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Subject: Najdziwniejsze dochodzenie w USA
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Najdziwniejsze dochodzenie w USA
Harward lawyer i USA Assystent General ( federalnie zatrudniony)
powolal panel w Senacie
aby dojac Google. Uzywa anti trust Sherman law.
Chodzi o palenie ksiazek na stosie przez Bushaland i moze GB.
"Google Book Search.
Carlos Osorio/Associated PressUpdated: March 24, 2011
Google Book Search is the ambitious plan to digitize every book --
famous or not, in any language, published anywhere on earth -- found in
the world's libraries, as part of the company's core mission "to
organize the world's information and make it universally accessible
and useful."
But in March 2011, a federal judge in New York rejected the company's
$125 million class-action settlement with authors and publishers,
saying the deal went too far in granting Google rights to exploit
books without permission from copyright owners. Given few attractive
options, Google may take its battle to Congress, to promote a law that
would make orphan works -- books that are still under copyright but
whose author or copyright owner cannot be found -- widely available.
Beginning in 2002 as a "secret books project," according to an
official history at the Google site, Google Book Search became a
planned multibillion-dollar effort that has had to overcome many
obstacles, both the sheer effort of scanning so many pages of text as
well as conforming to copyright laws.
In 2004, Google started to team with many of the greatest library
collections in the world -- the New York Public Library, the University
of Michigan, Harvard and Stanford, among others -- to digitize their
collections, paying the scanning costs. Google said it expected to
scan 15 million books from those collections over the next decade.
In October 2008, the company reached a settlement with authors and
publishers to end a class-action lawsuit that challenged the legality
of the scanning project. Under the agreement, Google offered to pay
$125 million and create the framework for a new system that would
channel payments from book sales, advertising revenue and other fees
to authors and publishers, with Google collecting a cut.
The $125 million would have compensated authors and publishers whose
books are still under copyright and help find the copyright holders
for so-called "orphan works," out-of-print books still within the law.
These copyright holders, considered part of the class that settled
with Google, are hard to find, since many never expected their works
ever to be in print again. It is the resurrection of these works --
making them available at the click of a mouse -- that many consider
among the greatest benefits of Google Book Search. That, and the
millions of public domain works that would be easily searched and
called up by computer users around world.
The proposed settlement attracted opposition from various corners of
the book world, and the Department of Justice opened an antitrust
investigation. In September 2009, the Justice Department said the
proposed legal settlement between Google and book authors and
publishers should not be approved by the court without modifications.
In November, Google and groups representing book publishers and
authors filed a modified version of their controversial books
settlement with a federal court. The changes would have paved the way
for other companies to license Google's vast digital collection of
copyrighted out-of-print books, and might have
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