
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoSfałszowane wybory w USA, decyzja sędziego [US/NJ/Paterson]Sfałszowane wybory w USA, decyzja sędziego [US/NJ/Paterson]
  • Data: 2020-08-20 08:55:44
    Temat: Sfałszowane wybory w USA, decyzja sędziego [US/NJ/Paterson]
    Od: "A. Filip" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]
    > Aug. 19, 2020 ;
    > New Local Election Ordered in N.J. After Mail-In Voter Fraud Charges
    > [...] In the days before New Jersey's third-largest city held municipal
    > elections in May entirely by mail, postal workers became suspicious
    > when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.
    > The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter
    > fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20
    > percent of the ballots being rejected.
    > [...] On Wednesday, a New Jersey *judge ruled* that the election in
    > Paterson, N.J., had been irreversibly tainted and ordered a new vote
    > to be held in November to settle the race for the City Council seat.
    > The superior court judge, Ernest M. Caposela, wrote that the election
    > "was not the fair, free and full expression of the intent of the
    > voters." [...]

    A. Filip
    | Pozostań dzieckiem, aby cię zawsze mogły kochać twoje dzieci.
    | (Przysłowie estońskie)

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