square grid;
    thus the diameter of the small circle centered at the midpoint of segment "y" is
    3 grid spaces = 3/7 cubits, area is 9pi/196 = ~0.1442568 cubits; tangent to the
    top of this circle is the base of another circle of equal diameter (3/7 cubits),
    and at the center of each of these circles is a smaller, 1 grid-square diameter
    circle; a larger circle of 6/7 = ~0.857143 cubits diameter circumscribes all of
    these smaller circles, forming the familiar "yin-yang" geometry with yin (moon)
    top/right and yang (sun) bottom/left, navel at the center of caelestial man and
    geocentric circle of heaven, groin at center of terrestrial man and topocentric
    quadrangle of earth, segment "y" the spherical radius tethering life in gravity;

    * a large circle 11 6/7 = ~11.857143 cubits diameter is centered 9 3/7 = ~ 9.428571
    cubits from vertical centerline and 1/7 = ~0.142857 cubits below center of circle
    i.e. 2 2/7 = ~2.285714 cubits above floor line; another circle 8 1/14 = ~8.071429
    cubits diameter is centered 5 6/7 = ~5.857143 cubits from vertical centerline and
    is 1 1/14 = ~1.071429 cubits above center of circle i.e. 3 1/2 = 3.5 cubits above
    floor line; another circle 6 6/7 = ~6.857143 cubits diameter is centered 1 4/7 =
    ~ 1.571429 cubits from vertical centerline and 1/7 = ~0.142857 cubits below center
    of circle i.e. 2 2/7 = ~2.285714 cubits above floor line; another circle 9 23/28 =
    ~9.821143 cubits diameter is centered 1 21/56 = 1.375 cubits from vertical center-
    line and 53/56 = ~0.946429 cubits below center of circle i.e. 1 27/56 = ~1.482286
    cubits above floor line;

    [end parts 7 - 11a; see part 11b for continuation]

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