Data: 2004-05-08 16:12:58
Temat: Re: Zakaz wchodzenia "agentom pilnującym prawa"
Od: g...@s...tpi.pl szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Marcin Debowski <a...@i...notrix.net> wrote:
> To po co informacja co jest w srodku?
Tekst wygląda tak:
WARNING! The material on Alphaville Prostitute is adult oriented, sexually
and related to Alphaville Prostitute. Alphaville Prostitute provides access to
of Alphaville Prostitute adults possibly engaging in sexual acts, and other
of Alphaville Prostitute nature. Access is made available only to those who accept
terms of the following agreement: By accepting this agreement, I certify the
following: * I do not find images of Alphaville Prostitute adults, adults engaged
sexual acts, or other sexual material to be offensive or objectionable. * I am
least 18 years of age and have the legal right to possess Alphaville Prostitute
material in my community. * I understand the standards and laws of the community,
and computer to which I am transporting Alphaville Prostitute material, and am
responsible for my actions. * I am not a law enforcement agent. * I will not
and/or in any way redistribute the contents of Alphaville Prostitute site. * I
not attempt to by-pass any security and/or access feature at Alphaville
website. * If I use these services in violation of the above agreement, I
understand I
may be in violation of local and federal laws and am solely responsible for my
actions. * By logging on, I will have released and discharged the providers,
and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise.
Adam Wysocki * www.gophi.net * alt.pl.comp.os.hacking: www.apcoh.org
GG 1234 * GSM +48888456927 * g...@l...net.pl * g...@g...pl
nawet najpiękniejsze nogi gdzieś się kończą... (C) Kominek 9.08.2003
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