
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoPROGI ZWALNIAJACE !!!Re: PROGI ZWALNIAJACE !!!
  • Data: 2004-04-13 14:21:38
    Temat: Re: PROGI ZWALNIAJACE !!!
    Od: Kasek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 11:48:51 +0200, "szerszen" <>

    >nie moga miec ujemnego bilansu bo to by oznaczalo ze przyczyniaja sie do
    >smierci, moga miec co najwyzej zerowy, a w to nie wierze

    Jest ujemny!!!! Mamy 1 - na poziomie uniwersyteckim - badanie skutkow

    Na kazdego 1 pieszego uratowanego przez
    zwolnienie ruchu przez progi zwalniajace, 37 ludzi
    umrze przez opozniony czas reakcji sluzb medycznych.

    Oczywiscie przy tak porazajacym argumencie pisanie
    o zanieczyszczeniu powietrza(alerting him to the increase
    in pollution caused by speed humps), halasie, drganiach i
    uszkodzeniu samochodu (Humps damage cars - especially older cars)

    "The Decatur Daily News" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 2004
    "Council slows speed humps"
    "University of Texas study suggests that for every pedestrian killed
    by a speeder, 37 people may die as a result of the delayed response
    times caused to police, fire and ambulance services"

    "Speed trapped" 8/16/00
    By Jeffrey C. Billman
    "Using a detailed formula developed by Boulder, Colo., scientist Ray
    Bowman, Bunte determined that in Austin, at least 37 people would die
    because of slower emergency-response time for every one life saved by
    slower traffic. Since Bunte took into account only deaths from sudden
    cardiac arrest -- and not from delayed fire response or any other
    condition -- that number could be higher."

    i teraz cytat z oryginalu

    Cytat z PDF'a z oryginalnym raportem, calosc 276 stron:
    "A policy analysis was conducted specifically for the conflict that
    arisen in Austin, Texas. Based on quantitative processes, this
    analysis showed
    that Austin would lose an additional 37 lives per year with patients
    of sudden
    cardiac arrest if the Fire and EMS Departments experienced a 30 second
    in response times due to traffic calming. The analyses also concluded
    that at
    best, only one pedestrian life could be saved each year from traffic
    calming as
    pedestrian fatalities rarely occurred within residential
    neighborhoods. A
    risk/benefit analyses also demonstrated that traffic-calming devices
    have more
    of a negative impact than a positive impact to the community."

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