
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoprawo do domeny * › Re: prawo do domeny *.pl
  • Data: 2005-03-28 10:15:30
    Temat: Re: prawo do domeny *.pl
    Od: " 666" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Ten kawałek jest super :-)))
    The use of .pl to indicate a "porno level" (a common expression in the adult
    entertainment field) may in fact be very
    useful for future business under the domain ".pl."
    Just as Tuvalu sells thousands of domain names because ".tv" is read as "television,"
    not as the Island of Tuvalu, and
    ".ws" is read as "Web Site" rather than "Western Samoa," the fact that ".pl" may in
    the future be perceived as "porno
    level" will be beneficial to Polish tax payers and to whoever profits from the sale
    of ".pl" domain names, since many
    more of them will be sold to the adult entertainment industry which, as stated
    before, is a large (if not the largest)
    part of all business transacted via the Internet.
    Nareszcie Polska znalazła swoją niszę ;-))

    > Jest to jedyna sprawa prowadzona przez WIPO odnośnie adresu w domenie .pl

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