
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoFacebook i Twitter ocenzurowały Trump-aFacebook i Twitter ocenzurowały Trump-a
  • Data: 2020-08-06 08:24:16
    Temat: Facebook i Twitter ocenzurowały Trump-a
    Od: "A. Filip" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]
    > Facebook and Twitter restrict Trump accounts over 'harmful' virus claim
    > ; 6 August 2020
    > Facebook and Twitter have penalised Donald Trump and his campaign for
    > posts in which the president claimed children were "almost immune" to
    > coronavirus.
    > *Facebook deleted the post* - a clip from an interview Mr Trump gave
    > to Fox News - saying it contained "harmful Covid misinformation".
    > Twitter followed by saying it had frozen a Trump campaign account
    > until a tweet of the same clip was removed.
    > US public health advice makes clear children have no immunity to
    > Covid-19. [...]

    A. Filip
    | Kwiat nie daje słomy. (Przysłowie abisyńskie)

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