
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoUwaga: Busz podaje sie za neuropsychologa polskiego i dlaczego
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 2

  • 1. Data: 2011-09-17 19:31:23
    Temat: Uwaga: Busz podaje sie za neuropsychologa polskiego i dlaczego
    Od: "*J...izz.....FINE!" <>

    moj adres jest : i jestem ta sama osoba
    uzywajaca tego adresu ad 2007

    Wspolczesne pytania z historii Polski ( podane tez do soc culture usa
    and congress- usa)

    ( odpowiedzmy te szybciej zanim Bush postawi pueblo pod kazdym
    budynkiem gdzie sa juz Polacy;

    Widomosci z ostatnije chwili: niewolnikami sa porwani Polacy -
    dostalam slaby sygnal wczoraj ze Busz usiluje wylapac wszyskich tu w
    USA i ze niektiorzy sa zachipowani w jego prywatnym szpitalu
    filadelfii i ze to oni placza na moich liniach satelitarnych w srodku
    nocy - sa torturowani; nie podano ile osob; Niektiorzy przeszli przez
    situ ale Busz juz ukradl im genetyczny material albo zmusza drodzenia
    dzieci skrzyzowanych z Buszlandem; inna grupa ktora to zrobuila za
    spadek I Q akolo 20 punktow lub wiecej i nic nie moze zrobic , ale
    grupa recezsewna w stosunku do buszlandu - prosze szybko nie

    -For the worm up: How do you get the name like ' Obradovicz' in
    DesMines ( she is political columnist at the Des Moines Register.)

    -Why Clay, the senator, did not stop discussing the concept of USA
    mosthly with Cahoun
    until won ( borders on psychology of entire Polish empire then)?

    - Who stole the idea that he was solely responsible for formnation of
    the USA federation
    of stateswhile Clay in absentia ( now on the book review on C span
    3) ?

    - Why disputing the concept of Polish union or Polish States
    Federation now does not
    contain any duality is considered ibn USa by Polish decent citisen
    the rest
    ( indicates increase in knowledge about the historical dynamic that
    led to
    decline of Polish empire as kingdom, but not thenation as we know -
    but they
    still have the groupthink there about it)?
    ( and my side bar: why the parties lobbiest USA do not hear that at
    That is that the devide to concure is easier done to two but not
    three; some
    believe od numberof people in dispute are always better and there is
    truth in it
    - how the balancing distribute and how you break the stalemate in
    of 50:50 like let say that health bill - not a significant
    differerence and consequently
    no representativeness for the State representatives can be achived,
    duers to the lack of diferemntiation; the invese side so too say of
    toofar political polarization; or like game
    that both won; like the test that is set only on the 50percentile to
    pass - one that
    do not pass might be as strong on the other side of the issue in the

    - and more specific: Is it possible the Catherine the Great did not
    eat uop the last King of Poland; that he in fact is not the last, and
    that Elizabeth of Great Britain has no point to try to remove Poland
    from the map her way ( the last environmentl program world wide does
    not comntain Poland while contains all major counteries and all
    neighbours of Poland and she
    is implicated in it)

    - there is hearsay and documented in hearsey, not a primary evidence
    book " The Last
    Romanoff, that establisment of Ukraine as uif Litwenia than is owned
    to .... covered last king of Poland. What was the deal behind it. Was
    he without political support or wrong regarding Poland.

    What year was the May revolution; can 'May' be repeated?

    The political manipulation that goes after every war that is called
    mind control by CIA; torture by Cheney; braiwashing otherwisel;
    political supression in extremist coutries that do not allow com
    peting political view behind it. and of course _ why he did not have
    enough support if he tried to have the strong Poland in taht
    'revolution" ( was he kidnapped in stead as so many politicians; and
    like me ;where all off them are; in my case I am right here and Bush
    is trying to accuse me for 'kidnaping myself from the White House" -
    it is very tense - he has no breaks on).

    Lets review abover - what are the political lobbies that wopuld be
    interested in the assault on the polish nation and its power.

    Now, in the last census puzzle after puzzle: p 146 Census 2000
    'Special reports in Atlas census of USA", the most prevailent Polish
    population is ... Nevada where the education on college level only 10
    %. we have in fact never read of heard anything about Polish in
    Nevada/ Arizona ( in USA several daily news or weekly papers in
    Is it Reid who moved from equally remote Nebraska ( why not "-sca")
    still there in 2002
    behind the enslaving Polish there. Polish community is tight - it
    would communicate , travel by Greyhount taht stoppes there if not
    enslaved. What is going on?

    I heard about Decota projects that took Poles to build new things
    there but these who went there like once to build Chicago in a large
    number ( personal communications) did not even register for Census
    2000- what is that? They did not even write to papers either.

    What is that? British each time? Concern is that people are slaves
    there since do not publish in Polish papers at all while prevailant
    population there. What the plan there?

    ........ Z ostatniego tygodnia : Nad Delaware River w Palmyra-
    Rivertone jest kosciol, ktory w ostanim tygodniu Brytyjczycy
    przemalowali na ekumeniczny Anglikanski chowajac na zapleczy nazwe St
    Mary ( jak w innych mijscach), a na zewnatrz jest kosciol Crystusa
    tylko, stull gotycki - archtektura i wystruj i slowa piesni siegaja
    XXVI ( autentykowane), cos niespotykanego w USA). Busza agent
    Komorowski aresztowal mnie w poblizu kiedy ja szukalam kosciola
    rzymski katolickego tam ( nie zorientowalam sie od razu o co byl alarm
    - jak wiemy komorowski tez bedzie krol jak oproznia sie diomyn starcow

    Sa ale pochowane. Wille sa przejete przez Busza ktory wiesza niem na
    kazdym drzewie nad rzeka ktora zwykle nalezy do kraju stanu albo
    powiatu " private property' mnostwo przytulkow dla starcow tam. Smrod
    z katakumb zniknal i teren odnowil sie sam wspaniale. Kto zgadnie kto
    zjechal Delaware tak daleko i jaka droga.

    ( za to Brytyjczycy robia skladnice rzymsko katolickich requizytow -
    widzialam dzis sama;
    na koscie 2 tyg temu byla nazwa EPISCOPALIAN - ten co ma kura na
    dachu, choc to ostatnio znika; najstarszy episkopalialny kosciol
    podobno w Wirginii i ma nie tak wiel lat; i to pewnie prawda bo te tu
    - neogotyckie - sa starsze; Im jakos te niescislosci w historycznym
    czasie jeszcze nie przeszkadzaja; a jak : mowia ze modlitwy czysto
    angileski znaleziono juz w jerozolimie 50 AD i juz; jak ktos cos powie
    - antychrist : w Polsce to zart a tu maja juz nastawione karabiny)

    Inny kosciol neogotycki na granicy Ewing i Trenton - nawet nie
    podobna sytuacja byla na Wielkanoc w Alexander categral w Priceton

    A moze Beringa to moze po drodze - kto je odkryl i nazwal tak?

    Znaleziono budowniczego.Pozwole Wam zgadywac.

  • 2. Data: 2011-09-19 07:13:46
    Temat: Re: Uwaga: Busz podaje sie za neuropsychologa polskiego i dlaczego
    Od: "Ajgor" <>

    Uzytkownik "*J...izz.....FINE!" <> napisal w
    wiadomosci news:c3f923d7-8ab8-4ef6-8a88-

    Na prawde myslisz ze komukolwiek chcialo by sie to czytac?

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