Data: 2015-12-26 19:27:07
Temat: Re: Jak zlozyc pozew o europejski nakaz zaplaty?
Od: ąćęłńóśźż <n...@d...spamerow> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]PayPal sobie jaja robi, przysłali w Wigilię:
"In order to continue this investigation, a police report must be filed with your
local law enforcement agency and a copy of the report must be faxed to PayPal.
Contact your local police department and obtain a police/incident report. This report
should be on the law enforcement agency's letterhead or stamped police documentation
and clearly explain the details of your issue. This documentation must include the
department/officer's contact information, the reporting officer's name, badge number
and signature.
If the upload feature is available in your PayPal account, we encourage you to upload
your documents, as it's usually the quickest way for us to receive and review your
Here's how to upload your information:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click "Resolution Center" near the bottom of the page.
3. Click "Resolve" under "Action" next to the item for which you need to provide
4. Follow the instructions to upload the files.
5. Click "Send Files to PayPal."
You can also fax the police/incident report to PayPal at (402) 537-5760 (please note
this is a United States phone number, if you are faxing from outside the United
States, you will probably need to dial 00 1 before the number). The fax needs to
include your email address and PayPal Buyer Complaint Case number
We need to receive your fax by January 02, 2016. If we don't receive your fax by
January 02, 2016, your claim will be canceled. Please note that we're unable to grant
extensions to this time period or reimburse you for any costs or fees related to the
requested documents.
Note: Any documents you provide may also be supplied to the seller.
We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience and
Protection Services"
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 26.12.15 21:27 Robert Tomasik
- 27.12.15 09:37 ąćęłńóśźż
- 28.12.15 19:34 witek
- 31.12.15 12:39 ąćęłńóśźż
- 31.12.15 13:46 Robert Tomasik
- 31.12.15 14:21 ąćęłńóśźż
- 31.12.15 21:36 witek
- 07.01.16 23:00 BUNIEK
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