
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoLowcy skor - jest metoda analityczna na Pavulon w ekshumacjach!Lowcy skor - jest metoda analityczna na Pavulon w ekshumacjach!
  • Data: 2002-01-25 10:01:59
    Temat: Lowcy skor - jest metoda analityczna na Pavulon w ekshumacjach!
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    Wirtualna Polska: Podczas posiedzenia Sejmowej Komisji Zdrowia
    prokurator nie wykluczył ekshumacji zmarłych pacjentów łódzkiego
    pogotowia. Zastrzegł, że trzeba rozważyć, czy ekshumacje będą zasadne
    ze względu na czas rozpadu leków w organizmie człowieka. Według
    specjalistów, rozpad pavulonu, który - jak pisała Gazeta Wyborcza -
    mógł służyć do uśmiercania pacjentów, następuje 48 godzin po podaniu.

    Tacy ci specjalisci, jaka ta cala prokuratura.

    Metoda analityczna Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
    amerykanskiego rzadowego osrodka badawczego, znalazla pavulon w
    zwlokach ekshumowanych w kilka lat po morderstwach popelnionych przy
    uzyciu tego srodka. LLNL ma teraz caly konieczny sprzet i
    specjalistow. Wystarczy poprosic o pomoc przez Ambasade RP w

    Internal Communications Department
    Lawrence Livermore national Laboratory
    January 26, 2001

    FSC analysis may seal 'angel's' fate

    By Sheri Byrd
    Newsline staff writer

    The re-arrest on Jan. 16 of Efren Saldivar, the self-proclaimed "Angel
    of Death" and alleged killer of the terminally ill at a Glendale
    hospital, could not have happened without the assistance of the Lab's
    Forensic Science Center and its director Brian Andresen.

    Special analyses by the center gave Glendale investigators the
    evidence they could use to arrest Saldivar and charge him with the
    murders of six patients.

    Saldivar, a former respiratory therapist at Glendale Adventist Medical
    Center, was first arrested in 1998 following an investigation based on
    a tip from a fellow hospital worker. He confessed to killing between
    100 and 200 patients that he deemed "ready to die," but later recanted
    his confession, citing depression and a desire to receive the death

    In his original confession, Saldivar detailed his use of two
    paralyzing drugs, Pavulon and succinylcholine chloride, injected into
    the IVs of patients. Andresen recalls that Michael Peat, then
    president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS),
    contacted him in early 1999.

    "Peat was initially approached for support and he recommended the
    Lab's Forensic Science Center to perform the toxicology analysis on
    exhumed tissues," Andresen said. "Glendale police did not have the
    capabilities to perform this type of toxicology work."

    "Peat knew that the Lab had the right combination of highly sensitive
    and sophisticated equipment and also the knowledge-base to handle
    these types of unusual samples," said Andresen. "He knew me through
    the AAFS, and in March 1999, I got my first outline of the case at the
    Glendale Taskforce Headquarters."

    Of the 171 deaths at Glendale Adventist that occurred on Saldivar's
    shift in the last two years of his employment, the 20 "most
    mysterious" cases were given to the Los Angeles County coroner's
    office, which began exhuming the bodies during the last week of May

    Andresen traveled to Los Angeles, where he assisted in the first four
    autopsies. He prepared and demonstrated the proper sampling equipment
    for the coroner's office personnel and showed them how the evidence
    needed to be retrieved and preserved.

    "Over the next 16 weeks, the remaining exhumations and sample
    collections were done, and I received them here at the Lab," Andresen

    Because succinylcholine chloride breaks down very quickly into
    chemicals normally found in human tissue, Andresen concentrated his
    testing on Pavulon, a potent, synthetic muscle relaxant often
    administered to patients on artificial respiration. This compound is
    very powerful and is usually given at very low levels. It was
    previously thought to dissipate quickly in the body.

    "I was very surprised at first that I found anything," Andresen said.
    "I went in to this with a totally open mind."

    After six positive hits for Pavulon, he made his preliminary
    presentation to the Los Angeles District Attorney's office in December
    1999, after which all of his results were double-checked by their
    outside sources.

    On Jan. 5, Deputy District Attorney Al MacKenzie and the Glendale
    Taskforce reviewed a final presentation at the Los Angeles Coroner's
    Office that outlined all of the toxicology findings and outside

    "The district attorney felt it was time to act," said Andresen, "and
    they went ahead with the arrest, based primarily on my Pavulon
    findings in six patients out of the 20 exhumations."

    MacKenzie commented that Andresen had invented "a new scientific
    protocol, which I hope will be of use in future investigations."

    Overall, reflected Andresen, "It was very exciting. I applied some of
    the best tools and equipment for this type of work available at the
    Lab. Our biological toxin analysis for other similar investigations
    and nonproliferation activities are now all set up, should a similar
    need arise."


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