
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoProtest JedwabneProtest Jedwabne
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    From: "klon Boukuna" <>
    Newsgroups: pl.soc.prawo
    Subject: Protest Jedwabne
    Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 10:01:35 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Dopisz swoje nazwisko i wyślij do IPN

    > Instytut Pamieci Narodowej, Warszawa. Lipiec 13, 2002

    > Dolaczam swoje nazwisko do wymienionych ponizej podpisanych.
    > Wyrazam swoje glebokie zaniepokojenie, wyrazane takze wczesniej, z powodu
    > pracy Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej a spotegowane trescia i forma raportu
    > Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej w sprawie Jedwabnego.
    > Kontekst politycznych ustalen "Zydow zabili Polacy" powzietych daleko
    > wczesniej niz rozpoczecie prac dowodowych jest znany. Co jest jeszcze
    > bardziej oburzajace to arogancja Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej zarowno w
    > stosunku do Polskiego Narodu jak i Zydow, wyrazona w raporcie - ".... bo
    > czekamy jeszcze na jakies dowody, "które i tak nic nie zmienia."
    > Wojciech Wlazlinski, Chicago

    > 708 457-0972
    > Copie rozeslane do nieujawnionej listy adresatow.
    > >
    > > The accusatory tone and broad conclusions of the final report of The
    > > Institute of National Memory (IPN) on Jedwabne are, in fact,
    > > contradicted by the detailed facts and evidence which are buried deep
    > > the report. It is evident that the people who wrote the report did not
    > > want to be absolute liars but at the same time they were anxious to
    > > please powerful special interests served by mendacious propaganda in
    > > need to make the Polish nation responsible for the atrocity committed
    > > Jedwabne on July 10, 1941. Thus somehow the grain of truth was
    > > preserved despite the need not to offend those who could harm the
    > > writers both politically and financially.
    > >
    > > The basic truths preserved by the report are:
    > > 1. The atrocity did not represent a local spontaneous initiative.
    > > 2. The leadership and the inspiration was German and not Polish
    > > 3. Far from being the whole local Polish population only about 40
    > > Poles were
    > > involved. (These were mostly local criminals or persons acting
    > > under
    > > severe duress.)
    > > 4. Not 1600 but about 300 Jewish victims perished
    > > 5. Logical conclusion: only complete exhumation of the two graves can
    > > determine the actual number of victims and the cause of death of each
    > > one of them
    > > (In forensic science partial exhumation is as valid as partial
    > > pregnancy)
    > >
    > > The report's crucial omissions:
    > > 1. The facts about the German confiscation of the barn on the eve of
    > > the atrocity and the fact that there are two graves - the smaller one
    > > inside the barn containing the remains of the strong and able-bodied
    > > nem and the larger grave along the barn containing the other victims
    > > were burned to death. This methodology of execution, which was used in
    > > many locations was obviously planned at a higher level and could not
    > > possibly be the spontaneous outburst of anger on the part of the local
    > > population.
    > > 2. No professional pyrotechnic evaluation was provided to explain the
    > > fierceness and magnitude of the fire which killed the larger of the two
    > > groups of victims.
    > > The 8 liters of kerosene mentioned in the report could not have
    > > produced such an effect. (Instead of "kerosene" ambiguous word "naphta"
    > > was used by the Institute of National Memory in its English version of
    > > the report.)
    > > 3. Negative and positive witnesses about German presence are assigned
    > > different levels of credibility in accordance with the predetermined
    > > bias of the authors.
    > > 4. The physical proofs of the presence of Germans at the
    > > barn was insisted upon.
    > > 5. No proof of Polish presence at the barn was produced or required.
    > > 6. There is no documentary evidence of the presence of anyone at the
    > > fire
    > > There is no documentary evidence of what actually happened at
    > > the barn
    > >
    > > J. T. Gross's triumphal statement claiming full support by the IPN
    > > report should have been immediately and publically refuted because the
    > > basic truth mentioned above make the basic tenets of his book Neighbors
    > > null and void. Gross's trump card is the backing of powerful and
    > > influential groups who hope to gain by his misinterpretations,
    > > distortions and out of context presentation. Gross's bad luck is that
    > > the accusatory tone of the report and Gross's indictment of the Polish
    > > inhabitants of Jedwabne and with them of all the Polish society is
    > > contradicted by the basic facts buried in the IPN report.
    > >
    > > Teresa Berezowska, nauczyciel, 416-499-8545
    > > Wojciech Bialasiewicz, dr. historyk (773) 763 3343
    > > Wieslaw Binienda, profesor inzynierii (330) 666 7251
    > > Jadwiga Checinska, inzynier informatyk (602) 375 9035
    > > Stanislaw Checinski, dr. inzynier informatyk (602) 375 9035
    > > Piotr Chelkowski, profesor historii Bliskiego Wschodu (212) 982 9894
    > > Jadwiga Checinska, inzynier, (602) 375-9035
    > > Stanislaw Checinski, Dr. Inz., (602) 375-9035
    > > Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, profesor historii (434) 296 3593
    > > Janusz Chodkowski, inzynier, (734) 675-5415
    > > Kazimierz Cimoszko (734) 971 3314
    > > Krzysztof Cios, profesor matematyki (303) 556 6314
    > > Ryszard Ciskowski

    > > John Dombrowsi, writer, editor, Washington, D.C.
    > > Kamil Dziewanowski, profesor historii (414) 964 8444
    > > Stanislaw Garstka, chirurg (909) 683 2098
    > > Aleksander Gella, profesor socjologii (716 ) 833 9479
    > > Lech A. Halko, dipl. arch., 416-431-5124
    > > Zbigniew Haszlakiewicz, inzynier architekt, (941) 924 0899
    > > Andrzej Hempel, inzynier (610) 678 0496
    > > Zdzislaw Jurek, lekarz, (734) 283-7214
    > > Jan Moor-Jankowski, profesor medycyny sadowej (212) 213 2525
    > > Dorota Kaminska, psycholog (262) 594 8989
    > > Marek Kaminski, lekarz (262) 594 8989
    > > Juliusz Kirejczyk, inzynier (905) 895-2420
    > > Iwona Kirejczyk, nauczyciel (905) 895-2420
    > > Andrzej Kumor, redaktor

    > > Jan Komski, artysta malarz, (703) 525 9154
    > > Zofia Korbonska, Washington, DC
    > > Zdzislaw Krynski, lekarz, 416-979-3443
    > > Franciszek Lachowicz, profesor polonistyki (203) 372 5139
    > > Edmund Lewandowski, inzynier
    > > George Levosinski

    > > Edmund Lewandowski, inzynier (650) 349 5079
    > > Jan M. Lorys, Dyrektor Museum Polskiego w Am. (773) 384 3352
    > > Zofia Laszewska, lekarz (401) 949 2334
    > > Anna Madura, lekarz, (941) 751 6646
    > > Andrzej Madura, inzynier (9410 751 6646
    > > Anna Mazurkiewicz, Service Director, 905-206-0003
    > > Oskar Michejda, dr. inzynier (941) 921 3445
    > > Frank Milewski, radca finansowy (516) 352 7125
    > > Irena Mirecka, (703) 241 1149
    > > Tadeusz Mirecki, informatyk, (703) 241 1149
    > > Stanislaw Mostwin, (410) 321 1099
    > > Ks. Pralat dr. Roman Nir (248) 683 0411
    > > Janina Palmowska, (941) 492 6390
    > > Antoni Palmowski, inzynier (941) 492 6390
    > > Jerzy Petryniak, lekarz biochemik, (734) 663-9461
    > > Donald Pietruk, konsultant (586) 977 1728
    > > Teresa Pietruk, lekarz

    > > Marta Podhorecka, (941) 925 2304
    > > Edward Podhorecki, podpulkownik dipl. (941) 925 2304
    > > Magdalena Pogonowska, lekarz radiolog (941) 957 1888
    > > Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, pisarz, (941) 365 4773
    > > Wladyslaw Poncet, radio-dziennikarz (941) 485 2808
    > > Janusz Przemieniecki, profesor inzynierii, (941) 497 6975
    > > John Radzilowski, profesor historii

    > > Wojciech Roszkowski, profesor historii

    > > Wladyslaw Socha, profesor medycyny sadowej (845) 353 0946
    > > Maria Szonert Binienda, radca prawny (330) 666 7251
    > > Witold Sokolski, inzynier, 416-767-2044
    > > Lech Jerzy Swierbutowicz, lekarz anastezjolog (212) 923 8560
    > > Waclaw Szybalski, profesor onkologii

    > > Andrzej Targowski, profesor informatyki, (616) 387-5406
    > > Ryszard Tyndorf, prawnik

    > > Monika Wagner, profesor historii literatury i cywilizacji (941) 378
    > > Wienczyslaw Wagner, profesor prawa (941) 377 9777
    > > Mariusz Wesolowski, historyk sztuki

    > > Tadeusz Witkowski, (734) 761-3394
    > > Aldona Wos, lekarz (336) 286 0842
    > > Wanda Wos, hanlowiec, (941) 378 0098
    > > Zenon Wos, inzynier (941) 378 0098
    > > Anna Poraj-Wybranowska, politolog (514) 482 2796
    > > Zdzislaw Zakrzewski, inzynier (650) 349 0121
    > > Miroslawa Zawadzka, inzynier (248) 650 1017
    > > Andrzej Zawadzki, inzynier (248) 650 1017
    > > Teodor Zawistowski, profesor socjologii (941) 625 3186
    > > =====================
    > Wojciech Wlazlinski, 708 457-0972
    Grzegorz Niedźwiecki - student socjologii
    Jelenia Góra (075) 64 318 46

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