
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoSamsung przyznaje sie do miedzynarodowej konspiracji
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 4

  • 1. Data: 2005-10-15 13:50:43
    Temat: Samsung przyznaje sie do miedzynarodowej konspiracji
    Od: area <>

    Polskim konsumentom komputerow pod rozwage.

    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005
    (202) 514-2007
    TDD (202) 514-1888

    Korean Company Pays Second Largest Criminal Antitrust Fine in U.S. History

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Samsung Electronics Company Ltd. (Samsung), a Korean
    manufacturer of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and its U.S.
    subsidiary, Samsung Semiconductor Inc., have agreed to plead guilty and
    to pay a $300 million fine for participating in an international
    conspiracy to fix prices in the DRAM market, the Department of Justice
    announced. Samsung?s fine is the second largest criminal antitrust fine
    in U.S. history and the largest criminal fine since 1999. ?Price fixing
    threatens our free market system, stifles innovation, and robs American
    consumers of the benefit of competitive prices,? said Attorney General
    Alberto R. Gonzales. ?Today?s guilty plea is evidence of the
    Department?s ongoing commitment to protect consumers from corporations
    that engage in illegal conduct.? Including today?s charge, three
    companies and five individuals have been charged and fines totaling more
    that $646 million have resulted from the Department?s ongoing antitrust
    investigation into price fixing in the DRAM industry. DRAM is the most
    commonly used semiconductor memory product, providing high-speed storage
    and retrieval of electronic information for a wide variety of computer,
    telecommunication, and consumer electronic products. DRAM is used in
    personal computers, laptops, workstations, servers, printers, hard disk
    drives, personal digital assistants (PDAs), modems, mobile phones,
    telecommunication hubs and routers, digital cameras, video recorders and
    TVs, digital set top boxes, game consoles, and digital music players.
    There were approximately $7.7 billion in DRAM sales in the United States
    in 2004. According to the one-count felony charge filed today in the
    U.S. District Court in San Francisco, from April 1, 1999 to June 15,
    2002, Samsung and its U.S. subsidiary, Samsung Semiconductor Inc.,
    conspired with other DRAM manufacturers to fix the prices of DRAM sold
    to certain computer and server manufacturers. The computer makers
    directly affected by the price-fixing conspiracy were: Dell Inc., Compaq
    Computer Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, Apple Computer Inc.,
    International Business Machines Corporation, and Gateway Inc. Under the
    plea agreement, which must be approved by the court, Samsung has agreed
    to cooperate with the government in its ongoing investigation of other
    DRAM producers. ?This case demonstrates the need for vigorous antitrust
    enforcement in high-technology markets, which is one of the most
    important sectors of the American economy,? said Thomas O. Barnett,
    Acting Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department?s
    Antitrust Division. ?This case also illustrates the worldwide scope of
    our criminal investigations and exemplifies the need to prosecute and
    deter cartels that target American businesses and consumers.? Samsung is
    charged with carrying out the conspiracy by: Participating in meetings,
    conversations, and communications in the United States and elsewhere
    with competitors to discuss the prices of DRAM to be sold to certain

    Agreeing, during those meetings, conversations, and communications, to
    charge prices of DRAM at certain levels to be sold to certain customers;

    Issuing price quotations in accordance with the agreements reached; and

    Exchanging information on sales of DRAM to certain customers for the
    purpose of monitoring and enforcing adherence to the agreed-upon prices.

    Samsung is the third major semiconductor company, after the Korean
    manufacturer Hynix Semiconductor Inc. and the German manufacturer
    Infineon Technologies AG, to agree to plead guilty to fixing DRAM
    prices. In May 2005, Hynix pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a
    $185 million criminal fine. In October 2004, Infineon pleaded guilty and
    was sentenced to pay $160 million criminal fine. In December 2004, four
    Infineon executives, T. Rudd Corwin, Peter Schaefer, Gunter Hefner, and
    Heinrich Florian, pleaded guilty to the DRAM price-fixing conspiracy.
    All four Infineon employees served prison terms ranging from four to six
    months and each has paid a $250,000 fine. Three of the charged Infineon
    employees are German citizens. In December 2003, the Department charged
    Alfred P. Censullo, a Regional Sales Manager for Micron Technology Inc.,
    with obstruction of justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1503. Censullo
    pleaded guilty to the charge and admitted to having withheld and altered
    documents responsive to a grand jury subpoena served on Micron in June
    2002. Censullo was sentenced to serve six months of home detention.
    Today?s charge is the result of an ongoing investigation being conducted
    by the Antitrust Division?s San Francisco Field Office and the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation in San Francisco. Anyone with information
    concerning price-fixing in the DRAM industry should contact the San
    Francisco Field Office of the Antitrust Division at (415) 436-6660 or
    the San Francisco Division of the FBI at (415) 553-7400.



  • 2. Data: 2005-10-15 14:40:43
    Temat: Re: Samsung przyznaje sie do miedzynarodowej konspiracji
    Od: "SQLwysyn" <>

    Użytkownik "area" <> napisał w wiadomości
    > Polskim konsumentom komputerow pod rozwage.

    Nie jadam komputerów.

    "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all
    of you" - Larry Flynt

  • 3. Data: 2005-10-15 16:06:02
    Temat: Re: Samsung przyznaje sie do miedzynarodowej konspiracji
    Od: "Przemek R..." <>

    "Gdy wieczorne zgaszną zorze, zanim głowe do snu
    złożę,modlitwę moją zanoszę, Bogu Ojcu i Synowi
    dopierdolcie sąsiadowi, dla siebie o nic nie
    wznoszę, tylko mu dosrajcie proszę.
    Kto ja jestem? Polak mały. Mały zawistny i podły.
    Jaki znak mój? Krwawe gały. Oto wznosze swoje modły,
    do Boga, Marii i Syna. Zniszczcie tego skurwysyna.
    Mego rodaka, sąsiada, tego wroga, tego grata.
    Żeby mu okradli garaź, żeby go zdradzała stara, żeby
    mu spalili sklep, żeby dostał cegłą w łeb, żeby mu
    się córka z czarnym i w ogóle żeby miał marnie. Żeby
    miał AIDSa i raka, oto modlitwa Polaka."

  • 4. Data: 2005-10-15 22:55:46
    Temat: Re: Samsung przyznaje sie do miedzynarodowej konspiracji
    Od: grom <>

    SQLwysyn wrote:

    > Użytkownik "area" <> napisał w wiadomości
    > news:TO74f.3301$Lb1.160@trndny03...
    >> Polskim konsumentom komputerow pod rozwage.
    > Nie jadam komputerów.

    Twierdzisz ze konsument moze jadac komputery zamiast ich uzywac?
    Masz jakies doswiadczenia?

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