
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoLegitim in Polish succession law › Re: Legitim in Polish succession law
  • Data: 2004-10-12 18:01:03
    Temat: Re: Legitim in Polish succession law
    Od: Renata Gołębiowska <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    In article <>, _ValteR_ wrote:
    > *Law* wrote in <> :
    >> There is the legitim in the Polish law?
    >> In Italian law the legitim is that part of an estate over which the testator
    >> has no power of disposal if there are forced heirs (the children and
    >> generally the surviving spouse).
    >> Thank you in advance.
    > As far as I know in Poland testator has nearly no power at all of
    > deciding how he wants to divide his possesions. Heirs can easily
    > question his will after he's dead.
    > I think what you ask for is called in PL "zachowek" (I don't know how
    > to translate this).
    > Generally when heirs are quarelling inheritance is divided concerning
    > value (Court calculates everything and express it as money value, and
    > then divide into parts and it takes ca. 7 years - no comments)

    "Legitim" is a rough equivalent to the Polish term "zachowek".
    However, the details may differ. "Zachowek" means that even if the
    dead bequeathed his/her property to people other than
    his/her children or wife, or siblings (if s/he doesn't have children),
    the wife, the children (or the siblings) may claim a part of his/her
    property. But keep in mind I'm not a lawyer:)


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