
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoDivine Attribute -- Maalik (The Master)~ LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE
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  • 1. Data: 2007-03-23 05:55:48
    Temat: Divine Attribute -- Maalik (The Master)~ LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE

    Peace be upon you and your loved ones...
    Reflection over Divine Attributes and to imbibe them is most
    essential.... If the world was to grasp that the absolute Mastership
    (being Maalik) belongs to God alone, all the turmoil in the world
    would stop....
    Aspects of Divine attribute called Maalik (The Master):
    (1) To Allah/God belongs the kingdom of the heaven and the earth and
    the entire cosmos runs on His command, He is the Master of this world
    and of the Hereafter and we abide by His commandments to seek His
    pleasure in this world as well as in the Hereafter. As for those who
    deny the existence of God and as a result reject the idea of an after
    life run amok following their whims in this world. Although if they
    were to reflect they would realize that there are many who go through
    torment in their daily life as a result of Divine recompense and that
    they may also face torment of the Hereafter.
    (2) The Promised Reformer of this era , (on whom be peace) explains
    that the Master of the Day of Judgment in one way dispenses His
    recompose in this world, as when a thief, having committed theft over
    and over again, eventually gets caught and is imprisoned. Similarly
    the misdemeanours of other type of sinners who are embroiled in
    various wicked ways are initially covered by Allah, but eventually
    their lives turn miserable and in their bitterness they experience a
    sample of the punishment of the Hereafter. Likewise the good works of
    those who are obedient do not go to waste, rather they bear fruit and
    they attain paradisiacal reward in this world. In case of the sinners,
    let alone the chastisement of the Hereafter, they lose their health
    and faculties in this life and contract diseases which devastate them
    well before death overcomes them. There are some who take heed and
    fathom the deterrent, repent and reform themselves. They are thus
    saved from the punishment of the Hereafter.
    (3) These days AIDS is creating devastation in the world. When man
    succumbs totally to animal-like base desires then through the Divine
    attribute of Maalik punishment is given in this very world and only
    God knows what would be the chastisement for this after death.
    (4) Man who has been created as the most eminent among all creation
    should reflect on the destructive ways he is heading and should be
    mindful that while he is suffering for it on this earth; he could also
    be chastised after death. Some people are so overcome by their base
    animal-like instincts that they are completely devoid of any feeling
    of remorse or reproving. Each sensible person can take heed from
    examples in their own sphere and take a lesson and translate it into
    endeavour to seek closeness to God.
    (5) Some prevalent ills in some modern countries are such that the
    youth need to particularly avoid them. These may start as trivial
    wrongdoing that lead on to bigger and worse things. The consequences
    of these actions bring ignominy in the society. In order to avoid this
    one needs to inculcate awe of Allah and have the realization that He
    saves one from sin, that He forgives and grants the most excellent
    reward for good works, therefore one ought to turn to Him.
    (6) The kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to the One God,
    Who has no partners and He alone is worthy of worship and when one has
    the Being Who has the absolute sovereignty of the heaven and the earth
    as a Friend and Helper then one is in no other need. < fact in light
    of .... Surah Al Zumar (39:7) Surah Al Baqarah (2:108) >
    Today all the chaos and disorder in this world stems from not
    comprehending this single point. If the world was to grasp that the
    absolute Mastership (being Maalik) belongs to God alone, all the
    turmoil in the world would stop.
    (7) The Promised divine Healer (on whom be peace) said that the word
    Maalik (Master) denotes that one surrenders all rights one has and
    Allah alone remains the absolute Master. He tests us through trials in
    this world and bestows His favours on those who come through these
    (8) A Hadith illustrate the subject by giving an example from
    previous people: "Allah willed to test three Israelites who were a
    leper, a blind man and a bald-headed man. So, He sent them an angel in
    human form who came to the leper and said, 'What thing do you like
    most?' He replied, "Good colour and good skin, for the people have a
    strong aversion to me.' The angel touched him and his illness was
    cured, and he was given a good colour and beautiful skin. The angel
    asked him, 'What kind of property do you like best?' He replied,
    'Camels (or cows).'So the leper was given a pregnant she-camel, and
    the angel said to him, 'May Allah bless you in it.'
    The angel then went to the bald-headed man and said, 'What thing do
    you like most?' He said, 'I like good hair and wish to be cured of
    this disease, for the people feel repulsion for me.' The angel touched
    him and his illness was cured, and he was given good hair. The angel
    asked him, 'What kind of property do you like best?' He replied,
    'Cows,' The angel gave him a pregnant cow and said, 'May Allah bless
    you in it.' The angel went to the blind man and asked, 'What thing do
    you like best?' He said, 'I like that Allah may restore my eye-sight
    to me so that I may see the people.' The angel touched his eyes and
    Allah gave him back his eye-sight. The angel asked him, 'What kind of
    property do you like best?' He replied, 'Sheep.' The angel gave him a
    pregnant sheep. Afterwards, all the three pregnant animals gave birth
    to young ones, and multiplied and brought forth so much that one of
    the three men had a herd of camels filling a valley, and one had a
    herd of cows filling a valley, and one had a flock of sheep filling a
    Then the angel, disguised in the shape and appearance of a poor person
    went to the leper and said, I am a poor man, who has lost all means of
    livelihood while on a journey. So, none will satisfy my need except
    Allah and then you. In the Name of Him Who has given you such nice
    colour and beautiful skin, and so much property, I ask you to give me
    a camel so that I may reach my destination. The man replied, 'I have
    many obligations so I cannot give you.' The angel said, 'I think I
    know you; were you not a leper to whom the people had a strong
    aversion? Weren't you a poor man, and then Allah gave you all this
    property.' He replied, 'This is all wrong, I got this property through
    inheritance from my fore-fathers' The angel said, 'If you are telling
    a lie, then let Allah make you as you were before.' Then the angel,
    disguised in the shape and appearance of a bald man, went to the bald
    man and said to him the same as he told the first one, and he too
    answered the same as the first one did. The angel said, 'If you are
    telling a lie, then let Allah make you as you were before.' The angel,
    disguised in the shape of a blind man, went to the blind man and said,
    'I am a poor man and a traveler, whose means of livelihood have been
    exhausted while on a journey. I have nobody to help me except Allah,
    and after Him, you yourself. I ask you in the Name of Him Who has
    given you back your eye-sight to give me a sheep, so that with its
    help, I may complete my journey.' The man said, 'No doubt, I was blind
    and Allah gave me back my eye-sight; I was poor and Allah made me
    rich; so take anything you wish from my property. By Allah, I will not
    stop you for asking anything you need of my property which you may
    take for Allah's sake.' The angel replied, 'Keep your property with
    you. You (i.e. 3 men) have been tested and Allah is pleased with you
    and is angry with your two companions."
    (9) One must always be mindful of Allah's mastership. When a believer
    is bestowed favours he is aware that everything is from Allah and
    spends it in accordance to His commandments, however, at times the
    love of money becomes an impediment in spending it for the right
    (10) The ownership of things should make us grateful and be ever
    mindful that the real Master is Allah alone who has given us temporary
    ownership of things. <ref: Surah Ya Sin (36:72) > . Our thankfulness
    should be like that of the blind man of previous illustration.
    (11) The blessed successor of the divine promised Healer also pointed
    out : Allah has taught us a beautiful prayer to seek a measure of His
    Mastership ( being Maalik) < Say, O Allah, Lord of sovereignty, Thou
    givest sovereignty to whomsoever Thou pleasest; and Thou takest away
    sovereignty from whosoever Thou pleasest. Thou exalted whomsoever Thou
    pleasest and Thou abasest whomsoever Thou pleasest. In Thy hand is all
    good. Thou surely hast power to do all things. > Surah Al Imran (3:27)
    .... It should always be borne in mind that if Allah's commandments are
    not followed then He - Who is the King of all the kings and in Whose
    Presence great world powers are naught - gives succour and help to the
    disadvantaged and weak and brings disgrace and humiliation to those
    who are apparently powerful.
    (12) Allah's help can only be attained by abiding by His commandments.
    May Allah enable the believers to comprehend and understand His
    commandments so that they may avoid being maltreated by the people who
    God has referred to as 'those who have incurred His displeasure' and
    'those who have gone astray'. If they do not recognize the diviniely
    appointed Guide of the age and do not assemble on one hand, they will
    be chastised. This matter need attention. May Allah/God grant us the
    insight and perception of His Mastership (Maalik) and enable us to do
    good works so that we may attain His blessings in this world and the
    Hereafter and are saved from torment. Fervent prayers are required for
    the believers that may they understand the real will of the Master
    and recognise the Guide that He sent in accordance with the need of
    the time and are then helpful in bringing about the triumph of His way
    of peace.
    (13) We should pray for the all world that may they be enabled to
    recognise God, Who is Master of the Day of Judgment, so that they are
    saved from chastisement.
    ------------- Promised-divine-peace guide for this era at
    The book full of knowledge and analysis = revelation, rationality,
    knowledge and truth @
    ------------------------------------ LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE

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