1. Data: 2017-03-14 08:50:34
Temat: Projekt prawnej ochrony spermy [Teksas, USA]
Od: "A. Filip" <a...@b...pl>
> Texas lawmaker Jessica Farrar wants men fined for masturbating
> By Flora Drury BBC News ; 13 March 2017
> A female politician in Texas is taking an unusual swipe at what she
> sees as restrictive abortion laws by targeting men - more precisely
> male masturbation.
> Her unlikely draft law has a simple aim, she says - to protect unborn
> children everywhere.
> Which is why it wants all "emissions outside of a woman's vagina, or
> created outside of a health or medical facility" to carry a $100 (?81)
> fine. [...]
> If it sounds like something out of a dystopian novel, that is because
> it is meant to. [...]
A. Filip
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