
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoPolicja a TrueCryptRe: Policja a TrueCrypt
  • Data: 2008-07-07 16:55:26
    Temat: Re: Policja a TrueCrypt
    Od: Przemyslaw Frasunek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dnia 07.07.2008 Przemyslaw Frasunek <> napisał/a:
    > 1000 iterations (or 2000 iterations when HMAC-RIPEMD-160 is used as the
    > underlying hash function) of the key derivation function have to be
    > performed to derive a header key, which increases the time necessary
    > to perform an exhaustive search for passwords (i.e., brute force attack)

    A jesli ktos nie wierzy w dokument, to mozna to latwo sprawdzic w zrodlach:

    void derive_u_ripemd160 (char *pwd, int pwd_len, char *salt, int salt_len, int i
    terations, char *u, int b)
    /* iteration 1 */
    memset (counter, 0, 4);
    counter[3] = (char) b;
    memcpy (init, salt, salt_len); /* salt */
    memcpy (&init[salt_len], counter, 4); /* big-endian block number */
    hmac_ripemd160 (pwd, pwd_len, init, salt_len + 4, j);
    memcpy (u, j, RIPEMD160_DIGESTSIZE);

    /* remaining iterations */
    for (c = 1; c < iterations; c++)
    hmac_ripemd160 (pwd, pwd_len, j, RIPEMD160_DIGESTSIZE, k);
    for (i = 0; i < RIPEMD160_DIGESTSIZE; i++)
    u[i] ^= k[i];
    j[i] = k[i];

    void Pkcs5HmacRipemd160::DeriveKey (const BufferPtr &key, const VolumePa
    ssword &password, const ConstBufferPtr &salt, int iterationCount) const
    ValidateParameters (key, password, salt, iterationCount);
    derive_key_ripemd160 ((char *) password.DataPtr(), (int) passwor
    d.Size(), (char *) salt.Get(), (int) salt.Size(), iterationCount, (char *) key.G
    et(), (int) key.Size());


    DeriveKey (key, password, salt, GetIterationCount());

    virtual int GetIterationCount () const { return 2000; }

    * Fido: 2:480/124 ** WWW: ** NICHDL: PMF9-RIPE *
    * Jabber ID: ** PGP ID: 2578FCAD ** HAM-RADIO: SQ5JIV *

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