1. Data: 2022-05-15 15:49:06
Temat: Prosto z UK: Łysi a molestowanie seksualne
Od: "A. Filip" <a...@p...pl>
> Mirfield electrician sexually harassed by baldness slur - tribunal
> ; Published 2022-05-13T16:53:04.000Z
> An electrician whose supervisor made comments about his baldness was
> sexually harassed, an employment tribunal has ruled.
> Tony Finn, an employee of the British Bung Company in Mirfield, West
> Yorkshire, clashed with supervisor Jamie King in 2019, the tribunal
> heard. [...]
> The judgment referred to a 1995 case which found that a woman had been
> sexually discriminated against when a manager made a single comment to
> her about the size of her breasts.
A. Filip
| Nie pomoże uczoność, ani nieskończoność, ani fura sprzętu, jak nie
| ma talentu. (Przysłowie polskie)
2. Data: 2022-05-16 12:57:11
Temat: Re: Prosto z UK: Łysi a molestowanie seksualne
Od: "J.F" <j...@p...onet.pl>
On Sun, 15 May 2022 15:49:06 +0200 (CEST), A. Filip wrote:
> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-61442918
>> Mirfield electrician sexually harassed by baldness slur - tribunal
>> ; Published 2022-05-13T16:53:04.000Z
>> An electrician whose supervisor made comments about his baldness was
>> sexually harassed, an employment tribunal has ruled.
>> Tony Finn, an employee of the British Bung Company in Mirfield, West
>> Yorkshire, clashed with supervisor Jamie King in 2019, the tribunal
>> heard. [...]
>> The judgment referred to a 1995 case which found that a woman had been
>> sexually discriminated against when a manager made a single comment to
>> her about the size of her breasts.
Moze i dobrze, ze sie z Unii wycofali :-)
Choc na podobne prawo chyba nie bedziemy musieli dlugo czekac.
Ale ... o ile komentowanie rozmiaru piersi kobiety zawiera cos z
seksualnosci, to łysina ... jak na mój gust nie.
Chyba, ze kierownik cos tam jeszcze dopowiedzial, albo nie musial, bo
to sie u Anglikow samo rozumie.
Albo po prostu
"Although, as we find, industrial language was commonplace on this
West Yorkshire factory floor, in our judgment Mr King crossed the line
by making remarks personal to the claimant about his appearance.
The judgment referred to a 1995 case which found that a woman had been
sexually discriminated against when a manager made a single comment to
her about the size of her breasts."
Kierownik miał an mysli, ze jest głupi, on wział sprawe powaznie,
i mamy do czynienia z dyskryminacją za wygląd ...
Albo po prostu trzeba dotrzec do zrodla
"When I spoke to him about it, he began to call me a stupid bald c***
and threatened to deck me."
Industrial language :-)