1. Data: 2019-07-17 10:14:56
Temat: Antysemityzm w prawie (Francji): włamywacze nie zostali oskarżeni o antysemityzm
Od: "A. Filip" <a...@p...pl>
> France: No hate crime charges against burglars who targeted Jews
> Prosecutors in France do not include hate crime in indictments of
> three suspects in breaking into Jewish home in 2017.
> Ben Ariel, 17/07/19 04:13
> Paris ; Reuters ;
> Prosecutors in France did not include the aggravated element of a hate
> crime in indictments of three men who allegedly singled out a Jewish
> family for a burglary at their home, JTA reported on Tuesday. [...]
A. Filip
| Nie pluj w studnię, bo może ci przyjść kiedyś czerpać z niej wodę.
| (Przysłowie polskie)