1. Data: 2021-11-15 15:36:51
Temat: Czy SG jest w prawie tego użyć (bez "wyższej+ konieczności")? [Skunks (Broń)]
Od: "A. Filip" <a...@p...pl>
> "Skunk" is a malodorant, non-lethal weapon used for crowd control by
> the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and marketed to militaries and law
> enforcement around the world. It was developed and is manufactured by
> Odortec, with two supporting companies, Man and Beit-Alfa
> Technologies.[1] The liquid's strong odor is marketed as an
> improvement over other crowd control weapons (CCWs) such as rubber
> bullets and tear gas used by the IDF against Palestinian
> protestors. The IDF is criticized for its tactics during deployment,
> including common use against people, businesses, and neighborhoods not
> involved in protests as a form of collective punishment.[2][3] [4] [5]
Zabójcze nie jest a ponoć skuteczne nawet bez uwzględnienia ostatniego
zdania :-)
Ewentualnie można w to wyposażyć wojsko i "trzymać w rezerwie".
A. Filip
| Wariat ma każdego dnia wesele. (Przysłowie ormiańskie)
2. Data: 2021-11-15 16:44:22
Temat: Re: Czy SG jest w prawie tego użyć (bez "wyższej+ konieczności")? [Skunks (Broń)]
Od: "J.F" <j...@p...onet.pl>
On Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:36:51 +0100 (CET), A. Filip wrote:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_(weapon)
>> "Skunk" is a malodorant, non-lethal weapon used for crowd control by
>> the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and marketed to militaries and law
>> enforcement around the world. It was developed and is manufactured by
>> Odortec, with two supporting companies, Man and Beit-Alfa
>> Technologies.[1] The liquid's strong odor is marketed as an
>> improvement over other crowd control weapons (CCWs) such as rubber
>> bullets and tear gas used by the IDF against Palestinian
>> protestors. The IDF is criticized for its tactics during deployment,
>> including common use against people, businesses, and neighborhoods not
>> involved in protests as a form of collective punishment.[2][3] [4] [5]
> Zabójcze nie jest a ponoć skuteczne nawet bez uwzględnienia ostatniego
> zdania :-)
> Ewentualnie można w to wyposażyć wojsko i "trzymać w rezerwie".
No wiec wlasnie - najpierw trzeba kupic lub wyprodukowac.
Na razie nie mamy.
Pokropic Bialorus ... chyba nie wolno.
Pokropic po naszej stronie ... no, ciekawe czy skuteczne, bo taka
druga mysli - migranci sobie w smrodzie zasieki potną,
a nasze sluzby beda musialy w smrodzie stac i pilnowac.
No i kwestia ekologiczna zostaje - wolno tak chemikaliami kropic
polski las ?