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From: f...@h...com
Newsgroups: pl.soc.prawo,it.politica.pds,tw.bbs.alumni.fengho,alt.fashion.crossdressi
Subject: M I-5'Persecu tion ' how an d w hy did it start ?
Followup-To: pl.soc.prawo,it.politica.pds,tw.bbs.alumni.fengho,alt.fashion.crossdress
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 10:26:32 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: Altopia Corp. - Usenet Access - www.altopia.com
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Xref: news-archive.icm.edu.pl pl.soc.prawo:507481
[ ukryj nagłówki ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-= how and. why did it start? -=
The harassment didn't start by. itself, so someone must have been there at
the outset to give it a firm push and set the. "animals" after me. It looks
as if I was set. up in June 1990, and the timing indicates someone from
university was. responsible.
>One thing which has been missing. from this discussion is this simple
>prognosis: that maybe he. is right and that, despite his admitted
>mental condition, there really is. a campaign against him organised by
>now-influential ex-students of his. university.
In May or June 1990, Alan Freeman on Radio 1 read. out a letter from someone
who had known me for a. few years, who wrote of the one who "wore out his
welcome with random precision" (from the. Pink Floyd song). Freeman went on
to say to the writer "that's a hell of a letter you. wrote there". The
indication is strongly that people I had parted from. soon before nursed a
grudge against me and were trying to cause. trouble for me.
The suggestion is that Freeman might have. shown the letter to other people,
and things could have snowballed from there. Right from the start the. real
source (security services presumed) didn't. announce themselves as the
origin, but let the "talkers", the. radio DJs, believe that they were the
originators. Think about it; if you announce, "we're MI5 and we. have a
campaign against this bloke" then people might not go along with it;. but if
you. say, "everyone else is getting at this bloke because he 'deserves' it"
then people will. join in with fewer qualms.
>Why would "they" wish to assassinate your. character?
It's the classic case of hitting a cripple. to prove you're stronger. Why
would the security services expend hundreds of thousands of pounds and. more
than six years of manpower to try to kill a. British citizen? Because they
are motivated by. people who knew me at university and feel personal
animosity; because they knew me to be emotionally weak, and. it is in the
nature of bullies. to prey on those known to be weak; and because they can
rely on the complicity of the establishment, which the security. services
manipulate and derive. funding from. This is England's biggest humiliation
today, and the British security services are intent on preventing. their
humiliation becoming reality by continuing. their campaign of attempted
murder to suppress the truth from. becoming public.
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